The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

4 4 4 WANTED men to All 'eltuations: aleo borors, mechanics, farm bande, No for procuring situations. large number of vacancies pow immediate HULL Employment 1c8 No. 115 Second street. signment 200,000 pounds CURED (two bundred BACON--OD thousand adance ponds) will newly be cured made. bacon, The on same to which be consigned a liberal oupouscs Motgomery, at Columbus Alabama.

and WILLIAMS Savannah, FRANCIS. Georgia, 1 din WANTED -TO good EXCHANGE land and acres lice will of be near Mapbls and Little Rock Railroad, as the acitation of contry twithousand is dollars Any A5 family dOOD having a piano to ha, better the investmer than to let the st nd idle. Address Box 600, Louisville, Ky. 05 my sister WANTED have not seen her since I NejOrleans, about 10 years ago. Her age 19 26; of she natve of Ireland, county of Mayo, barrack Ballyhou.

Any information will be thankrolly received by her sisters, MARY and CATHERINE KFILY. No. 293 High street, Lout ville, Ky. duiry men, 4 ga-deners. 20 choppers, 13 farmi bonds, 2 American men wivs.

5 German men and wives, colored won-n and children, 1 partners with sums from to MINT $23,000, rare chances. LOUISVILLE EMPLOY. AGENCY, 101 Fifth street. les WAGE -A has had SITUATION three years' As teacher, experience by racking, in cither family or chool in the conutry. Address A.

No. 234 Market street, Loui-ville, Ky. WAN -TO that INFORM the ONLY emploger, free employ- farmers, meut office in Louisville where can be obtain reliatole help os aas nation, race, sex or color, FREE CRARGE. the Lou'sville Employment Agency, 1.1 Fifth street. feldif WANTED can -The obtain citizens the of best Louisville grad: of to temale know belo, free of charge, cond at BULL Employment Uttice, 115 street, between Market and 6.0 dtt business, to call address for circular.

nod. learn of the very best war to make money ever offered. SHANNON SELLERS, 115 Jefferson street. U.S. Hotel Balding, Loulsville, Ky.

re6 WANTED an entirely -A Dew eart, patent active article man, to having travel largo sale, and wanted to every store and ottice in the United States. Call at 100 Jefferson street. third story. fe6 d3 in rity or coantry desiring good cooks, laundresses, nurses, house-kerpers, can be SUITED AT ONCE selecting. The LOUISVILLE EMPLOYMENT N.

B. A lady Superinteuds the Female DepartAGENCY, 101 Filth street, below the Court-house. ment. 105 dtf Suitabl for a drug store. Apply to MORRIS, SOUTHWICH CO.

fe5 dtr that will pat $2.000 in a real estate pay 50 per cent. prodt in years. Addross, for one week, G. R. at thisotice, giving name, with tune aud place where personal may be had.

Ja24 deod6t By an experienced in either dry goods, clothing, grocer. feE, drug, or cotton and commission business. is thoroughly acquainted with the merchants and planters of Southern Kentucky, Middle Tennessee, Northcro Alabama dud Georgia. Address Louisville P. 0.

res d6 WANTED Washington College, As teacher, Lexington, by a grad- with two years' experince as teacher. Addre-6 care of Coarter offce. fe2 IV and Ironers wanilog farm work, hands. can cooks. secure washers good places by ap-lying to HULL En plozment 115 Second street, near Jefferson.

fei dir $1,000 young man, that can xive his time and capital, to make money to A well-established cash business, tha' pave a good pront. To the right man, mom taken by lostallments. J. M. 'WARREN.

fe1 dit $500 WANTED take charge of a light and ty prodtable veizuboring business: one chy. who To has a no good man objection to.goweaning business a rare chance is odered. References changed. Addrees G. FORBES, Louisville.

Ky. 1a31 dtf W. cupied by the Courier othce being altozether ocinadequate for its purpose, the proprietor de: tres to I case tor a term of years. or purchase on time, a building, or lot suitable for A building. It must not be far distant from tbo corner of Third or Fourth and Def -rson streets, nvenience to the postoflice being a Docessity, Parties having such property will apply at the Courier office.

dtf WANTED apply -HELP without -Girls to good 111 sitnations. recommendations. None Office conducted by a lady. No. 17 Jefferson street, ber ween First and Second streets.

LA Office for call at the well-recommended new Southern Office conducted by a lady. No 17 Jefferson st ect, between First and Second streets. Jalud1m WANTS good paying cash business, and a well es. tablished. Address, with name and where an interview can be had, C.

Louisville Postotlice. jal9dtf FOR SALE--CITY. IC EA No. 1 mules. 3 carts 3 drays.

I sets harness, compictc, will be sold publicly on Wednes day, Feb. 12th, at Levi's stab c. J. C. MULIIOL: LAND.

f-6 d3 -We bave two drays aud harness for sale at our stable, which have been used about two months, which we wish to sell cheap. C-INTON LINKS. Stable on Second street, bet. Main and Market. 1e? dtf splendid Burglar and Fire Proof Safes for sale at bargaiue.

SUEDMAN I'. WHALEY. Auctioneer. fe7 d3 or whole interest in one of the oldest auction and commission houses to the city. For informstion, aldress E.

Loulsville Rustoffice. fe? 01 NOR SALE-A NO. I DRUG -Centrally located and doing a good business. stock and Ax. fires new and complete, is now offered for sale, 75 the owner lutends removiug into the couvtry.

For orther porcula apniy to ROBERT KNUEFEL. 95 hird etreot, Louisville, Ky. Ic? db' FOR SALE -STEAM ENGINE- An excellent steam engine, with boiler, heater, and connections complete; also. some Apply to CHAS. D.

JACOB, at Thomas Martin Sou's, north side Main, between First and Second. jut dtf FOR ment barn cart. and sots of governsad b. esa: idles, also, and collars Wagon, constantly on stage hand. barness, JAS.

TREASY No. 218 Market street, beween Sixth and Seventh, Louisville, Ky. de3 d3m' Dew wachinery fu stock and for sitle low for casb: MOI -I Dave the following one pair extra well Amished steamboat engines, with Grinch cylinder, 5-tect stroke: one horizontal stationnry engine, 12-Inch cylinder, 24-pch stroke; one do, 12-luch cylinder, 20-luch stroke; one do, 11-fuch cylinder, 20-Inch stroke; one do. 10-inch cylinder, 21-loch stroke, one do, 10-lueh cylinder, 20-Inch streko: ove do. 9-Inch cylinder, 18-inch stroke: one do.

cyl. aVer. 14-inch stroke: one do, 6-inch cylinder, 22-inch one 20-horse power portable engine; one 18- power 10-horse power do; one good, second semi-portable vertical engine. Also, several den and iron frame saw mills, and eight shingle JULIUS BARBAROUX, Oydrautic Foundry rehlue Shop, aortucast corner Floyd nad Washstreets. Set dir NOR neat frame cottage in Indiana: terms cary.

Apply to ALBERT S. WILLIS, at the nith door from the southeast corner of ritth and Jellerson streets. nol6dtf FOR MALEOR LEASE -LOTS -A on ber of bullding lots. Apply at ROWAN AN'S office. No.

12 Center street. dtf SALE OLD PAPERS 3,000 old papers, suitabie for wrapping paper, aud tuc cheapest that can be used, for sale at this ottico. ocd dir FOR carriage, second-handed; -ALE-CARRIAGE-An beeu ased elegant but little two-norse sale chrap. Apply to J. C.

BETTIS, Scroud atrect. pet. Main and turket. ACI8 utf FOR search SALE houses OK to will do well Persons 10 of reut, on ROOD WARFIELD. No.

1'55 Third street, betweeu Caren and Walnut, who nave houses of every grade to nispose of by sale or rent. sell NOR RESIDENCE--Just Onisted, large, and with all the moderu conveniences, Altuated on Brondway, south side, between Sixth and Seventh. Terms easy. Inquire of JAS. KENNEDY, on premises, or af ins tuili, on Eighth street, between Mayo and Market.

aulftf SALE -A FINE BUILDING LOT 165 Icet on the southeast corner of and ale streets. Apply to IMIERMAN No. 221 Wot Market street. np30 dtf FOR RENT. FOR RENT Buchanan -TOBACCO strect, FACTORY factory between Franklin nad Main strceis, formerly occupled by, W.

Thomas Co. Inquire at Room No. Hamilton Bullding, corner Sixth and Main str cte. fe8 d6" FOR brick RENT- -HOUSE -A desirable two-story dwelling ou Pixth street, between Chestnut and Broad way, containing vine rooms, cont-house, Gas and water throughout. Apply to J.

C. ROD, 136 Main. te7 def FOR for sale. Inquire of BaCKLEY BENNETT, No. 23 East Market street, Louisville, Ky.

fe7 HO MORRIS, -FIVE UP STAIRS ROOMS--By FOR RES Eigbin and Niuth, Eastern on Montgom- conery, bek. Portland, talning Ave rooms, cellar, cistern, stable, porcher, Lot S0 feet by 210 to an alley. A variety fruit. shrubbery, The place is very desirable, convenlent to city school, witb good neighbors, Rent per month. Apply to OLIVER H.

STRATTON, Ltd West rson street. d6 FOR ENT kind of -STAND--An excellent of stand for alwost any business, on one the most public streets in the city. The two-stry brick store dweding-honse next south of the corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets. in excellent order, will be rented low to a good tenant. Apply at Aouth side Main fireet, near Ninth, 10 W.

AN. 1el d10 dwell- I brick ing house. containing nine rooms, with gas, ter, north side Walnut. near Firetstrect. A two-story brick dwelting house, containing rooms, west side Cing, near Washington street.

Anply to IRVINE MERWIN, corner Main and Hanco*ck streets. 1029 dir FOR dwelling RENT containing -DWELLING pine rooms, HOUSE situated A on desirable the side of Third street, No. .463, between Breckinridge Kentucky. 56 Inquire the premises or to MILES. cat street.

ja26 dtf FOR the REST south side -HOUSE-A of Gray street, two-story between brick house First and eacnd, containing 6 rooms. Apply to GHANS 91 Main strect. Ja23 dtt FOR house, RENT situated on the west -A tour side of Second brick street, store between Main and Market, Do.70. Apply B. GRAY, over Western Icearuce ottee, Main street, between Second and Third.

RENT -NATIONAL capacions HOTEL, hotel, LOUISVILLE. temporary KY. large and closed for repairs, on the corner of Stain and Fourth to the very heart of the city, is offered for reut. it has done a lucia ire business for the Fears. For terms, apply to THOS.


jalSdti FOR tenant, two good rooms -To over an our baukir unobiectionable office. Entrance on Fourth street. TUCKER CO, corner Fourth and Main streets. Ja16 dtf RENT- formerly RESIDENCE and A occupied desirable by Judge dence, Oldham, on the Bards own turnpike, Just outside the city and opposito Mr. Inarc Ererett's.

Possession given nomeolatcly. For further particulars apply to WHITMAN WILSON, or to I. B. MILL, at the Northern Bank. neSt otf IN REST A VERY DESIRABLE HOUSECorner and containing 10 rooms, stable, and all necessary out -buildings, newly painted and papered throughout.

Lot 105 feet tront by 142 feet deep to an alley. Yard well set in fruit Anu FanGe trere. Inquire st No. 656 opposite. Price, $50 per month.

de22 dtf. STORIES- On Jan. 1, 1508, the second, third, and fourth stories of storehonse No. 284 Main bet. Seventh and Eighth.

