No Winter Sports for Lynn Schools (2024)

MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 No winter sports for Lynn schools By Mike Alongi year due to concerns from the Lynn wiler to the athletic directors of Classi- ITEM SPORTS EDITOR Board of Health about the spread of the cal, Tech and English. They, in turn, ex- COVID-19 virus. KIPP Academy Lynn pressed their disappointment with the Despite efforts to put Lynn public Collegiate, a charter school that gener- decision. school student-athletes back out on the “It’s a tough thing to hear after all the courts and the ice this winter, it appears ally aligns itself with the decisions that affect the public schools, will also not work we’ve done to put together safety that for at least one more season, the protocols in the hopes that we could put city’s athletes will not get that opportu- play winter sports. The decision does not affect St. Mary’s, together some kind of season,” said En- nity. glish Athletic Director Dick Newton. “I which is a Catholic school and is not un- News came down Saturday morning feel that we had a lot of support in the der the city’s jurisdiction. that the three Lynn public schools — community for our plans to safely play, Classical, English and Tech — will not Saturday’s news was handed down be allowed to play winter sports this from Lynn Superintendent Patrick Tut- NO SPORTS, A3 Saugus ‘Tis the season in Marblehead set for special

Town ITEM FILE PHOTO | SPENSER HASAK Swampscott insurance executive and sports enthusiast Jim Hughes Meeting died Thursday. He was 87. By Elyse Carmosino STEVE KRAUSE ITEM STAFF APPRECIATION SAUGUS — Several - nancial articles submitted by Town Manager Scott Crabtree will be voted Swampscott upon during Saugus’ spe- cial Town Meeting Mon- day. loses a true Scheduled to take place at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom, meeting items of particu- Blue booster lar interest include Arti- cle 2, which requests that If you spoke to Jim Hughes over the Town Meeting members phone, which is to say you couldn’t see rescind their prior vote what was behind that deep, booming voice to transfer no more than of his, you couldn’t get a true measure of $2,436,951 from the stabi- the man. lization fund as a funding “He could come across as gruff if you source for FY21 charges didn’t know him,” said his longtime friend, and to appropriate an ITEM PHOTO | OLIVIA FALCIGNO Arthur O’Neil, Sunday upon contem- amount of no more than Harford Steen, 3, of Marblehead, points to a gingerbread house declaring it his plating the life of Hughes, who died last $1.5 million from free favorite on Sunday afternoon at the Marblehead Christmas Walk. More photos Thursday at the age of 87. “But he was a cash as a funding source on LOOK!, page A8. Cadillac of a man.” for FY21, and Article 8, That’s an opinion that was shared by an- which asks the town to ap- other one of his friends for decades, Frank propriate a sum of money DeFelice. for remodeling or repair- Lynn eld “He was very positive, and very loyal,” ing town-owned buildings. said DeFelice, a coach in the town for “Part of this (meeting) is a half century. “He was a person of very to clean up and do some will vote strong ethics, and of very strong loyalty. I housekeeping, as well as can’t say enough about him.” complete some budgetary Hughes was not born in Swampscott, adjustments prior to us on school didn’t go to high school setting the tax rate and Mother ‘didn’t want in Swampscott, and OBITUARY, prior to the selectmen was a true son of both PAGE A2 having their tax classi - expansion St. John’s Prep and the cation hearing,” Crabtree help’ — but needs it College of the Holy Cross. But in every said. By Anne Marie Tobin other aspect of his life, he was all Swamp- He stated that he con- ITEM STAFF By Anne Marie Tobin two young daughters had scott. He ran his insurance company there sidered Article 2 to be of ITEM STAFF worked hard to squirrel for 55 years, ran both the boys and girls particular importance as LYNNFIELD — The town away funds into her rainy- will decide the fate of a pro- When it comes right down CYO basketball programs out of St. John the town maneuvers its day Christmas fund. Now, the Evangelist’s Church, coached sub-var- posed $17 million plan to to it, the coronavirus pan- due to a series of unfortu- nances in the wake of sity football and helped coach Stan Bonde- expand its two elementa- demic has spared nobody. nate events, she’s really the COVID-19 pandem- levitch with countless other tasks. ry schools in a special vote Some have been lucky going to need some help if ic, adding that using free He also served as co-head coach of the Tuesday at Lynn eld High enough to have ample - her children are to have a cash instead of Saugus’ varsity golf team with his good friend, the stabilization fund would School. nancial means to weather happy Christmas. the storm. Others, who al- late Bob Jauron. help the town maintain its The polls open at 7 a.m. The mother writes that ready were living hand- His work on behalf of male athletes in AA+ bond rating recently and close at 8 p.m. she is going to college on- to-mouth, have not been the town was more inspiring, said O’Neil, reaf rmed by bond rating The expansion project calls line. It’s extremely chal- able to keep up with their when you consider he had three daugh- company S&P Global. for the addition of 10 class- lenging as she suffers from nancial obligations due to Crabtree said represen- rooms to the Huckleberry posttraumatic stress disor- ters. Yet Hughes turned out to be a major unemployment, illness and tatives from S&P Global Hill and Summer Street der (PTSD) due to years