Inquire of LOW WAITNEY. de10 dtf HON store (No. 91 Fourth The street) large and ana commodious warehouse in the rear. Apply to J. L.

SONS. 0212 dtf tucky. 1c6 FOUND. book, with chain attached, containing small a pocket. amount of moncy, the owner can get by calling at No.

19 est Starket street, and paying for this adverisem*nt. di FRONT and Green The -OD owner the can corner learu of of their whcreabouts by caning at this office and paycharges. Let dis ONT-A BUNCH OF Third street, bctween Main and Market, or on Market, between Third and Fifth, The fuder will be rewarded on leaving it at this office, lady's small watch, bine enpearla. The bc Torrally rewarded by applying al tbc Bar.k' of Ken- a a a a a a a a a a 1 fendy for CAn charges the "History of the War between tbe States." the Hon. Alexandor H.

-tephens. Send for an 1 see our terms and a full description of tho Address NATI NAL PUBLISHING 148 dir Fourth street, Cincinnati. 0. fe? con- FOUR ENERGETIC AGENTS Good wages wall be given to suitable men. cash to erences required.

FITCE, LINDSEY 77 Fourth street. and work Southern BIOGRAPHIES P'ollard's LEE HIS LIEUTENANTS. Th la an entirely cotton work, replete with most interesting the facts never before published, and worth with the "Lost Cause," by tho me. author, a tba lars piete library of war. Serd fo: descriptive spare and terms.

Address F. Dibble, publistier, plano Main street. corner Sixth, Louisville. Kv. 807 THE GRAY AND HOW.

THEY LIVED, FOUGHT. Brid- AND DIED FOR DIXIE, with Incidents and lett of life in the spiciest and is a war boos of pablished. our rite have only per copy. TION-Some ngent: taken advantage the great popularity and large size ot this work raise the price to 81 per copy. The public are notifed that they hare no right to charge more 83.

Send for circulars. Aduross, wood JONES ABI1HERS with 1a10 Cincinnati, onto. men, 8230 a ung man, board in boarders. Address H. there are no A private where 1cS Courier office.

WAN in privt to family: has one sentleman child, years old; preters from Sixth Ninth street. Address No. 291 West Main OF botween Seventh and Eighth. LeS d6" FOR with RENT--Furnished front and back roon without board: tablo unobiectionable. Apply at No.

160 West Walnut, between Fourth Fitib. fc5 with references can accommodated with Ane rooms and board from 85 to $7 per week: also, day boa ders, at .284 Second: treet, between Chestnut and Broadway. on let deod6 BY Comfortable rooms tor families single gentlemen, with good boarding, may nad at No. 24 Last Walnut, between Fist and and treets. A tew lable boarders also can be accomvodated.

Jy16 deodif A at well $5 per furn week, shed fre front and room lights with board cindede also a few day hoarders at reasonaole ratce, 1-18 Eighth st, between Grayson and Walnut. desiring bourd can be at No. East Market strect. room, and lights all furnished at 87 week. $5 per week for day hoarders.

Do25dLf Dest cheapest boarding. the city Ke-taurant, In Central Market. Three meal tickets for $1, or 21 for 85. Good board, and meal hours to sult the public. 101 dtf FOR SALE -COUNTRY, ACRE OF GROUND- WIth new tr me cottage of 3 rooms, mi'es from the city.

Apply 10 HULL 115 Second street, vent Jefferson. dir 160 acres of unimproved in Monroe county, 10 intles east Bloomington, or to M. exchange for goons. For pArtleuare inquire JAS. WE.

Bloomington, of SAM. MOORE, at Gardner Louisville, By. fe5 dill R--B DSTOWN PROP -I offer for sale my house and lot in Bardstown. It 18 large and handsome brick, containing 7 roowa and kitch the rooms are 21 teet equare, with high con. ines; there are, also, a meat-kouse.

ben-house, stable: carri ge-house, and crib: also, an excellent well and cistern. The lot contains a fraction over an sere, with an iron fence in 'roof, and yaid supplied with shade trees. I will also sell between 150 and 175 acreof land lying two mil's fro a Bardstown, ou Bloomdeld road. The land is level, and in a good state of cultivation There are about 40 acres of 1tmber set In grate. is a two-story brick house on the land -old style, but substantial: oleo, an excellent barn.

Any one desiring to purchase either or both, will apply to the undersigned, at Bardstown, tel deod5" A. K. COX. FOR COUNTY FARM -Situated the Hardinebarg. road, in the "Beech containing S41 acres, all under fence.

and about acres in cultivation-110 in grass; plenty of neverfalling water; good improvements, consisting, ot dwelling house, 4 rooms below, 3 above; abundant barn room for storing bay aud tobacco; corn (ribalor 2,400 bushels coru, ice-house, carriage-house, kitclien. 3 houses for tenants, 2 rooms in cacti, and other and convenient out houses: 200 apple bearing trees: and, also, fruits of various other kinds. The shove proparty will be sold in whole or in parcels to suit purchasers. For terms apply to me on tbe premor to T. C.

McC. very, in Owensboro. also, to G. H. SPE Coeuran or J.

F. Spped, in Loulaville. TROS. S. D.

reG deodim FOR SALE-OR mile east RENT of Bard -NELSON COUNTY containtown, ing 170 acres. all In cuitivation: good substantial brick dwelling honse and saitable out buildings; best or never-tal ing water, good garden spot: youag orchard, and other fruit trees. The above place is convenient te schools, and Is a desirable and comfortable home. For terms of sale or rent apply to J. W.

Muir. of Barratown. or J. F. Speed.

of Louisville. or myself In Davies county. THOS. S. SPEED.

fe6 deod1m several fine contry readences and hichly ROK SALE RESIDENCES -I have proved tarms in this connty for salc. Apply at No 4 Center strect. BOBT. W. HAYS.

jaS1 d21n FOR Hotel, SALE situated -HOTEL in tie -Tho towa old of and Shelbyville, rehabie City vois, and on the T. A. k. K. together with all the fixtures appertaining 10 hotel-keeping.

Also, stables, out houses, horses and This house Is doing a No. 1 businese. 'Corms reasonable. Call on or address DUCKER Proprietor. Ja16 dim HOR House and AND LOT In Emivence, either Ky.

large commodious, nitable tor boarding house or dwelling. Terms made casy. Apple to J. B. BRINEY, Eminence, By.

ju11 wha JOUN W. EUGHES E-tale Ageur, No. Green, between second and Third steers: A small tract of land (9 acres), all under fence, Iles from the city, on the Cane Hun turnpike, 120 acres laud, 4 miles from the city, 4: ostly cleared and under tence. 146 acres, 11 miles 1 on he city: 50 acres cleared and nder good fence: comfortable bouse, good barn, acres of No. 1 limber.

30 acre, miles below the city, nenr the Obio dyer: comfortaole house. and in provemente fair. A farm of 50 acres, adj dining the above, with good provements; land all cleared, and good quality. 40 acres on the Ohio ri' er. miles below the city; wo good orchards, but no honse.

80 acres of well-improved land on the Jeffersooville ed Indianapol ka.Iroad, 26 miles from Jefferson1e. 100 AcreS Improved land at sao Olio river, 12 miles elow the city. ncres on the Ohio river, miles below the mouth or Salt river; 60 acres cleared; balauce in good timber. 120 acres, 8 miles from Elizabethtowa, on the rou'e the Paducah Rallroad. 80 acres.

1 miles from the city: all under fence; 10 cres in timber, balance cleared. 68 acres, miles from town: all cleared and under ence: no buildirge. 30 acres cleared laud, milestrom the city; all under ence: no buildings. 40 acres highly-improved land, on the Newbur road miles from the city. 100 acres clemed land, in Todd county.

bear Elkton. Lot on Grayson, bet. Twenty Alth and Twenty-sixth. 00x210 teet. Lot on Jefferson street, bet.

Twenty-ONth and Twinsixth, 0x210 teet. House and lot on Walnnt. bet Fonrteenth and Fifteenth; lot 90x200; house has 7 roome. 70x400 feet ou Ward street, between Fifth and Sixth trects. in11 0u -FARM-For improved ty property.

an Improved farm, 11 miles from the Preston-street road. Apply at West Jefferson strect. to J. G. WILSON.

del0 dtf -Of 102 acres, more cight miles west of LEOR EXCHANGE--A FINE FARM Louisville, near Cane Run Gravel rond; two log houses and stables ou the premises; thirty or thirty-five acres of timber. Terms car--part cash and valance on time; or would exchange for city property. Apply to W. I. SALE, at Crawford Sale's, No.

250 Malo street, Louisville, Ky: D06 dir NOR the SAL.E-LAND-176 Court-house. ucres If of laud. within will 2 miles of we sell smaller quantities. Apply to DR. COCHRANE.

No. 162 Sixth street, or I. L. POPE. Mechanics' Bank.

no16dtt FOR RENT -COUNTRY. FOR Bardstowo, 34 miles from Louisville by rail REST OR SALE ROTEL. or pike. Excellent brick house, newly and painted outside and in; pleasant and location: 20 rooms, nice hails aud porches. bar-room pod fixtures, large cellars, servante' rooms, and out-hou-es: brick stable with 30 stalls, carringc-house.

cow lot, cisteru, nod well: lee-house, alted. BOWLES BARBOUR, Real Agents, 78 Main street. fe5 dir FOR lease on the above house HOTEL, will expire ATLANTA, on the 15th of June next, and, 16 we have made other business arrangements, will sell our furniture. bar 1x-. tores.

bil sard tabics, and remainder of lease, at a ressonable nrice. The house can be rented from the owners for one or a term of years; is the best located hotel in the city. and has an tabh hod business. Call on. or correspond with as, at Atlanta, Georgia! WHITE TAKEN UP.

A stray, by A. V. Groghegon, living on the Salt river the pike, 15th car the 13 abile red stone, in Jefferson county, on one cow, with the following marks: Halt crop in left. "Ar and swallow tork in the right-and supposed to be abunt ten sears old -but having no brand- or other marks. and wbich was appraised by T.

B. Greenly at $20. Witness my hand this day of Javuarv. 1863 PHILIPT. MILLER, I.

C. tet d1 Auction on Wednesday, Feb. 1SKS. WeLL sell without reservation, at public auction, number of lots in this destrable locality. These lots are ou elevated ground, easy of access at all sons of the year, and are situated in Todd county, Kentucky, at the Junction of tour important ramrods -Mempuls Branch of the Louisville and Nashville, Memphis, Clorksville and Louisville, and Kentucky, and more Evansville railroad and Henderson Railroadsthus combining facilities than any other point in the State.

It is destined to be THE place. There is now erceted at this point AD house, several 8101 And otber business honscs, and the probabilities are that when the gel Henderson and Nashville Railroad reaches the com nolds in tucks each of the above roads will erect machine shops at this point, fuel. because of the extraordinary mcflitics for cheap It is the place where all the mails stop, coming or going from the North. different South. routes East and West- wuere To the merchant, the mechanic.

ani all business pa-sengers for the change cars. men, as well as the capitalist. place offors De! rare this inducements for investment. Then, determined come sell. come all: TERMS buy -One a -third bargain, east, the am balance in one and two and as I to years.

with interret, and Heu retained until tue chase money is paid. PUBLIC SALES. JUNCTION! A Number of Lots in the Citr of' Guthrie, (state Line, for Sale at Public fez deod1 W. F. BIBR.

Public Sale of Henry County Land. WILL sell on the 24th day ot February, if not, pre: I vous cold, my farm ol 192 acres, immediately on the Louisville, Frankfort and Lexington Railroad. withio ball a mile of the Belleview Depot or Bill'e Spring P. 0.: 25 acres in good 15 acres in fruit oi all descriptions one could wish: in strawberry: acres in grapes, all in full bearing: fruit all under a young hedge fence; balance of farm in a good state of cultivation; a good new cottage, barn, ice. house, and all necessnry out-buildinge." I will also sell, on the same day, all my stock, farming implements, household and klichen furniture.

Forms made known on day ofenle. 1a23 d15 THUS. J. RU TCHESON. NEW FIRMS.

Copartnership. HAVE this day admitted partners in my ness Mr. Jas. Birdwhistell, -Chas. W.

Frisbic And Thos. Check. The business will hereafter be conducted under the style and name of H. S. Buckner Co.

(a19dIm) H. S. BUCKNER. Charleston. Hotel, CHARLESTON, S.

C. undersigned respectfully he has informs his friends and the traveling public taken charge of the above -class hotel, and and reflued 11 1a all ite departments. The celebrated artesian water baths, hot, cold, and thower, at all hours. Conches ran to and troin all railroads and steamers, with attentive porters. The patronage of the taveling public is respectfully solicited.

ja2? dit' HORBACH. Ageut, Proprietor STACEY HOUSE, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. 'HIS ODe. butel ie now in tall and! succosatul opera fion, under 1ts present manager, who has been connected With the house since its first opening. It 1- the most comfortable, cheerful and lively botel in Nashville.

teddy old and the traveling public are solicited patronize it. at J8SI dim W. A. JONES. Cleansing Privies.

of AM now prepared to contract for cleansing out old privies or digging new onca. Orders left on the I slate at the Washington on Jeffereon; between Third and Fourth, or at the Board of Health 0a26 THOS. T. HICKEY. AUCTION SALES.

C. E. B. T. MOORE.

GARTRELL MOORE, Auction and Commission Merchants, 127 N. W. M. corner Maia and old Fourth stand,) streeta, Louis(formerly J. Armstrong's ville.

Ky. Liberal advances made on consignments. Ja8t.dtf M2TO-DAY. BY-8. P.

WHALEY, 81 and 83 street: REGULAR wy sales at auctiou.rooms, every S1 and day 83 during Filth Et. this S. P. WHALEY. Auctloueer.


Trustee's Sales of Farcy and Staple Dry Goods, AT AUCTION. (SATURDAY) MORNING, Feb. 8, at 10 o'clock, I will resume tue sale of the late G. R. Tabb's sto: or staple and fancy dr goods, at his storc, corner Fourth and Market strecta: The stock Lo be sold embraces.

some valuable, Ane, and desirable goods of latest styles, sulted to the season. The ladies are invited to attend. Torma cash. fel C. SPRNCRR.

Auctioneer. BY J.D. WRIGHT. One flue 0 Set of Bed-room Furniture, Parfor Furniture, Bedsteada, Tables, Chairs, 4'ook -toves. and Cotton-top Carpete, Mir1 Notions; Chinn al 25 Sets, bbis.

Family blankets. Clothing, -o, plour, AT AUCTION. at Main 64 Third street, cast side, SATURDAY Feh. 8. at 10 o'clock, between and Market, to be sold for cash to the bighest bidder.

Terws cush. 1c7 J.D. WRIGHT. Auctioneer BY P. WHALEY.

61 and 83 Fifth strect. One Cow and Gulf, plendid Lot of Furniture, one Piano, Spring Wagon. one Buggy, and a Large Variety of Goods; also, a Lot of Grocerics, ON o'clock, SATURDAY I will sell, at MORNING, my Feb. auction-roome, 8, 1868. a at large 10 and elegant lot or new: and second-hand furniture, one piano, spring wagon.

top buggy, and a large lot of groceries. Tue cow and calf will be sold at o'clock and precisely, the wagon and buggy immediately after, the groceries at 12 o'clock precisely. There is also a large lot of carpets on band tbat will be told at 11 o'clock. Terms fe? 8. P.

WHALEY, Auctioneer. BY C. C. HUTCHINSON, Auctioneer and Cowmiselon Merebant for the sale of all kinds of Merchandise, Bonds, Stocks, and Real Estate, No. 70 street, between Eccond and Tbird; New York office, 192 Broadway.

DOUR nights' sale of stundard and miscellaneous commencing MONDAY NIGHT, Feb. 10. These books are all new, and will be ready for inspection Saturday oralaz. tel dr BY S. P.

WHALEY, 81 and 83 Filth street. Peremptory Cash Sale of a Brick Cottage and Lot, on Rowan street, between eventeeuth and Eighteentb, AT AUCTION. a o'clock, fell, op the premise, a nice brick SATURDAY Feh. 8, 1868, at 3 cottage, ail of containing three rooms, good cellar, cistern, and rive on The sale will be poetand peremptory for cash, and I invite all parties bare interested in real estate to the pale, fel S. P.

WHALEY. Auctioneer. BY S. G. HENRY co.

Stock of Drugs, Store Fixtures, and Lease of House, AT AUCTION. the THURSDAY, Feb. 20, commencing at 10 o'clock A. The arm of J. S.

Morris Sons being dissolved, street, we will gel: Fourth on the premises, south side Main and between and their entire stock. cousisting of Drugs. Chemicals, l'aints. Varnishes, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Fancy Goods, Cigars, Liquors, Togrther with the olice furniture, store fixturce, and lease o' the building. All goods will be sold by 88 pie, and in quantities to suit purchasers.

Terms- Purchases or $50g and anaer, ca purchases over tour months' credit with approved bankab Dote. HENRY Auctioneors. CANDIDATES. FOR T. B.

('tancellor COCHRAN of is the Louisville candidate for Chancery the Court. office of Ja5 dtc FOR MARSHAL CHANCERY COURT. PIOMAS F. SHERLEY Is a candidate for Marshal of the Chancery Court at tbc casuing August election. Ja20 dte R.

Chancery Court candidate for August Marshal election. of the ja9 def WE ER are a candidate for announce Marshal of JOHN the THATCH- Loutsville Chancery Court, at the next August election. jal die F. Louisville WELMAN is Chancery a candidato Court at for tho Marshal next of Anguel the election. die 117 are nathorized for to andonnce Marshal ROBT.

the W. Louisville HERR. Chancery Court at the next August election. 12 dtf WE cand authorized to Marebal andonnce of J. the D.

PARKS Louisville AS Chancery Court at the August clection ate are authoriz at to the annonnce b. C. D. WHIPS as candidate next August election for Marshal of the Chancery Court, de8l ato ArC authorized nest Aug announce st T. election D.

for FOX 18 Mar. a shal of the Chancery Court. de31 dte CLERK CHANCERY COURT. (AHARLES M. THRUSTON is a candidate for or the Louisville Chancery Court.

ja21 die TARRY STUCKEY in A candidate for re-election for Clerk of the Louisville Chancery Court. Ja17 are authorized to announce Dr. GEO. A. HOKE os a candidate for Clerk of the Louisville cery Court.

jal4 die FOR COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY. Fare Owen, authorizec as to canaldate announce for J. D. Commonwealth's LILLARD, Attorney in the Eighth Judicial District. Ja24 are nuthorized to announce L.

R. THURMAN, of Washington, as a candidate for Commonwealth's Attorney in the Fitth Judicial District.composed of the counties of Anderson, Mercer, Marion, Nelsou, Taylor and Washingion, subject to a Deinocratic convention, one be ueld. Ja7 1. DUPUY is a candidate for RE-ELECTION 10 the oilice or Common wealth's Attorney In this District. de20 dte D.

wealth's HARRINGTON Attorney 18 in this candidate Judicial tor District, Common- subject to the decision of a Democratie Convention. J.2 d2m 1EORGE WILLIAM CARUTH 19 8 candidate for Cowmonwealth'a Attorney in this District. de2Sdte J. M. Attorney WRIGBT in is this a District candidate for Commonwealth's de27dte TILL.

LEE 1: a candidate for Commonwealth's Attorney in this District. de22 dre WV are authorized Democratic to announce candidate Capt. for N. A. Common HUM wealth's Attorney in this Judicial District.

de22 dut AVE 18 are a authorized candidate to tor NAT. GAITHER Attorney in the Fifth District, subject to the decision ol a Democratic convention. Ja13te are anthorized for to re-election announce to the L. H. office NOBLE, of As Com- 8 monwealth's Attorney for the Fitth Judicial District, at the cusuine August election.

1a1 03m FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE. are Shelby authorized county, to as 1 announce C. candidate M. tor HARWOOD, Circuit Judge in this, the Seventh Judicial District, eubject to the action or a Democratic convention. Jaz6dtt H.

A candidate District, for Circuit composed Judge of Jet- fu terson. Oldhum, Shelby, Spencer, aud Bullitt counties. 1815 dtf WE are authorized CAndidate to for announce Judge R.S. of the MONTAGUE. Circuit Court for the Fifth Judictal District, to the decision of a Democratic convention, should one be held.

jail dte CIRCUIT COURT CLERK. are authorized to announce Mr. JOHN ROBIN. a candidate for re-election as Clerk of the Shelby County Circuit Court at the ensuing August election. J.

P. Cierk THOMPSON 0i Marion a county caodidate at the for ensuing Circuit August Court elcetion. ja14 dim' JACK SARGAN a candidate for Clerk or the Court at the August elcetion, 1508. ja3 die TORN CAIN is a candidate for Clerk of the Jeffer. son Circuit Conrt.

WE are BERS as a authorized candidate to Announce re-election JAMES to P. the CHAM- office of Clerk of the Circuit Court at the ensuing August election. 183 dte FOR W. ABLE is a candidate for Sheriff at the ensnIng August f02 dta are candidate authorized for Sheriff to at the announce August S. S.

election. RITE 88 8 ja29 dtc are authorized to announce Capt. JOHN M. a candidate for Sheriff at the Angust election. dte FOR STREET INSPECTOR.

FRED. T. SALIS. Put ho ch ed do announce Inspector in the Western District at the ensuing April election. J.

spector in WILLIAMSON tho Eastern is a Distatet, candidate at the for April Street elec- Intion. ja31 D. the BOWLES Eastern District, candidate at the for April Street election. -Inspector INSURANCE STATEMENTS STATEMENT -OF THEMERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, the Anditor of the Slate of Kentucky, Januar's 1868: ASSETS. Cash on hand and in bank.

11,159 Bonds and mortgages and Boston. Estate and other 103,700 United States 5-20 and 10-40 161.850 882 New York, Haritord Bank 105,000 15 S2 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted and not 9,214 99 Losses 00 $41,549 33 As per original ou Bic with the Clerk of the Jeffer son County Court. W. S.

VERNON SON, Agents. 1a26 d12 No. 157 Main street. REMOVAL. W.