be- gure in the life of the O’Neil family. other hardships brought on have expressed support schools to accommodate ing victimized by domestic When he rst arrived in the town, having as a result of COVID-19. for the plan. what is projected to be an One single mother with “Without a doubt, I unprecedented spike in the ITEM SANTA, A3 HUGHES, A3 think all cities and towns town’s elementary enroll- have been hit by (COVID), ment by the year 2024-2025. and Saugus has been for- Each school, both of which By Guthrie Scrimgeour Thursday’s virtual forum on tunate to be in such a good have already been forced to ITEM STAFF the subject, a committee can nancial position going use common areas for cer- be formed to perform an “au- SWAMPSCOTT — After a into this that we’ve been tain activities previously re- Anti-Racist dit” on the town’s institutions, year in which racial tensions able to avoid any kind of served for traditional class- examining the role of system- changes in services we’re rooms, will see the addition forum questions have been at the forefront of ic racism in shaping them. providing to residents,” he of ve classrooms as well as town politics, residents are The forum, run by Mene- said. “We had a surveil- other improvements, includ- trying to build a more diverse ide on Zoom, was attended lance call with the bond ing additional parking and Swampscott’s and accepting community. by about 50 people including rating company, and one improved traf c ow at both Tamy-Fee Meneide, an an- Town Administrator Sean of the things we presented schools; upgrades to athletic ti-racism advocate for the Fitzgerald and members of lack of diversity town, hopes that from these MEETING, A3 VOTE, A2 conversations, as well as last RACISM, A3

INSIDE STOP THE SPREAD. FOLLOW THE RULES. Lynn School board will Opinion give superintendent It’s time to catch STAY WEAR A MASK NO MORE THAN WASH YOUR HANDS positive review for up. A4 shortened year. A2 Sports Saugus St. Mary’s Zach Saugus achieves Barden becomes second consecutive area’s latest four- FEET APART IN AN INDOOR10 GATHERING high bond rating. sport athlete. B1 A7

OBITUARIES ...... A2 LOOK! ...... A8 DIVERSIONS ...... B5 HIGH 38° VOL. 141, ISSUE 304 OPINION ...... A4 SPORTS ...... B1-2 CLASSIFIED ...... B6-7 LOW 27° POLICE/FIRE ...... A5 COMICS ...... B4 HEALTH ...... B8 PAGE A8 $1.50 A2 THE DAILY ITEM MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 OBITUARIES Lynn school James L. Hughes Jr., 87 Edward P. DuBois, 80 1933 - 2020 1940 - 2020 board will give SWAMPSCOTT - James PEABODY - Edward P. DuBois, and sisters-in-law; Bill DuBois (“Jim”) Lee Hughes, Jr., age 87, of Peabody, died Saturday, Oc- of Greenville, TX, Tom DuBois formerly of Swampscott, Mas- tober 24, 2020. He was the and his wife Catherine of Bev- superintendent sachusetts, died on December husband of Annemarie (Berthi- erly and David DuBois and 3, 2020, after a long illness. aume) DuBois, with whom he his wife Catherine of Beverly He is survived by his wife of 58 shared 44 years of marriage. Farms; as well as his nieces positive review for years, Nancy (“Nan”) Neville Born and raised in Beverly, he and nephews; Brian and Faith Hughes, his three daughters, was the son of the late Pay- Horton, Ben and Alexandra Kimberly, Tricia, and Kristin, his ment and Antoinette M. (Sou- Horton, Patrick and Crystal shortened year son-in-law Frank Dibert, and cy) DuBois. He had lived in Skahan, Joseph and Carmi his daughter-in-law Deb Ghez- Peabody for the past 44 years. Skahan, Daniel Skahan, David By Gayla Cawley “I don’t agree with my zi. Jim was known as ‘Papa’ to Edward worked as a lineman and Amanda Skahan, Amy and ITEM STAFF colleagues,” said Coppola. “I feel Dr. Tutwiler is en- his beloved granddaughters, for National Grid for many years Jeremy Lefave, Kate Surette, LYNN — Superinten- Emma and Daphne, and his until his retirement. He was David DuBois and April DuBois. titled to a full evaluation. dent Dr. Patrick Tutwil- We’ve kind of indicated eight grand-dogs. He is also an avid collector and antique He was the brother of the late er will receive a posi- survived by his two sisters, dealer. He loved antiques, coins Philip DuBois and brother-in- tonight — a number of tive evaluation from the people on the committee Ann Restivo of Burlington, MA, and war memorabilia. He was law of the late Letty DuBois. School Committee next and Mary Noonan of South a passionate football fan and Service Information: Pri- — that we are satisfied month. Windsor, CT, and many nieces loved to watch both college vate services were held from with what he’s done. But and nephews. He was pre-de- businessman himself, he val- football and his beloved Patri- the SOLIMINE FUNERAL The School Commit- he’s entitled — this is ceased by his parents, James ued the human touch: a solid ots. He was a member of St. HOME, 426 Broadway (Rt tee shared some positive most beneficial to him to Lee, Sr. and Geneva, his sister handshake, a heartfelt conver- John the Baptist Church in Pea- 129), Lynn. In lieu of flowers, remarks about Tutwiler have this evaluation and Eleanor, and his sister-in-law sation, a relationship honored, body. He was well loved by his donations may be made to at its meeting last week I think this is something Pat. and felt they mattered as much many nieces and nephews and the Salvation Army, 1 Frank- during a discussion that we should be doing.” Born in Brockton, MA, in as the bottom line. Generous will be greatly missed. lin Street, Lynn, MA 01901. was centered around how Gately agreed, saying March 1933, Jim moved to to a fault, Jim donated his In addition to his wife, he is Relatives and friends are en- to conduct its annual re- that she wanted to give Swampscott with his sister time, money, and enthusiasm survived by his sisters-in-law couraged to leave a message view of the superinten- a more immediate evalu- and parents in 1934 and was to many causes, big and small, and brothers-in-law; Susan of condolence for the family dent given how last school ation that would provide a near life-long resident of the and was always looking to offer and Joseph Horton of Hinsdale, at year was impacted by the feedback on the work that town he loved. He attended St a hand to those in need. His MA, Mary Jane and Joseph COVID-19 pandemic. was done to transition to John the Evangelist Church pa- Catholic faith inspired such at- Skahan of Lynn and Theresa “Everyone feels you’ve remote learning. rochial school, St John’s Prepa- tunement to others and served Surette of Lynn; his brothers done a pretty outstand- “It would be faster for ratory School in Danvers, and as both refuge and horizon for ing job under the circum- us to roll it in but I don’t the College of the Holy Cross in him. A lector and eucharistic stances, including me,” think it would be fair to Worcester, where he graduat- minister for many years, Jim Mayor Thomas M. McGee, Dr. Tutwiler after all of ed as a proud member of the and his wife Nan were mem- chairman of the School the work that he put in class of 1954. The friendships bers of St John’s intrepid ‘dawn Lynnfield will vote Committee, told Tutwiler all those meetings, all of his high school and college patrol,’ a cohort of regulars who last Thursday. summer long, all of it — attended daily mass and often years endured long after gradu- While all of the com- he worked so hard,” said re-convened over breakfast to ation and were the source ma- on school expansion mittee members agreed Gately. “He deserves to terial for many well-told stories continue discussions both spir- that Tutwiler had per- hear some feedback on his and cherished memories. itual and secular. VOTE Corey Mendonca and formed well during the work in an evaluation.” After college, Jim returned to Amid the hectic pace of Emily Sullivan are the COVID-shortened 2019- work and family life, Jim al- From A1 Ultimately, the com- Swampscott where he began parents of four children 20 school year, there was his career in insurance, first ways found time to attend his mittee voted in line with fields; a new playground ranging in age from nearly some debate over what a recommendation from with the Aetna Insurance Com- daughters’ basketball games area at the Summer four to 10 who attend Lyn- pany and then independently, and track meets and could time frame the evaluation Tutwiler, who suggested Street School, and a full- nfield public schools. should cover and when it that his evaluation should launching and running the often be heard from the side- size gymnasium at the “This will definitely im- Hughes Insurance Agency for lines debating the merits of a should be administered. cover the 2019-20 school Huckleberry Hill School. pact my kids,” said Sul- Committee members year, and the work that 57 years before his retirement particular call or foul. He would The anticipated cost to livan. “Already my kids Jared Nicholson and Mi- was done to transition to in 2017. Beneath the swirl of say that some of his happiest taxpayers on average per in elementary school are chael Satterwhite sug- remote learning this past policies, actuarial tables, and moments occurred on bleach- year is projected to be having to do things in the gested that rather than summer. deductibles, he saw his work er seats. In later years, such $205 for the next 20 years. hallways because there giving an evaluation next “I really think that we as a tangible way of caring for moments took the form of On Nov. 21, more than isn’t enough space. My month that would cov- need to close the books on loved ones and ensuring their weekend doughnut outings 600 residents turned out daughter takes a beach er a 2019-20 school year last year, the 19-20 school well-being in the face of life’s with his grand-daughters and in droves for a Special towel to school because that ended on June 30, a year,” said Tutwiler. “I ap- uncertainties. Jim envisioned walks with his wife along the Town Meeting convened sometimes she has to sit review should instead be himself as a first responder of Swampscott-Lynn boulevard. outdoors on the football on that for lunch some- preciate that folks want sorts, reaching out to those in In the last months of his life, field at Lynnfield High where because there just given in the spring that to recognize the launch Jim spoke often about wanting need to comfort and reassure School to approve the pro- isn’t room at times.” would cover the 2019-20 of the school year, all the “to go home” and was filled in difficult moments. He always posed expansion project. “I think it’s needed and and 2020-21 school years. work that’s happened, with long-ago stories of his referred to his clients as “his The town overwhelmingly the kids definitely need By combining the two getting the school year childhood years. This strong people” and took his responsi- approved it in a landslide the space at the school,” evaluations, Nicholson on point, (but) that can desire and these recollections bility to them seriously and per- vote, 386-17, well above said Mendonca. “Having said the review would cap- be recognized in the next seemed to augur this final tran- sonally. Jim loved being part of the two-thirds superma- extra space is not only ture work that was done evaluation.” important stages of his clients’ sition, and we hope, Jim, Dad, jority threshold needed needed because there are before the