A. OWEN, 185 Mniu Street. between Fiftb and Sixth, sonta side, Wholesale Dealer and Importer in Queensware, Glassware, China, the from above our it old will stand. be seen 245 that north we side hare Main removed street, between Sixth and Seventh. in our new locntion we lotend to keep a Call.

invite of attention everything in our line, to which we the of our old friends and the merchants DAILY COURIER. SATURDAY MORNING, FEB. 8, 1868. CITY AND SUBURBS. LOCAL ODDS AND ENDS.

There is to be a meeting of the Radicals Turner Hall co-night. The stage between Bloomfield and uels' Depot will resume its trips on the let March. AF A large fruit crop is predicted next season: Thus far all kinds of fruit have been caempt damage by cold weather. Three horses and a cow, belonging to B. Hatfield Son, were burned to death In stable, at New Albany, on Wednesday A meeting of the beer and ale brewers our city will take place at Brobm's Exchange morrow at 2 o'clock, P.

M. Co fluber'e Station has been recognized regular and permanent one on the Louteville Nashville by the directory. It is generally believed, from the temperature of the weatber, that the ground hog did see shadow on Candlemas day, and retreated to hole. The proccedings of the Brewers'. Convenlion would have appeared in yesterday's COURIER but for the failure of another office to furnish prool-elip.

Or We learn that th peach and apricot crops, which are much the tenderest al this scason the year, have been but slightly injured by! stormy wheatber of the past month. Tae loss estimated to be not over ten per cent. A rumor was circulated yesterday that body of Judge Monroe bad been found on Goose island, but it proved false. No tidings have yet been beard of the unfortunate gentleman. CP Mr.

Joseph Watts, formerly of Paducab, but now of the firm of W. C. Watts Liverpool, came over on the Siberia, from England, and passed through our city Jesterday, way to see his relatives in South Kentucky. 27 The examinations of applicants for positions teachers in our public schools continued yesterday. A large number of young ladies presentthemselves as candidates -some of whom bave times past been in circamstances.

All tbc treat leg on the Bardstown road have been renewed, the cogine repaired, acd the train makes prompt time every day. 'This road la doa Anc businces both in the way of passenand freight. 3 The report of the directors of the Indiana State prison at Jeffersonville for the past year, show an excess of $12,828 79 in expenditures over receipts ot the lustitutioo: This is somewbat better than the year pr. vious. Horse thieves are freely operating in the border counties of this State and Indiana.

Thes thus far been very successful in eluding the vigilance of the officers and citizens. It is quite evident that an organized band are committing robucries. ET For ecveral days past we bare noticed an unusual number of straugers in our city, most of whom are en route East to purchase, their spring stocks. We would euggest to our rural friends advantages offered by our wholesale establishments. They might profit by calling upon them, save a long and expensive journey.

The College-street Mission, under charge of the Presbyterians of our city, is prospering. The prospects are very favorable for building up a large Mission Sabbath school and church. On last Sabbath there were present 104 children, a large Bible class of adults. Dr. Humpurey, together with the eiders and congregation, are labo.

ing with great zeal and efficiency in this good work. DIFFICULTY AND dificalty occurred yesterday between Frank Rankin and John Barnes, which led to the arrest. of the former. As Officer Beach was conducting Rankin to jail, the prisoner resisted him, on the corner of Sixth and Jefferson. The officer in the struggle threw Ranklu to the ground, knocking his knee cap out of place.

The case will be investigated before the City Court this morning. FIRE. about o'clock yesterday morning an alarm of fire was sounded from eigual box No. 62. It proved to be in two cottages on Magazine street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets.

One of them is owned by a German and the otber by a colored man named Bob Gay. They were damaged to the extent of about $800. The engines were promptly on hand, and prevented the entire destruction of the property. POSTAL MATTERS -During the mouth of January a new postoffice bas been established called Brooklyn, in Butler county. The following Kentucky offces have been discontinaed: McLeod's station, in Logan county; Newry, in Henderson; Hazle Green, in Wolf; and Peach Orchard, in Laference.

The Charleston (Ill.) Courier comes to us greatly improved in appearance, having donned 0D entire new dress. We are glad to see this evidence of prosperity, and hope it may continue. Major Miller has retired from the firm, and the paper is now owned and edited by Messrs. I. N.

Underwood and E. B. Buck. 37 When they went to look for Mr. Woench, who drew the great prize in St.

Louis, they found him in bed with bis own wife. Mr. Woench, being now rich, may be able to stand that disclosure in St. Louis, but suppose he had lived in Chicago! in Jefferson countp, 1,300 00 W. C.

B. Oglesby, to Frank X. Kira, acres in Jefferson county, 050 00 Lawrence HIll to Jas. Bischoi, 80 100 feet on Twentieth street, between Market and 950 00 Che. D.

Jacob to Jos. Scyller. 80 by feet, ou Market and Twenty-lourth streets 750 00 Real The following arc the transfers of real estate in Louisville and Jefferson county from the 31at of January, 1868, to the 6th of February, 1868, Northern Bank of Kentucky to James Timmons, 28 acres, Jetterson ty, $11,000 00 Charles N. Sr. to Charles N.

Corri, 26 by 200 feet, Seventh street, between Grayson and 9,000 00 S. B. Lewis io Prec lla Prewitt, 45 acree 8 roods 20 perches, Jeffereon county, Frankel to B. 5,503 00 Hannab -27 by 200 feet. Market atreet, between.

Ninth and 5,000 00 M. Levi to William P. Conrad, 30 by 195 feet, northeast corner Nineteenth and Market 4,000 00 William T. Hamilton to Fred Hunsinger, 25 acres, Jeffereon 3, 200 00 Theo. G.

Suaw to Frederick W. Mabl, 30 by 200 feet, Chestnut, between R. B. Hord to Alexander, 90 acres, Floyd and Preston 8,000 00 Jefferson couuty, 3,000 00 R. B.

Sberridan 10 Mary E. La Rue, 28 br 101 leet, Eighteenth street, butween Grayson and 560 00 William Welle to Charlotte Fucas, 21 by 110 feet, Cbestout street, between Hanco*ck and Jackson. 00 James Callahan to B. Songisoni, 215 feet Broadway, between Ninip and 2,800 00 Jobn Hehl to George Williams, 55 by 180 feet Tbird street, Ormeby'8 subdivi8100 ef Builitt's 2,750 00 R. Tyler to R.

Crutcbfeld, 575 by 716 feet on Maple 2,911 11 M. W. Larde to Edward Garritty, by 101 8-12 teet on Ecighteentb atreet, between Grayson and 1,800 00 Isbam Henderson to Mary McNamey, east balf of lot No. 3 in square 5 range 2, Campbell's west 1,800 00 Northeru Bank of Kentucky to Henry Routenbuscb, 60 by 150 Fifteeth street, between Grayson and 1,50) 00 Cha S. Venable to John Detchen.

21 by 95 feet on Preston street, between Main and 1,500 00 B. Shoendeld to Hannas Frankel, 20 by 873 on Hanco*ck street, between Madi800 aud 1,500 00' G. Minor to E. D. Standiford, 20 acres BREWERS' CONGRESS.

I'rices of Lager Beer Raised. HENRY STEIN, Preeident. Ate. RAITE, Secretary. LOUISVILLE, Feb.

6, 1868. Thc lager beer and ale brewers of this city assembled this morning at 10 o'clock, at Otto Brohm's Exchange. Mr. Joseph Stein took the chair, and appointed Mr. August Raith as Secretars.

The object of the meeting being diecussion of prices of lager beer, ale, and common beer for the coming. season, was wide'y debated, and at last the following resolutione were adopted: WHERRAE, The prices of bops and malt bave risen to a quotation never reached before, and we are willing to turnish the consumers of lager beer, ale, or common beer with an article equal to that delivered to our consumere in past years; be it Resolved, That the undersigued brewers of Louis -ille raisc the price for lager beer to $12 per barrel, which price ball take effect from February 1, 1869; and, further, Be it resolved, That the price of common beer be $9 per barrel from this date. (Signed) Zang, Vogt G. H. Otto, P.

M. Pfeiffer, F. Hillericb, Jobn Kutzeischwab, M. Thomas, G. Knapper, Hartmetz J.

Dobo, G. H. Dobb, Bauer, A. Loeger, 1,. Stoll, Jobs Bauer, Sebastian Bott, Reinhackel Seno, Konrad Walter, Joseph Stein, Wm.

Armbruster, Kopl Walter, G. Peter Moser, John Mciz, Jobn Zeller. On motion it wae concluded tbat another meet: Ing should be held on Sunday, the 9th of February, at 2 o'clock F. at the same locality. shall Resoired, in That the above resolutions be published the Journal, COURIER, Democrat, Auzeiger and Volksblatt.

Marriage Licenses. The following are the marriage licenses iesned by tho Clerk of the Jefferson County Court from tbc 81st of Jauuary to the 6th of February, 1868, inclueive: John B. St. Clair to Carrie Dumont. John Huttinger to Rosa Baarr.

Sylvester Near to Otilia Drexler. L'at. Monaban to Winnefred McNulty. Frederick Sievert 10 Margaret Kelerbar. James Bargett to Mrs.

Sarab Bell: Moses F. Johnson to Anu E. Blair. L. Rosenham to Fannie B.

M. Brown to Mars A. Wbitlow. John Lsusman to Katie Stutzenberger. Isauc R.

W. Mills to Nannio E. Lyvam. Montfort to Ellen Cummins. Jamce.

Wilhoyte to Mildred Clore. M. J. Martin to Mary Riley. Auguetus Lindan to Anna E.

Vincent. Geo. N. Robinson to Lettie E. Peck.

Rico. Hartman to Betty Barr. Arguet Kammerer to Leva Jenne. Ileury Nettclruth to Erwa Vasewer. THE NASHVILLE ELOPEMENT CASE.

A SINGULAR AFFAIR. DEVELOPMENT OF FACTS THE DENOUEMENT. In yesterday's COURIER we gave the particulars of what was believed to be an elopement In the main our sta'ement was correct, but it since transpired that Doctor Stevene, as he tained when arrested, was simply passing through the city to Cincinnati, on A builness tour. following are the facte in the case: Mre. Arthur left her home in Naehville on Thursday, and proceeded to Indianapolie; to Crawfordeville, Indiana, with the avowed ject of procuring a divorce.

Upon her arrival that place, however, she ascertained that it require considerable money and a long residence to get even an Indiana divorce. In view of facts she resolved on returning to Nashville, had got as far as this city, when ebc found self without money and too eisk to proceed ther. She accordingly sent a dispatch to Stevens, at Nashville, making known her dition and asking him to come and ece ber. dispatch was signed "Miss Martin 19 Dr. SteveDB at once euspected that it was from Mrs.

Arthur, and endeavored to And ber busband to inform of the fact: but in thie be failed. It eccine, ever, that Dr. Stevens eaw Mr. Arthur on the lowing day and told him of the circamstance, the same time stating that be was about to leave for Cincinnati and would pass through Louierille. Mr.

Artbur reqneated him to stop at the Willard Hotel In the city, and if the lady proved to Mrs. Arthur to give her whatever assistance might need to enable ber to reach home, and would foot the bill on prescotation. This Steven agreed to do, and came to this city, arriv. ing bere on Thursday morning. He stopped the Willard and inquired for Miss Martin.

was sbown to ber room, and Mre. Arthur confronted him. She said that. she was Inst about leaving for Crawfordsville, and a back bad been ordered for her. The doctor was p.bout shaking bands with her as she was getting Into the back when both were arrested.