COVID-19 pan- The panel voted unani- lives: welcoming a new child, that you have indeed found for approval, to set up the more kids in the schools, demic shut down schools mously to approve Tutwil- buying a first home, starting a your way home. Those whose Dec. 8 debt exclusion vote. but if the COVID thing last March and the work er’s recommendation and new business, or grieving the lives you have touched will re- The Town Meeting was stays around any longer, that was done during the will present its evaluation loss of someone dear. member always your unfailing summer and this past fall for the 2019-20 school passion and fierce loyalty, and the third one held this then trying to get them An avid sports fan and sup- to pivot to remote learn- year, including this past we, your family, will hold in our year since June. (students) all back into porter, Jim was an assistant ing. summer, in early January. hearts your unflagging spirit, After the results of the the schools, this will give coach to the Swampscott foot- Tutwiler will not re- steadfast support, and endur- vote were announced, them the space to do that. Satterwhite agreed, say- ball team under the legendary ceive a full evaluation Stan Bondelevitch and took ing love. We are grateful for all Kate DePrizio, president Nobody knows when that ing that combining the because of the disruption great pride in his players, sev- you brought to our lives. We of Together We Can, an or- might be, but I do feel it’s two evaluations would be the pandemic had on last eral of whom advanced to pro- love you and we will miss you. ganization formed by sup- necessary.” more efficient and would fessional careers in the NFL. In Service Information: Vis- porters of the expansion Teacher Kelly Mertens, more accurately repre- school year. He will not be addition, he started the CYO iting hours will be held on project, said she took great in a letter to the Lynnfield sent the current state of graded on whether he met basketball program for girls Wednesday, December 9, pride in the way Lynnfield Weekly News urged resi- the schools, as instruction his student achievement and boys at St John’s Church in 2020, from 10 AM to 12 responded. dents to vote “yes” because has “changed drastically” and district improvement Swampscott, co-led the sum- PM at the Murphy Funeral “I am so proud of Lyn- there is “overwhelming ev- since last March. goals, which were signifi- mer league basketball program Home, located at 85 Feder- nfield right now. I am so idence that small class size “There’s obvious evi- cantly impacted by the for high school students with al Street, Salem, MA 01970. happy that they priori- yields short and long term dence that Dr. Tutwiler school closures, but will long-time friend Arthur O’Neil, A funeral mass will follow tized families and their benefits for students.” has taken this ship and be evaluated on standards and in his later years, coached at 12:30 PM at St John the children and their chil- Ellen Crawford, whose changed course and that’s and indicators that were the Swampscott High School Evangelist Parish, located dren’s education,” she four children attended what we wanted,” said set by the committee. golf team along with Bob Jau- at 174 Humphrey Street, said. “I think it speaks Lynnfield public schools, Satterwhite. “That’s why For example, standards ron. Swampscott, MA, 01907 and loudly to the amount that said she was proud to be a we hired him. The district evaluated in the last re- the vote passed by, and I Jim’s coaching interests in the burial following mass at part of a grassroots effort has documented evidence port included Tutwiler’s am just so happy. But our 20 years ago that led to football, basketball, and golf Swampscott Cemetery, 400 of the work, but what I’m performance around in- work still isn’t done.” town-wide improvements grew out of his own love for Essex Street, Swampscott, trying to say is it doesn’t structional leadership, In a letter to the Lyn- in the schools, including a these sports. He played foot- MA, 01907. In lieu of flow- go away just because management and opera- ball in high school and college ers, please consider donat- nfield Weekly News, To- new middle school. tions, family and commu- gether We Grow’s Bridget “The success of that we’re doing it two months and was first introduced to golf ing to two of Jim’s favorite down the line, in March nity engagement and pro- while working as a caddy at organizations:St. Joseph’s Charville, DePrizio, Sarah project has brought us to fessional culture. Kelley and Crystal Lavino, where we are today with instead of January. Tedesco Country Club in Mar- Indian School, P.O. Box 100, “It doesn’t change any- The committee chose to blehead. He eventually joined Chamberlain, SD 57325; wrote, “We still are work- one of the top-rated school adhere to a recommenda- systems in the Common- thing. He gets more feed- the club as a young man and tel: 800-584-9200; Web: ing to make sure the vot- tion from Dorothy Presser, ers know why they need wealth,” she said. “I was back, more current feed- rose to become President of [A field director for the Mas- to vote for this.We already grateful in 2001 when I back than doing it the way Tedesco in 1977. Jim always Native American school ded- sachusetts Association of know that the vast major- was a young parent asking that is being suggested … quipped that his memoir of icated to improving the qual- School Committees, who ity of residents agree with voters to support a school I think it’s better to give that time should be entitled, ity of life for Lakota (Sioux) has been advising school Too Many Jellies, Not Enough children and families. Its his need. We need to get building project and happy him more current infor- out and vote on Tuesday, to see the town residents mation than just to focus committees to evaluate Plain, to reflect the challeng- mission is to educate Na- superintendents on the es of trying, and sometimes tive American children and Dec. 8. Our community is had the foresight to know on 19-20, which is very strongest when we take that a top-rated school sys- different than where we same goals next year. failing, to meet the often com- their families for life and “(To) ensure that the help them reestablish pride care of its youngest resi- tem is key to keeping our are today.” peting needs of multiple con- progress moves forward stituencies. Whether on a golf in their culture by learning dents. They are our future.” town strong and viable.” However, vice-Chair and that you’re also being course, basketball court, or the Lakota language and Donna Coppola and mem- fair to the superintendent, 50-yard line, Jim saw sports as studying Native American ber Lorraine Gately were more than a game but as a liv- culture]; or The Gray House, not in favor of holding off what we have recom- ing metaphor for important life 22 Sheldon Street, Spring- until the spring, saying mended is that goals stay lessons, such as the power and field, MA 01107; tel: 413- that Tutwiler was entitled in place,” said Presser. 734-6696; Web: http:// value of teamwork, persistence, to receive his full annu- Gayla Cawley can be resilience, and friendship. al evaluation, which is a A locavore before such prac- [A neighborhood human stipulation of his three- reached at gcawley@item- tice became fashionable, Jim service agency founded by year contract with the Follow her on believed in the power of com- the Sisters of St Joseph in school district. Twitter @GaylaCawley. munity and was knit tightly into 1982 to meet their neigh- the fabric of Swampscott. He bors’ immediate needs and Catch up with your was active in town politics, was address the root causes of favorite team poverty] For more informa- 781-593-7700 elected to several terms on the in Item Sports! Publishing Daily, except Sundays Swampscott Housing Authority, tion or to sign the online Stories live on. USPS-142-820 ISSN-8750-8249 and was an ardent supporter guestbook, please visit www. Periodicals postage paid at Lynn, MA of small, local, and indepen- or and additional offices. dent businesses. As a small call 978-744-0497. Tell theirs. Copyright ©2020 The Daily Item Subscriptions Prepaid by mail to all parts of the United States SUBSCRIBE $30.00 for 4 weeks Share your loved one’s story. $95.00 for 13 weeks [emailprotected] | 781-593-7700 $185.00 for 26 weeks $340.00 for 1 year Send payment to and POSTMASTER, call 781-593-7700 ext. 2 send address changes to: Call The Daily Item to start your In partnership with 781-593-7700 ext. 2 110 Munroe St. to set up your home P.O. Box 5 daily subscription. subscripton. Lynn, MA 01903 MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 THE DAILY ITEM A3 No winter Anti-Racist forum questions sports for Swampscott’s lack of diversity RACISM opposed to just being per- town. We have enough Most recently, Swamp- From A1 formative.” firepower to do that right scott police and fire de- Lynn schools “If (Swampscott’s) 97 per- here and right now.” partments voted to leave the Select Board. cent white becomes 45 per- It’s been a long, conten- the Civil Service System NO SPORTS meeting, members ex- “I really loved every sin- cent white, how do we feel tious year for Swampscott in a move intended to in- gle voice in that room,” From A1 pressed support for ath- about that?” asked Menei- in terms of addressing crease the diversity of the letic directors finding a said Meneide. “Everyone de. “Are we ready to really race issues. forces. The move sparked but then to not be able to way to safely play sports was really thoughtful. And own up to what welcoming In April, a weekly Trump backlash from Town Meet- present our plans is hard in the winter season. it was refreshing during for all really means?” rally began in Monument ing member Bill Dimento, to swallow.” For the athletic direc- the pandemic when you Brennan also stressed Square which, at one who felt that residents had “We’ve offered to conduct tors, the biggest blow at don’t usually get the the importance of eradi- point, included a Confed- been “deceived and lied to” all of our sports seasons in this point will be felt by chance to hear and see all cating what she perceives erate flag. about the unions’ decision controlled environments their student-athletes. these people.” as Swampscott’s elitism The rally has continued to leave Civil Service. with all of the proper pro- “We’re talking about eq- Framed around the arti- toward surrounding com- throughout the year, draw- Meneide hopes that the tocols in place,” said Clas- uity and fairness at this cle, The Groundwater Ap- munities. ing a pro-Black Lives Mat- next meeting might draw sical AD Bill Devin. “I took point,” said Newton. “I go proach, published by the “We have these diverse ter counterprotest, which some voices who are more a poll of athletic directors out and see our kids work- Racial Equity Institute, neighboring towns around has sparred verbally, and skeptical of increasing di- which uses the metaphor at the last Northeastern ing all over Lynn, at places us like Salem and Lynn. on one occasion physically, versity in Swampscott. of fish being poisoned by a Conference meeting, and like Walmart and Market We can break down the with the pro-Trump side. “It’s important to have contaminated groundwater almost all of them said Basket and others where barriers