Dr. Stevens demanded an explanation, when Officer Bligh produced a dispatch from Mr. Arthur, husband, instructing him to take in cnetody Steves and his wife, and detain them util could come up. The astonisbment orthe docat this strange proceeding can, perbape, better imagined tbau described. However, took it eaey, and appeared quite indifferent about affuir, fecling that he bad committed wrodg.

Upon being presented before the City Court Dr. Stevens waived An examination aud promptly furnished bail, several of our most prominent citizens volunteering: AS his sureties. In the meantime Mrs. Arthur was taken in custody officer Bligh to the Schell House, copper of First Jefferson streets, to await the arriyal of her mother and husband. On Thursday night they arrived and stopped the United States Hotel.

In the morning carly mother sought her danghter at the Schell House, and the husband repaired to the Willard to meet Dr. Stevens. bere the blood would have been epilled had there been any to But it was with Do feelings of boetility Mr. Arthur sought Dr. Stevens, but simply explain the mysterious dispatch ordering his This he did, assuring the Doctor that dispatch was inetigated by hie wife's relawho believed that she was about to elope him.

Mr. Arthur belleving that his wife was acting in very imprudent manner, calenlated to bring disupon his two beloved children, succumbed the instigation of his wife's parents, and here solely to reclaim and redeem his wife, he believes to be on the high-road to rain. is willing that she should havs a divorce and some respectable man, but he is determined possible to prevent her from doing anything that attach stigma through life to the uneullied of bis chi'dren. Mr. Artbur is in good circ*mstances, and was -but a few yeare ago quite wealtby.

He has always stood well in Nashville, is bigbly respected there. He is a man of medium stature, middle aged, very preposeessing appcarance, and evidently well learned and 'accomplished. He seems deeply distressed and embarrassed by the disgruce entailed upon himaud children by his wayward wife, yet he no unkind words for bor, and only desires her to her parents in Nashrille. Mrs. Artbur persistently refuses to go with her bueband, or eren bave anything to do with.

him, abe was prevalled upon by friends last evento return home with her mother, and she acceded. They left on' the train night for Nashville, tho husband remaining here." As an evidence of the good prevailing at this timo between Mr. and Dr. Sterene, the former invited the to remain over yesterday and lend his aid persuading Mre. 'Artbur to return to ber home, request the Doctor compled with.

We correct in our statement that a diffcully some six weeks ago occurred between them, it was alterward acttled, and lately they bave friends. Stevens le also a man of good standing and in Nashville. Mrs. Arthur was first introduced to him as a widow, and he visited ber before discovering that he had been deceived. He always had the bighest respect esteem tor ber, and after becoming acquaintwith ber husband, took her out as a friend to of amusem*nt.

Mr. Arthur at one time jealous by hearing idle talcs of scandal, and culminated in the difficulty alluded to, but he afteryard bad every reason to believe that bis suspicions were unfounded. The foregoing is true history of this deplorable case. THE COURTS. DECISIONS OF COURT OF APPEALS.

Reported Expressly tor the Lonisville Courier by JAMES DAWSON. Attornev-al-Law, Frankfort, Kv. FRANKFORT, Feb. 7, 1868. CAUSES DECIDED.

Lewis v9. Dailey's heirs, Larue; reversed. Swope ve. Swope, Henderson; afirmed. Clore ve.

Alves, Henderson; afirmed. Huston, VP. Beverly, Henderson; Cunningbam vs. Collina, Henderson; fir med. Outten vs.

Smith, Uniou; reversed. Langly vs. Taylor, Henderson; reversed. Clark v8. Kellar, Jefferson; affirmed.

'Lykins ve. Colline, Lewis; affirmed. Smith Murray vs. Scott, Hart; revereed. ORDERS.

Talbott V8. WilsOD, Nelson; motion to set aside order diemissing appeal overruled. Montgomery va. Carlile, Taylor; Roberts ve. Parker, Webeter; Febler vs.

Page, Newman Va. Winlock et Barren; submitted on. briels. Coleman vs. Frazier et Kenton; argued by Harvey for und Judge Hoadly for appellants, LOUISVILLE CITY COURT.


The following cases were disposed of this morning: -Cornelias Murphy unlawfully taking EaDd from G. T. Besvmore; sent to the grand jury. -Leonard Eichibiller, abuse ol his samily: fined $3. -Bridget Riley, drunk and disorderly; fined $3.

-Peter Kiley, on peace varrant: discbarged. -J. Walton, for assault and battery; held in bond of $200 in two cases to answer. -Mary Schueller, on peace warrant; beld in $300 for six months. -Maggie Klat, same; discharged.

-Henry Hoefler, disorderly condact; contin ued until Saturday. -Mary Hogan, pctit larceny; continued until Saturday. -Theo. F. Simpson, drunk and abnee of his John Byers, H.

Patterson, and Ben. Dickfamily: continued until Saturday. Inson (colored), obtaining $100 under false pre: tenses; diemissed. Jobn Byers, colored, for perjury; dismissed. Leroy Mays, colored, for cutting John Carter; continued until Saturday.

-Joseph Hilton, fugitive trom justice; discharged. Reason W. Bull. for killing M. V.

Yates; continued until Thursday. Motions for new trials in the cases of alia Jones and Terry Ridge, aseault and battery, and James Martin, for carrying concealed weapone, were overruled. The conrt then adjourned. CIRCUIT COURT. HON.

GEO. W. JOHNSTON. JUDGE. The court met on yesterday at the usual bour.

The following is an acconat of the business transacted during the session of the day: Commonwealth agalost R. Caio, indictment for misdemeanor. A jury was impanuled, who, having heard the evidence, returned a verdict of "pot guilty." Same against Jacob Knbr. The defendant moved the court to quash the indictment, whicb motion was assigned for argument to toe 18tb instant. Same against Easter Trabue; indictment for larceny.

A motion tor a Dew trial was made, which 12. 5 assigned to the 18th ipet. tor argument. Benjamin Trant fled his petition to adopt Wilbelmina Ruby. Commonwealth against Sarah Lawe, indicted for larceny.

The accused la quite an old negro woman, Sho 18 charged with stealing about $85 in greenbacks from one Patsy Hart, at an auction. house. She pleaded not guilty. General Ward and 9. M.

Beraard, were her A jury was impaneled and the evidence was heard in fall. Toe instructions to the jury will be the first thing in order tbie morning. The court adjourned at 5 o'clock to mect this morning at the regular hour. CHANCERY COURT. HON.

HENRY PIRTLE, CHANCELLOR. The Court met on yesterday at the regular bout-10 o'clock. Considerable business was transacted -none, boyerer of any general interest. Proccedings ou several attacamenie were ordered to be euspended, the defendants having fled their petitione in bankruptcy. This je in accordance with an opinion of the Chancellor, publisbed in the COURIER of Saturday last.

Several decrees of divorce were also rendered. The Court adjourned at 4 o'olock. BANKRUPTCY. Petitions for adjudication in bankruptcy were, on yesterday, tiled by the following partice, viz: John B. Preston, from county.

L. D. Robertson, from Heory county. G. W.

Roberte, from Rockport, Heary Wm. A. Barnett, Louisville. Francis P. Neale, Louisville, Wardeld Estee, from Adair county.

B. F. Spruling, from Taylor county. Certifcales of diecharge from all 'their debts, provable -under the bankrupt law, were on Jeeterday granted to the following parties: Wallace Pope and Charles B. Sheppard, both from Jeffersou county.

A PEN PORTRAIT OF FRANKFORT. CONTRIBUTOR. To the Editor of the Louisville Courier: I have 'been vistly smused by reading pathetic and withal a rather ludignant RIER by A. James this city. The monstrance aguinst the, course of the lime impudence: of the reproof James administers to you for temerity in expressing your opinions, would strike a stranger with astonisbment, but acquainted with Frankfoft and Frankfort people, will reciere the letter of Mr.

James a faint exponant of the sentiments, principles wbich possess the souls of residents of the Federal city. is Mr. also James is a lawyer of some reputation, aud what an ex-Attorney General of the State, James is is. of vastly more importance, an ex Mayor of Fratkfort. He is present, in common with bis fellow- citizens I and citizenesses, engaged in the Legislature.

do not mean that he is a member of august body, but that be merely pursues Legislature as a profession--a source of livelihood. A little observation will teach that this is the main calling of etery man. woman and child in Frankfort. The Legislature is their source of revenue; it is their oyster; it is their franchise; it is their lottery grunt, wbich they claim as a vested right. Hence, when the citizens of other eection of Kentucky talk about the moral of the scat of gorernment from Frankforr, the citizens of that place raise an innediate outcry compounded of a whine and growl, and talk about an interlereance with vested and wriguts, about the depreciation of property, from about driving money, capital away Frankiort.

In his most ridiculous letter Mr. James consciously and very unwittingly lays bare secret springs which control the actions the people of Frankfort. Says the innocent and indignant Mr. Jones: "Are you aware, Mr. Courier, that the agitation of the subject of removal of tlie capital paralysis to our city? Money capital avoids investment in places of insecurity.

New houses are not built; old ones are not repaired, because expenditure may be rendered valueless by an act of the Legislature." There you have it all! What's the use building new dwelling bouses if we cannot take the Legislature to board? Where the use of repairing old basiness houses if we cannot sell whisky to the Legislature? After this candid and practical' admission Mr. James, I deem it unnecessary for me enter into arguments to show that Frankfort regards the her Legislature as ber soap mine, oil well, rich uncle, and her fat hog. is said that in Cincinnati no part of a bog wasted; that every portion of 1be porcine bugget, both external and interval, is utilized some branch of trade of that thriving city. While I would by no manner of means compare our Legislature to a bog, I am forcibig struck with the similarity which exists in the 1brifty people of Cinciunati and the thrifty people of Franklort. Long practice has enabled them to use up a Legislature to the best possible advantage.

No part of it is wasted. The various offices appertaining to the Legislature and to the State Government could ull be tilled by Frankfort people. That are well qualified is uudisputed, buving served as pages one time or another, it being understood that the male youths of Frankfort are to be pages iu one of the bouees while they are between the ages of six and eighteen years. While it is undoubtedly true the orices aforesaid are not always filled Frankfort people, it is equally true, and it but just to this enterprising population to that they invariably make a determined for every office in sight. It is right amusing to an outsider to watch operations of the Frankfort peoplo while Legislature is in session.