between these One week, a protest ac- productive conflict,” she supply to show the effects of they would play the Lynn they’re exposed to hun- communities and mingle tor unaffiliated with ei- said. “What I’d hope for systemic racism on the Af- schools if we played on dreds of people a day, and ther side appeared at the rican-American population, with them if you want to next time is to have the the road during the win- they’re asking how it’s fair the conversation covered get more voices involved. rally in KKK robes, and same voices we had to- ter season. It’s very dis- that other communities everything from improving That’s the problem. We the next week he wore night but also opening heartening to hear that get to play and they don’t. affordability to the Swamp- think that we’re so elite, blackface. it up to those voices that we won’t even be able to It’s hard to hear that.” when we’re no better than In July, Select Board have skepticism about attempt this.” scott METCO program. “The bottom line is that our neighboring towns.” member Don Hause faced racialized diversity. If we “It’s obviously very dis- Those at the forum were our kids aren’t getting Swampscott resident a recall campaign after he don’t talk to the people appointing for the stu- not afraid to ask questions the same opportunities David Vera stressed the was allegedly overheard who don’t believe it then dent-athletes and their that might make people as other kids in our city,” importance of taking clear calling the Black Lives we’re all just high-fiving families,” said Tech AD uncomfortable. said Devin. “Our kids who steps, suggesting that a Matter movement “liber- each other.” Adolph Graciale. “At the “We should be asking play sports have nothing those big questions — committee be created to al bull()” and saying that Meneide believes that same time, I can under- to look forward to, and I stand where the Board of such as why, on this Zoom, improve the experience for white privilege is not real. the process of healing ra- think it’s really having a are most of us white?” students in Swampscott’s The effort, led by cial divides in Swampscott Health is coming from. We profound effect on all of want everyone to be safe, said Swampscott resi- METCO program. Swampscott resident Nick has just begun. them. dent Mary Alice Brennan. “I hope that there’s a Scibelli, was only able to “It is going to a hard path and I think we need to get “I look at our community the kids back in school “Why are so many of us committee or a group that gather 374 of the 1,708 re- forward. Do I think it is a as a whole,” Devin added. in Swampscott white? We is formed to help these quired to force a recall and path that is unreachable? and try to keep pushing “Everyone goes to Market forward as best we can.” should be asking those big students succeed,” he said. Hause remained in office, No.” she said. “Change is Basket, everyone goes to “It’s a very tough deci- questions to ourselves and “I challenge everyone here pledging to educate him- incremental, and it has to Eastern Bank. Why are sion to make because we trying to find solutions, as to build something for our self about white privilege. start from within.” sports any different, es- all want to give our kids pecially when done in the as many opportunities as controlled environment we can to get out there we’re talking about?” Swampscott loses a true Blue booster and compete,” said KIPP St. Mary’s athletic direc- AD Anthony Grimaldi. tor Jeff Newhall said in HUGHES “We’re going to be aligned a Facebook post over the with the Lynn schools on From A1 weekend, “We are confi- this, so at this point our moved from East Boston, goal is to keep looking dent that following the same protocols that have O’Neil was looking for ahead and try to provide an organized basketball a safe environment where allowed us to offer in-per- son learning for more than league for his daughter, we can bring kids back to Kristin. Problem was school and athletics.” 100 days and participate in interscholastic athlet- there weren’t any. He The news came just nine asked then girls coach days before the official ics throughout the fall will allow our student-athletes Jack Hughes (no relation) start date of the winter if he could help, and “Jack season, which is Dec. 14. to safely compete this winter. told me to talk to Jim.” As the city of Lynn deals By then, Jim had already with exploding COVID-19 “We fielded 14 teams in seven sports this fall, with established the CYO boys case numbers — includ- program and had it run- ing record-setting figures 290 students playing in ning remarkably well. for a single day in back- 172 contests, including our “I went to see him in his to-back days this week, league post-season tour- office, and asked whether the Department of Public naments. We understand he thought we could start Health has ruled that the that we have to be more a girls program,” O’Neil risk is too great. Remote vigilant than ever, and our said. “And he said he was learning in the city has al- students are committed to all for it. He talked to ready been extended until doing whatever it takes to Monsignor (John) Carroll, at least February. stay in school and contin- and we started it. And he But on the athletics ue to compete in athletics,” was always there from front, the rules have been Newhall said. changed a bit since the Last week, St. Mary’s then on.” fall. Schools that were marked the 100th straight Both their daughters, participating in fully re- day of in-person learning both named Kristin, went mote learning were not al- at the school. into play both for the lowed to play sports in the Several hours after Sat- CYO league and later for fall season, while schools urday’s decision, word be- Swampscott High. Kristin Jim Hughes and Dick Jauron share a laugh before dinner at the 2016 with hybrid learning just gan to get around on so- Hughes is currently the Item All-Star football banquet in Marblehead. needed the approval of cial media that students, athletic director for Smith their school committee. coaches and parents plan College in Amherst in He said that “if Stan hundreds of times. Many best player in the Boston For winter sports, all to protest at Lynn City Northampton. needed something, what- of those lunches included College-Holy Cross game, schools — remote learning Hall on Tuesday after- “He was a friend,” said ever it was, Jim was prob- Bob Jauron, and listening DeFelice said. included — would be al- noon. Similar protests by DeFelice. “I did business ably the guy he went to,” to those two talk about “He did whatever he lowed to play sports with other NEC schools prior with him personally, with DeFelice said. sports was entertaining to could for the kids of the approval of the school to the fall season swayed my insurance, but we’d Paul Halloran was an say the least. Jim was an Swampscott and, I guess, committee. opinions and got sports sit in his office and talk Item sportswriter when he old-school, tough, good guy. Nahant, and for the pro- During last month’s like boys and girls soccer, sports. He was a devout first met Hughes, which I will miss him greatly.” grams in the town,” O’Neil Lynn School Committee field hockey and cross Prep guy, devout Holy led to a 30-year friendship. Hughes, born in Brock- said. “He’s the reason I got athletic subcommittee country played. Cross guy — very loyal to “Jim was among the ton, moved to Swamp- involved in girls basket- both — and he was a de- most loyal people I’ve scott when the family was ball. He was always inter- vout Catholic. He saw him ever met,” said Halloran, a year old, and lived on ested in our program. He at Mass often. He used to managing editor at Grant Humphrey Street, across was big with the boosters. Mother ‘didn’t want go to Mass every day until, Communications Consult- from the former Temple Is- Always took out a good- I suppose, he just couldn’t ing Group and executive rael. He played football for sized ad in our book. And anymore.” director of the Agganis St. John’s Prep, graduat- he was the golf coach at help’ —­ but needs it DeFelice said Hughes All-Star Games. “When ing in 1950, and then went the high school, twice, and was “a fixture around he found out I was a Holy to Holy Cross. For several never took a penny. I loved unlike any other. ITEM SANTA town. A pioneer. Every- Cross guy, he called to years, he was chairman of the guy. He did so much You can help those in From A1 one knew who he was. He take me to lunch. Happy the O’Melia Award com- for the town. A real genu- need have a brighter holi- wasn’t any stranger.” to say that repeated itself mittee that recognized the ine guy.” violence. day this year with a dona- She was doing well and tion to the Item Santa. had built a small sav- Now in its 54th year, the ings account with which Item Santa fund helps to Saugus set for special Town Meeting she intended to use for make Christmas brighter Christmas this year, but for the needy. To donate, MEETING grading some of the defi- increase, and an article maintenance work. car troubles depleted the clip the coupon in The Item From A1 ciencies with the HVAC seeking to accept roughly “We’ve spent the last few account, leaving her with and mail it, along with systems and making it so 60 streets as public road- years trying to go through no money for presents for your check, to The Item to them was this (plan), that it’s safe and healthy ways. legal council, engineers, her children. Salvation Army Santa, PO and they thought that was for teachers, students, Around 35 percent of and surveyors to try to “I suffer from PTSD and Box 5, Lynn, MA 01903. a very strong financial de- and anyone who visits our the town’s roadways are get the roads in a position it makes it hard to keep There is also a way to do- cision.” town and school build- currently unaccepted, where we can accept them a job, but I had money I nate online, and have your For Article 8, Crabtree ings,” he said. Crabtree said, adding that for the purposes of chap- saved and didn’t want to contributions acknowl- said the funds would allow Other warrant items unaccepted roadways are ter 90 (funding) through utilize help from anyone edged, just click on the fol- the town to improve safety include an article aiming ineligible for chapter 90 town meeting,” he said. this year, then my car died,” lowing link: https://www. features in its municipal to purchase police cruis- grant funding. Accepting “We’re looking for funding the mother wrote. “My sec- buildings, including Sau- ers for the Saugus Police those streets as public so we can do the entire ond-born needs speech and All donations are list- gus public schools. Department, an article roadways would allow the area that’s in need of (up- occupational therapy every ed in Item print editions “We’re working on up- proposing a water rate town to conduct necessary grades).” week, so I need a car, so through the month of De- there went Christmas. cember and into 2021, “Now, I really could use along with a brief message LAW OFFICES OF the help this year to make from each donor, if desired. Lynn Drug Task Force 781-477-4444 JAMES J. CARRIGAN Christmas special for my NOTE: The application • Social Security Disability girls.” period for aid from Item Hotline • Workers Compensation This mother’s story isn’t Santa has closed and • Accidents unique. Now, more than The Item does not pro- 25 years located across Spanish menu available from Lynn District Court ever before, with millions cess applicants. All ques- CALL 24 HOURS A DAY and millions of people tions about the program or text the word tiplynn 15 Johnson St. having to swallow their and distribution of gifts All reports of neighborhood 781-596-0100 independence and pride should be directed to the JAMES J. CARRIGAN activity will be investigated. and your tip to ANNE GUGINO CARRIGAN and ask for assistance Salvation Army at 781- LISA A. CARRIGAN, OF COUNSEL during this holiday season 598-0673. Callers may remain anonymous. “tip411” (847411) [emailprotected] A4 MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 OPINION