The first great business is the distribution of the offices. At every eligible Frankfort man is a candiIf he bas no chance, then he goes tor brother; then for his brother-in-law; then his cousins down to the fifteenth degree, lastly and determinedly for some Frankman. The members are met at the depot, are skilifully manipulated according to babits and tastes. The Miss Nauceys regaled on ginger pop and spiced oysters, the more festively-inclined are dosed strong whisky and flattery. Little bills, redounding to the ultimate of Frankfort, are constantly originated insinuated under the Legislative nose.

institutions are founded, architects, presidents, secretaries, trustees, and clerks, of whom are found ready made in FrankThe biennial repairs upon the Penitenare now received by the people of Kenas a matter of course. The next attempt upon the State Treasury be presented in the form of a bill for an' appropriation for the improvement of the public buildings. About four bundred thoudollars will be asked for at first. Tbat would probably pay the commissioners, arcbitect, the engineers, the various chain carriers, ande probably lay the corner stone the new edibce. Then the State would be compelled to make appropriations at every session for the ucxt twenty years, or lose had already been expended.

movement is already on foot to persuade Legislature to purchase a State fire-enfor the extinguisbment of Frankfort conflagrations. Why not? Were not all the buildings here erected for the accommodaof the members of the Legislature? not Mr. James say (bat Franktort has incurred a debt that could not be liquidated the sale of all the property in Frankfort. provided the Legislature should be removed? not the State, then, own tuc value Frankfort? And wby should not Kentucky purchase a steam fire-engine for the protecof her boarding-houses? Nay, why. not Kentucky rebuild the tenements have been destroyed by fire, in consequence of the remisness and negligence of State in not furnishing steam engines? Altbough there are ostensibly two political parties in Frankfort, they are a unit concernthe management of their revenue.

from Legislature. All your readers must bave of the old Frankfort clique, that once potent cabal more potential thon the famous Council of Ten of Venice. In the zenith of fame aud power it was uncompromisingly but when the State went light burst in upon the Frankfort clique, when the first Democratic Legislature assembled at Frankfort, it found the scattered members of the old clique bound together by Democratic bond and in full accord with the sentiments ol the State and in a particular manner with the sentiments of the Legisia- During the session of the famous "bayonet Legislature" Frankfort organized a splendid company of home guards, which was armed Lincoln guns. That Legislature estaba military board, composed mainiy of. Frankfort, men.

It had a Frankfort secretary was supplied with Frankfort clerks, and, my recollection serves me right, this miliboard disbursce, first and last, about six millions of dollars for the State of Kentucky. members, secretary and clerks of this defanct piece of martial lumber, are now all Democrate, ready to serve the State in an official capacity, or to give good advice the members of the Legislature. Mr. James in bis letter dwells with unction the hospitality of the people of FrankThey ure hospitable, and 1 have nowith pleasure that whenever the miods the members of the Legislature are over worked, and pressed by important measures involving Franktort interests, that the hospiof its people is proportionately increased. Brilliant parties and costly suppers abound, and the barrowing cares of legislaare ligbtened by the lively conversation of beautiful and fascinating woThe ladies of Frukfort are charming and understund the delicate baseness oflobbythe Legislature to perfection.

They play sing for the members, and dance the Lancers with them. They submit to hare dresses trod on and torn off at the waist awkward members, with the outward sweetness and patience of angels. Their sweetest smiles are accorded to the greenborns manage some how. to be in every Legislature, and it does not take them long to get control of tbe pulpy beads and hearts and the vicarions rotes of this branch of our Assembly. Frankfort is always in for raising the salof its officers and the pay of the memof the Legislature.

And why not? The with which the Governor approves the will not be dry nutil the prices of board bave been raised by the various boarding institutions of the Federal city. Those gay parties and elegant suppers serve double purpose, first, as powerful legislainducements, and, secondly, to be catalogued among the list of Frankfort hospitalia la A. J. James. I bave thus endeavored to sketch some of prominent features of Frankfort, as suggested to me by tbe remarkable lecture read you by Mr.

James. There are other traits, equally glaring and Frankfortisb, which must reserved for another letter. PEQUOD. FRANKFORT, Jan. 6, 1868.

Funeral of a Prominent Cherokee. Capt. James Mc Daniel, late of 2d Indian regiment, United States volunteers, died on Saturday, the 1st instaut, of pueumovia, after an illness of three days. He was a member of the delegation of Cherokees at present in this city on business tor the Cherokce nation. Capt.

McDaniel was among the first of his people in the late war to declure his preference for the United States, und served with great credit to bimself in the army until the close of the war. He was one of the delegation of the "Northera Cherokees" who made the treaty of 1866, annalling all distranchising and confiscating enactments of the Cherokee nation, whicb, followed by the wise aud conciliatory administratiou of the present chief, Col. Lewis Downing, has resulted in bringing about a state of peace and barwouy among that ple not known for two hundred and sixty fears. The corpse was taken to the Congregational Cemetery, preceded by a company of soldiers, aud followed by a considerable number of Intelligencer. The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Lodger A stroug pressure is being brought to bear on the National Democratic Committee in favor of holding the Presidential Convention iu this city, and you must not be surprised should it be successful.

August Belmont says the Western Democrats who have been in correspondence with bim on the subject are in favor of Cincinnati or Louisville, but tbat it Now. York Insists upon it they will offer no opposition. GEORGE WASHINGTON died in 1799, aged sixty-eight. AARON BURR'S arrest on' a charge of treason was in 1807.. He killed Hamilton in a duel in 1601.

He died in 1836, 1780, Dr. Carroll, of Maryland, WAS the first Catholic Bishop in America, River Intelligence. ARRIVALS -February 7. DEPARTURES-February 7. BOATS IN, PORT.

Nick Richmond, Portland, Portl'd. Loulsville. Portland. Longworth, America, city whart. Pink city wharf.

orman, city wharf. Mat. Anderson, city wharf Pargoud, ty Webster, city wharf. Alice V. city wharf.

Mary Davage, city wharf. Mary Erwin, city wharf. CINCINNATI, Feb. River. Sallen nine, Inches.

River inll of ice. Weather clear; thermometer 23 19 deg. this morving. NAVIGATION STILL SUSPENDED. -THE RIVER steadily receding, with feet water in the evening, by the mark.

The weather continues clear, aud wag freezing cold all day yesterday, thermometer in the morning at 25, and at 80 in evening. The mercury in the barometer sligbtly sbrinking in the evening, but rising morning. The navigation of the river is pow wholly pended, with not a single arrival or departure jesterday from any point, and no ice ranuing. front of the apper wharf and the falls the river open and: clear: of ice, and the Jeffersonville fertyboats were making their regular trips unobstructed. At Pittsbarg and Cincinnati navigation is Euspended, with very intense cold weather at former port.

The mailboat United States, from port. bad arrived at Cincinnati, and laid up. anderwritere at tbat port have prohibited departure of boats until the ice disappears. The river is gorged or blocked with ice at polut below six mile island. 1 om the pumpkin patch up to mile island, and we Icarn pedestrians last evening crossed the river the ice.

ice Hundreds of boys and men were skating on the river between the tow head and Kentucky shore. At the bead of the canal extending over to the island the river 18 all frozen over, but in the cathere is but very little ice, and the present weather is barely hard enougb to make new ice. The low stage of the river. is as much the cause of the saspension of navigation as the ice. latter accumulates on shores and the and in narrower passes it accumulates cbokes the passage, or gorges.

It is cow gorged at two or three pointe below the falls, no possible chance tor boats to get through either to or from Eransville. By dispatch. from Capt. Gilmore, at Hawesville, learn that the ice has gorged at Hogg's bar, Cloverport. Communications by river are now completely cut off, and a rise 15 requisite for a resumpof navigation, and it must come from the waters with rain.

A gencral thaw it is thougbt will make a river, ae there is a vast accumulation o1 ice along the river banke. The Empire, from Memphis, reebips her at Evaneville, and tuns back. In the channel ot the lower Ohio, bence to Evansville, there are not over eight feet water. the river falling fast, with no rise in any of lower tributaries, but reported as lalling, and Wabash scaled with ice. THE INDIANA -DAMAGE CLAIMS ADJUSTED -ENLOSS LESS THAS morning J.

S. Neal, ot ibe Richmond, was in receipt special from New Orleaus that the decided by arbitration. Capt. Jobn Cannon. claims and all damages to the Indiana had the Robert E.

Lee, was awarded $5,500 for his in relieving the boat and cargo from ber position ou the sand bar or rect at the of island 102. The other losses were supto be $12,825 on the corn 1 brown overboard, 85,000 on the tobacco, making a total loss of on boat and cargo to be assessed under the average rule customary in all cases of or marine losses. Indiana was full- freigbted from this port the lower Obio witb produce for Now Orleane, chief items beinv corn in sacks, tobacco in hogsheads. Some 200 bbds of the stems, $25 per bud, and 6.000 of corD, were thrown overboard when the ran ou the bar. The corn belonged to H.

Verboef, of this city, and to Mr. Sullivan, of Evansville, or Mount Vernon, the coru having sipped at the latter point, and the tobacco Henderson. This loss ie much lees than been anticipated, and 18 a great relief to tue insurance agencics. Iudiana is again in full repair and Jeaves Orleans ibis (Saturday) evening for Louiswith a good trip. The Evanerille Journal, of Thureday, rethe arrival of the St.

Charles at that port on Wednesday, at-10 o'clock, bound for Now Orleane. The New Orleans papers, of Thursday, by the arrival of the Rose Franks, from Shreveport, that there were feet water at Alex and in talling tbe fast; lake. also, only 2 feet water on the arrival of the W. B. Dance, from Camwe learn that the Ouachita tell 3 leet during stay at Camden.

The Cairo Democrat, of Thursday, has the following: Great Republic arrived at 9 P.M. Tuesday, with 800 tons of freight. She discharged her cargo and returns to New Orleans. The river at Cairo ie clear of ice and falling The steamer Anna White was cut down by ice at St. Louis on Thursday.

Sne is insured Cincinnati and Covington 8 for $6.000. Florence Traber, recently souk in Arkaneas is insured in Cincinnati for in tbe Enterprise, American, Central, Union, Ob1o Valley offices. The Emperor. from Cinarrived at Memphis on Thursday, and the departed for Cincinnati with 1,700 bales The Empire broke a wrist ol one cugine kuocked out a cylinder bead ou ber late trip, repairs at Evaveville. The Legal Tender retarus to New Orlaus Evansville.

The Laurel Bill got aground below Evansand was pulled of by the St. Charles. The Cincinnati Commercial of yesterday has following: mail steamer United Statca, bound from Louis1or Cincinnati, with a large cargo, Including 700 cottoa. grounded at War aw Jesterd mortand at one time was in danger breaking in two, Whiten having telegraphed here for assistShe finally succeeded in working off witbout 1 dainage. cold weather made ice fast yesterday.

Several preparing depart were prevented from by the underwriters, through their Surveyor, Wm. Pierce, notifying them they considit unsafe to navigate in the present ice. SCALES, BEAMS, CHARLES ZAAN. ADAM REINBOLD. C.

ZAHN co. all kinds of PLAT. FORM, HAY, STOCK and TER SCALES! BRA Warehouse Iron Trucks, Beams. of all sizes. Trucks--Steamboat No.

435 and Main Street, between bleventh and Twelfth, Louisville, Ky. delS deod2m Looms for Weaving Face Side Up. THE furnish their new improved Co. Looms are for prepared weaving goods lace elde up. also offer their well known Colton and Woolen Machinery, including their NEW SELF-ACTING MULES tor Wool, at reduced prices.

Address No. 65 North Front street, Philadelphia, Pa. TEAS. Southwestern Tea Store! NO. 40 MARKET STREET, Two doors above Second atreer: establishment has of just been openod with al a stock of new crop tens the Avest quality; 0, offec, spices, Augar, and will be sold at prices a6 low as at any ofter establishment of ibis kind In Louisville.

Customers may rely uron getting the genuine articles, as the stock is entirely solielted. new. The patronage of the public WILLIAM is M. respectfully DALY, 1o2 Proprietor. BOLTING CLOTH Warranted Genuine Dafour Anchor Brand.

WE have supplied- direct with agency a large. the stock, which. 88 from importer, And freight keep is next to nothing on this article, ire are now authorized tosell at New York prices. I. W.

fed dtf Louisville. Ky. TAILORS. CAMPBELL MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. THIRD STREET, Between Main and Market, respectfully, fast Inform received his hie friends FALL and AND the WINTER GOODS, 10 all desirable public styles, to which would respectfully Invite the attention of bis friends and customers to give aim call, whose orders tor clotting be will fair Do glad to receive and execute de28 dt1 with promptness, at prices.

Miss Julia Stone WHEn receive ten her -pupits residence, PIANO No. J1 and Broadway, GUITAR. between First and Second. COXE COLTART, COMMISSION -MERCHANTS, HUNTSVILLE, ALA. charge private for switch.

dragage, as Insurance cars at run in lowest the rates. yard by a NO erence-Mesare. Brandeis Crawiord, Louisville no2 d1aw w3m' CHEAP FURNITURE! prices until that dste. Dickinson, Bennett 180 MAIN STREET. del? devdif we will remo re our stock on the 1st of January A to the north side of Main street, one door east of Fifth street, and, in order to seduce the stock before removal, wo offer our entire stock at greatly reduced Ino.

W. Hughes REAL ESTATE BROKERS, mice, No. North Hide of Green, Between Second and Third streets, WILL trusted give to prompt such attention as buying to all and business selling real encatate and other property, renting, collecting, no1? war handsome. Patent right tor sale. Call and examine this grate at WALLACE No.

93 Jefferson street. between Third and Fourth. WALLACE'S Grate Combination. Patented Nov. 12, 1867.

fully prepared to set grates with this wonWEARS This patent grate will confume less fuel and throw out more beat than AnY other patent grate known. It is cheap, durable and E. P. BRADSHAW. JSO.


ARCHITECTS, Do30 Northeast OVER Corner Main OITIZENS and Ballist BANK. Streets EA ADVERTISED LETTERS. List of Letters Remaining in the isville Postoffice February 7, 1868. by circulars, work. West wim untie To obtain advertised any ot letters, these and letters, givethe the date applicant of list.

a If not called for within one month they will sent to the Dead Letter Office. FREE DELIVERY of letters by carriers, at the o1 owners, may be socured by observing following rules: 1. DIRECT letters plainly to the street and number, as well as the Postoftice and State. 2. HEAD letters with the writer's Postorice State, street and number, sign them plainly with name, and request that answers be directed accordIngle.

S. Letters to strangers or transient visitors in or city, whose special addresses may be unknown, should be marked in the lower left hand corner tho 4. Place word "transient." corner, and the leave postage space stamp on the upper right and tion for post-marking without Interfering with between H. A REQUEST tor the RETURN of a letter or the writer, if with the unclaimed within 30 days or Ices, written printed writer's name, Postoffice and across the left band end of the envelop, on tho side, will be complied with, and the letter returned free of charge. sec.

25. low of 1883. LADIES' LIST. 11e a Mra A Alverd Miss Elico A Elia Ashmer Mrs Hattic (). Armstrong Mrs Armstrong Miss Mary Miss A Brown Mrs Julia A Mrs A Russell Mrg Amina Briscoe Mrs BOOR Mra Elizabeth Bee Miss Estell Basse Eliza Barker Miss Sallie A Barr Mi-6 Sasan Burneldes Georgia A Bordet Mrs Harriet Barns Miss Josephine Barnes Mrs Bile Mre Mary Barney Mrs Mary Carter Mrs Mias Cotton Chambors Caroline Miss (col) Clan Miss Emina Chah Mra Elese Carick Mrs Eveline Cusick Airs Sarah Clark Miss Carter Mtse Minnie Carr Mrs Mary Crowley Mre Mary Cosios Mrs Minorva Crocket Mrs Mary Combs Mrs Mary unn Dennis Miss A Settle Dixey Derinav Miss Miss Lizzic Dunn MIs Sarah A Davis Miss Fannie Deweese Mias Virginia Dougherty Mrs Margaret Doran Margaret Dolan Mary ET Mrs Nellie Katie Estes EvaDe Bliss Saphronia Annie Fogal Date Ford Ford Mre Alverda Fiazer Miss a Miss Ferry Mrs Jennie Fields Miss Mary Miss Annie Gogan Andlo Gow German Mrs Angeline Grost Mrs Annie Gatewood Mrs (col) Gray Mrs Dr Gang Mrs Elizabeth Gurduer Mrs Gilmore Mr.

Gipson Mr6 Jane table Miss Margie Gray Mrs Virgiola Good bliss Mary Green a iss Miss Ann (col) Beffernon Mre Annic Balcomb Mrs Anna Hawk: 6 Mrs Lizzie Hopkins Mr. RT Hughes Mrs sarah Heath Mre Hankley Miss Lydia Hardon Miss Louisa Ripes Sil6s Mary (col) HeiR Mrs Mahala Hamilton Mary A Henderson Miss Maitha Mrs Maria enkins Mrs A Jenkins Miss Lizzio Johnston Mrg Helen Joses Mrs Josephine Jenkins Miss Mollie A James Airs Mollie K' Kelly Miss Mrs Kirker Miss Margaret Fatnie Mra Livingston Mrs Eliza L' Lennon Lyon Mrs Mrs Mary Jalia Lewis Lamont. Mre Miss Mary Belle Me Ellen Meaks Mitchell Kate Miss Lizzie Merrill Mrs Frances Mallory Mrs Sarah Matert Mr. Murray Miss Grace Moore Miss Harriet Moreland Mrs Laura Moore Mrs Lou Monks Mr: Sarah Mrs Airs Mary McLaugulia Mrs Miss Belle Owens Mrs B2 Overton Done Pitmau Mra Mi3 Annie Phoebe Peck Peuniugton Mrs Mrs Porter Mrs Puelps Mrs Harriet Pollock Mrs Patterson Mrs Level Miss Sirs Annie Frances Reed Rogers Mra Mrs Lizzle, Reed Miss Jennie Hansey Mrs Maria A Rainey Mrs Mary Smith Smith Mrs Miss Frank Mary Smith Smith Mrs Miss Mollic Lizzie A Smith Mrs Mary Starker Mrs Dr Simpson Miss Annie Stanborn Mra Shumate Mis Nancy Speed Mrs Cora A Shell Miss Kate Kisell Betsy Jane 2 sinton Mrs Anima Suzes Mrs Frauces Sutherl ad Mrs Sallie Styers Henrietta Stewart Mre AB Sallee Mra Laurs A Bbcehan Miss Mary Sweln Miss Myra Thommeon Mice Alice Taylor Nany A 1 boraton Mrs Alice Turner atre Ella Ten; ke Miss Lizzle Tolbort Miss Emma Thornton Miss Ilic Vaughan Miss Ella ME VIcorlis Mrs Bettie Wooten Miss Clara (col) WHILE Wallace Mrs E2 White Miss KHa Wells Mrs ebecca Wallis Mre Worth Mrs. Rebecca Walt Eliza Walker Mrs Frances Webb Sirs Susan Wilson Miss Susan Wheat Miss Tea Walker Mrs Wm Weller Miss Laura A White Lanra Win Miss Lucy (col) White Mary Washington Mrs Mary Waters Miss Nancy Wash Bridget Young Mrs Dr Initials.

Mi6S A B-Mils8 A BP-MIS; ABT GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Archie Alton Mark Alexander Alexander 1. Allen John Alexander JR Alexabder Alien John Allen Jas Achey Jas Adams Abbott Jas IF Adans John Ackerman Heury Ally Robt Bro Alexander A Alls Add Brown John Bailey Wm Barnes Bacon Broder A Capt Brennan Blunk James Bower: Lloyd Brannen John Brocg John Bowman Jos Baraside Jos Buckuor Jos (col) Bur: on A Best Cod Bil. more Brannigan 2 Ballutt Hank Barber Geo 2 Barbour Dr Barry Idchard Bodman Richard Beck E.du ard Bullets Edward Boyd B'akely I Billings Baghy Boggs A Brooke Ned Brelis Ballard Dr A Beunett (col) Board Boyd Burnet Bro Byrue. Capt Bustey A Bibb A Cudworth Cook.

Tm Crouch Wm Clark Clarkson (col) Campbell Crane Joha Corcen John Conner A CHine John Cowper John Caries Boot Coburu Jag Cunningham A carroll John Castello JaR A Cecil John Camel Henry Crocker Coward (col) Crowe Thomas Campbell John Cumings Connolly Callagan Conner Collins PC Carpenter Ben Cuenlugham A Campbell Allie Downie Wm DeCliflon Dunn Darls Dragoo Duff's Jus John Davis John Davidson Dearout Thos Dear Thos Tho: Deal Michael Dodge DeHaven I) 3 Milton Edmonson Emery Egien Evuns Rev Eddy James Elder Thomas Porter Co -Huuigan Hoosing John Faller Ferguson I Ferguson Fowler Fred A Foster Flack Thos Fauna Frazer A Mitch A Frens Co Yale WA Glerson Win Gregory Gray Henry Gardner JAmeS Gowan George Green Homer Gengin Thomas George Robert Gregory David Gray Phil Gouns Gonst Nulan Graves Sparks Gibson Samuel icks Joe Hims Martin Hobs Martin Hopkins JHabn 8 Maj Hog Wm Hoover Josiah Hutchinson Jno Holsclaw Hawkins John Harris John Hendrix John A 2 Ight John Hurley Handian John Harper Harvey Howard Henry Howe George Howa Geo Hayes Thomas Hotman Henry Thos (col) Houston Travis RHoward Thos A Heys Richard Hardinan Sam Hazel Hagen Honkins C2 Harvey Peter Hutchinson Hill Alvin ones Hill Johnson Chas Joice Patrick Jeffers Jaggers Kinnaird John I Ecenan James Kerr Logan ewis BA Leezer Tho; Lake Lewis Jerry 2 Laney Louis Lusk Lawton Col Long Willis Lewis NJ orase Co Murray, Morris Marks Kenning Mull Geo Co 2 Meek AdS Mulloy Thos Miles Joseph Moore Goo Maringer Col Massee Miller Jobu Mullin Jame: Mard Jno A Maslin Jacobi Muller Marsh Edward Metton Charles Murray Wm Molly Montgomery WR Morgan Minor McLemings Mr McCormick Co McKinney Ed Adam Dr eman Mr McDonald McCool Henry McCrocklin JerMcCarty Jeremi-wcBilb Leroy ome ab McSueny Jas McCarty Lemuel McCarty Michael Torwood 2 Nugent Newburry Nenwriter, Johu Newmaster Levy eberng Osbourne Alege A 'Bryan Overstreet Jas A Mc O'Rourk Overstreet Jas bich'd DayDe Prot A Pal dan Jas (col) Parker Pickering Lenos Jos Pare Parsons Pibrt Horace Perrine Dr Palmore Geo Pendleton Jon Parish Jas Pickering Joun Pope Grander son Peter Simon Phill-ps Proctor Samuel Payson Prickett Ash'n Pierce Prickett Chas Asbman Pelham Prof V. Fuss Reut Joba Lewia Ross Rash John Robertson Roberta Rife Israel 2 Bichards Jobn A Richard Geo Rambant Royc Rockafellow OH2 Richardson 0 C. Richardson Mr Rumsos Chas Homick Smith Loopidas Smith Capt Sutton Tm Sweeny Wm Shoemaker W'm Stone Ww Staforu 2 Commons Jaddley Sinter Jas Samsen John or Salisbury Sinnot Jas Hugi, Boden Suritis Jas Shortell Jas Sims Seacore Steely Henry Thos Stev Samuel Geo Scott Sloan Dr Fred Shorp Stowan Rob' Theo Shaw Satterwhite RT Swanson Short Peter Shea Patrick -eldei Surry Swan Co Singer Killer Summers Ali'd A Ww Co Trice Millear Trice Tm Talbott Taylor Teler John A Tennis John CoThomas John A Todd Trowbridge Capt Taylor Co 'alson Edward Vandesdale A ML Toppier Eugene M(col) Wallis 2 Warren Wallace Wm Winslow a 3 Weaver Willcor Wallis Williams Wash Woodwara Wilson Wilson Wm (col) Walker Virgil Wood Capt Warwick, Dr Jos Wiett Williams John Whitney Wills Wilson (2) Williams Reuben Williams Frank CD Willianty Willbos te Albert Woodward Wallace A Ware A Williams A White A Wells Capt NN young A Young Harvey (col) Zabel Wm French, Bo: quet A Italian. Plazzi Julias Kaget Antonio Guffanti Guiseppe. Persons or the abore letters, will picase say -ADVERTISED.

J. J. SPEED. P. M.

Democrats. FTER have done your duty by tbe Louls villo A COURIER, send tor a copy of the SENTINEL-ON-THE-BORDER, sud give 10 a the It battle has been and is bold and consistent-ighting Address of the ou ALF. S. KIEROLF. Louisville.

Ky. South Northern ground. PRICE, ALLMAN FISHER, SLATE ROOFERS, AND DEALERS IN PLASTIC COAL TAR, Slate, Flour and Roofing 291 Felt. MAIN Licenses tor a stairs, Kentucky Louis. and Indiana.

Office up ville. jalidim OYSTERS. OYSTERS. OYSTERS. W.

L. SMITH, and Retail Dealer in Fresh' Merchant. Baltimore Wholesale Oysters, and Commission DUTERS will And it to their interest to call at No. 261 Jefferson street before purchasing elsewhere A liberal discount to the trade. fal dim W.

L. SMITH. Last Chance. few sets of choice Hudson hare received Canada Mink Furs, which 205, we will corsell very cheap. at the new Hat Store, No.

ner Exit and Market streets. ADSLET RESSACK. jat JEFFERSON SAWOn Rirer, bet. Wenzel and Cabell, M. WOODS FERGUSON DEALERS IN ALL MANUFACTURE Circular PaRd Gauge Also, Sawed, manulactar Mue Poplar and kinds Oak el Bullding Poplar.

Cherry, Walnut, Lumber. Maple Bed Lumber Slats, for Pickets, Furniture, Table Chair Rounds Weatherboards Shingles Laths, Bench Backs. Broom Handice, Bor Banisters, Boarda, for pawing TIN. We bare RAILWAY great TIES facilitics ADd A for KR solicit orders WOODS FERGUSON 18.80 dtf Louisville Theater Lagt week of the great drama of UNDER THE GASLIGHT. ON for the SATURDAY lust time be EVENING.

drams Feb. of 6. will UNDER be acted THE GASLIGHT. Matinee tuts afternoon -Under the Gaslight. Monday--First night of Nobody's Child.

the be Cousub- which your one as and the to Mr. last at that the the you aDJ this re. The the a that the on the of Dal the The bare, and with we below of tion head freigbt and the the TIRE Capt. of a salvage been of services perilous bead posed and $23,525 geuerul river The and the and latter, eacks boat been from had The New ville ports learn andria, By den, her The about berc, fast. 2 the in The river, each and cinnaii, Clinton cotton.

aud and A7 from ville the Tho ville bales log. Captain auce. materi: The eteamers leaving Captain cred None. resthe at Samof from John their of to- as a and bis bis us of the is the 86 of on the Dr. be tor the and at the Hotel that to the tivee, with a grace to came whom He marry if might name and in self bas return bat ing Anally last feeling Arthur latter io which were bad but been Dr.

position and ed places grew it the and full case. has main- The laet thence. obat would these and Dr. conThe him howfol- at be she he Dr. at He is the of be to he ber no It is by they all that by is say grab the the first date.

his for and fort and their are while with profit and New all fort. tiary tucky will sand sum the of what A the give tion Does by Does of tion should which the ing the beard its Whig, new and a ture. with lished and if tary The good to upon fort. ticed of tality rion men. they ing aud their by who aries bers ink bill will a tive ties, the to be town with hand the to State DICKENS CLUB Grand Parlor Entertainment WEISIGER HALL, For the of tho Louisville Widows' Orphans' Home Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday Nights, FEBRUARY 11, 12, 13.

New and Beautiful Tableaux and Statuary. New Scenes from Dickens. New Actiog Ballads. New Sougs and Marches. Longfellow', Golden Legeud.

ADMISSION, ONE DOLLAR. Doors open at 6 P.M.; curtain will rise at cisely. Children under 12 years of age, half price. Tickets for sale at the principal hotels and music stores, at Green Green's, and at J. Sacs'.

fe5 dtfe15 BOWLING GREEN SPRING RACES OVER THE LOCUST COURSE, Will commence Tuesday, June 16th, 1868, And Continue Four Days, A Dever sweepstake won a tor race, 3 $30 year old entrance, cotta play and fillies pay. with that $150 added by the Association. bents, to D3mG and close 1st ot April, 3 or more to all. A for 4 year olds, two wile heats. 850 catrance, piag or pay, $450 added by the Arsociation, to close 1st of April, 3 or more to fill.

The purses will beliberal and made known in due time. All communications to be addressed to JOHN ALco*ck dit Bowling Green Ky. BALLARD HOUSE AND VARIETIES Restaurant and Bar of KEEP market liquors OPEN aud day elgars, and tuc night, the restaurant bar with with the the bee best affords. Lunch every day at 12 a. THE VARIETY SHOW Opens at 7 r.

performances commence al 8, with the remalo minstrels complete, Best of order kept. 1a4 dil THOS. A. Clerk. STEAMBOATS.

REGULAR PACKET -FORUtica, Westport, Bethlehem Gartot's, MadiHOD, Carro Iton and Lock No. 1, heuturky liver, STEAMER DOVE, NO. 2. REUB. EAVES THURSDAY and LOUISVILLE SATURDAY EVERY at 1 r.

x. TUESDAY Leaves CORROLLTO, for Loutsville every DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY AL 8. A. MI. For freight or passage apple on board or to 1109 JUDGE FORSEE, Agents.

Louisville and Green River Packet ny': Splendid Steamer a FALLS CITY, W. S. VANMETER, Clerk Leaves Louisville every Wednesday at 15 P. M. Leaves Bowling Green every at 10 Jan10 dtf R.


MAIL LINE STEAMERS. FARE 50, including meals and state-roomone dollar less than by railroad. One of the new and splendid double-decked palace steamers D. WHITTEN. Master, UNITED Master, Wilt leave daily at 4 o'clock P.

making sure conn at with ail the cariy in0cuing trains or the Eastern cities. Tbe boate 01 this hne iu accomruodation excel those of the Eat or West. Tickets for sale and baggage checked ou board steamers for all ports East. The above boats leave fro.u tau comWharfboat, foot or Third strect. Jan19 dtf JOE CAMPION, Ascot.

Regular Kentucky River Packet. STEAMER WREN, SAM. SANDERS, M. WOODS, Clerk. Louisville for Frankfort every Wednesday al o'clock P.M.

Leaves Lowsvide every Saturday for Woodford. Oregon, and shakers' Ferry at 3 o'clock P. M. For treight and pas age apply to JUDGE FORSEE. Agents.

dec24 dtf No. 44 Fourth st, bet. Main and River. RAILROADS. Louisville and Nashville Railroad.


1608. after this date, and nutil turther notice. ON trains on the Memphis Branch, between Bow ig Greet and State Line, will run in connection with the trains leaving Lonisrille at 6250 and train arriving at I at r. M. The train leaving Bowling Gre-n, running in connection with the train leaving Loutsritle at 6:30 P.

and arriving at Louisvillo at 4 has been dis continued. ALBERT FINK. and after JANUARY 5, 1SCS, trains will anu 88 follows: Leave 8:30 P. A.M. 6:30 P.

M. Arrive 3:40 M. 11:15 $:00 A. Arrive at Humboldt 4:50 A.M. A.

M. Arrive at a. M. 4:00 Trains leave Nashville for Chattanooga nad Atlanta at 7:00 P. Mr.

and 5:30 A. And for Decatur aud Huntsville at 7:00 P. X. and 5:30 A. 31, Sleeping Cars accompany leaves night Louisville trains.

at 7:30 an A. as. Knoxville tor Lebanon, Branch Danville, train and Crab Orchard. con accting by stage all important points fu South eastern Kentucky. Bardstown train leaves Louisville at 8:50 P.

M. The 6:50 p. M. train tor Nasbville and Stemphis runs daily; the 8:30 A. 31.

train dally, brauch except Sundays. daily Bardetown and Knoxville trains run excopt Sunday. General Supt. ALBERT L. and FINE.

N. TE. n. 1.6 dur Jeffersonville, Madison, and Indianapolis Railroad. The Only All Rail Route to the East' North and West.

cities DASSENGERS 11 hoors in taking advance of those taking U. S. thia route arrive in carers quail boat same day. Trains leave and a arrive at Joffersonville depot (L mediately opposite Louisville) as follows: Depart. Arrive.

5:00 A.M.. except Sunday 4.30 P. except Sunday 1:40 P. Saturday 10:45 P. and Sunday.

A. M. 4:00 P.M., dally. 3:10 A.M. daily.

9:15 P.M. dally. Baggage checked through to all principal pouts. Elegant sleeping cars on all uight trains. For condensed through time tables and co connections small bills, and call at company's office, corner o' Tbird and Main streets, ville, HORACE SCOTT.

General Spperinteudent. JAMES FERRIER, General Ticket Agent Jeffersonville, Ind. Jan. 1. 1568.

134 Louisville, Cincinnati Lexington RAILROAD. AFTER NOVEMBER 5, trains will ones follows: Leave Louisville at 6:00 o'clock A. 2:00 and 4:15 P.M. Arrive at 8:15 A. 11:00 A.

and 7:00 1. r. M. 6:00 and 9:30 trains connect at Chrietiansburg The for Shelby ville. Fare through.


B. B. MASON. MASON SMITH Wuolesale and Retail Dealers in COAL No. 125 THIRD Stroet, between Jefferson and Green.

Kaat orders by rail side, Particular atteution given to 1429 or wagon. ISAAO OROMIE and Retail Jerw in Wholesale Best Pittsburg and Youghiogheny CO COAL. filled at the lowest market rates! ORDERS the promptly best quality of coal Market, Third st, P'rincipal Office Filth north street, sido at J. I'. Cromie's ice de pot, Branch and Otlices, corner Tbirteenth and Main streets.

del4 toot of Preston street. codtf Scales at river. PIANOS! F. CONAN J. HINZEN.

HINZEN ROSEN, PIANO -FORTE MANUFACTURERS north side, bet. Sixth and Seventh, Market LOUISVILLE, AY. An assortment of reut good very cocar. Whi socond-band rent, pianos and 107 let the rent of aCW pianos AD sale the purchsec. 009 def pig to A.

The Louisville Daily Courier from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.