E¤¥¤ M. G DIRECTORS President and Publisher Edward L. Cahill It’s time to catch up M¦Ÿ H. SŸŸ Chief Executive O cer John M. Gilberg Edward M. Grant E C J. SŸ E. K¡ In January of this year a quarter of their net-new able. The last Quadrennial Advertising Director News Director Gordon R. Hall 110 Munroe St. capacity was solar. Energy Review predicted W J. K TŸ J ¡¢ Monica Connell Healey the National Science Board, P.O. Box 5 Chief Financial O cer Editorial Page Editor J. Patrick Norton One example of where sci- which is part of the Nation- that 1.5 million new jobs Lynn, MA 01903 J N. W C T¡£ Michael H. Shanahan al Science Foundation, pub- ence-based decisions could Chief Operating O cer Community Relations Director Chairman will be created in the en- lished its biennial report on better inform our energy ergy sector between 2016 Customer Service Science and Engineering policy are small modular Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. PUBLISHERS and 2030; in fact, according nuclear reactors, or SMRs. Horace N. Hastings, 1877-1904 Indicators. It captures how to the 2020 US Energy and Connecting Charles H. Hastings and Wilmot R. Hastings, 1904-1922 Many people immediately the United States compares Employment Report, there All Departments: Charles H. Hastings, 1922-1940 to other countries from the reject nuclear power as a vi- Ernest W. Lawson, 1940-1960 were 54,000 net new jobs in 781-593-7700 Charles H. Gamage and Peter Gamage, 1960-1982 perspective of degree pro- able energy option because just energy efficiency alone. Peter Gamage, 1982-1991 duction, investments in re- of two false perceptions: that Ext. 2 Peter H. Gamage, 1991-1996 Second, we need to get Brian C. šayer, 1996-1999 search and development, it is fundamentally unsafe serious about exposing our Classified/Legal Advertising Bernard W. Frazier Jr., 1999-2005 and scientific articles and and that there is no good children to core concepts of [emailprotected] Peter H. Gamage, 2005-2014 patents (as a proxy for tech- way to dispense with spent science, technology, engi- Subscriptions John S. Moran, Executive Editor, 1975-1990 nical prowess). radioactive fuel. However, neering and mathematics, [emailprotected] Basically, we’re falling be- even well-respected former the so-called STEM curricu- hind on every major mea- anti-nuclear advocates, like Circulation la. Just because K-12 public [emailprotected] sure, which means we may Michael Schellenberger, education is typically a local have changed their minds not have enough trained or state issue doesn’t mean Ext. 3 people and core compe- on this. Electricity from nu- that we can afford to live Newsroom tencies to combat climate clear plants can be created in regional isolation, where [emailprotected] change, defeat contagious safely, affordably and with- some school boards promote [emailprotected] viruses or compete in the out turning radioactive ma- fundamental physics and growing market for ad- terial into weapons. Ext. 4 others fundamentalist phi- EDITORIAL vanced energy systems. Another example is hydro- Sports This is a dangerous signal. gen-based fuel cells, which losophy. Willful ignorance is [emailprotected] not consistent with our val- Not only have we closed produce electricity in a way Ext. 5 the borders (even to stu- that exhausts only water ues and freedoms. dents) and raised the walls and heat. The global mar- Finally, we need leader- Retail and Online Remember (literally and figuratively) ket is still relatively small, ship attention and an ac- Advertising [emailprotected] to shared knowledge, we only about $5 billion today, tionable agenda on where have diluted educational but one analyst believes it and how to invest precious ADVERTISING resources into research, Pearl Harbor achievement standards at could grow to $40 billion in Ernie Carpenter Jr. home and outsourced our six years; another believes technology transfer and ex- Director of Advertising critical manufacturing ca- that in 2032 over 5 million port commercialization. And and Business Development, ext. 1355 Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines pabilities overseas. Turning hydrogen-fueled cars will be we need to make sure that [emailprotected] infamy as evil fame or reputation. Franklin Del- the tide will require new sold worldwide, worth over the international playing Ralph Mitchell ano Roosevelt used the word to describe the Dec. educational policy, targeted $250 billion. Almost every field is safe, fair and level Sales Representative, ext. 1313 7, 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in his federal funding and vision- major foreign manufacturer for everybody. That means [emailprotected] speech a day after the attack asking Congress to ary executive leadership. has scaled a fuel cell electric constructive engagement Eric Rondeau declare war on the Japanese empire. Investment in science re- vehicle (FCEV) to produc- with our partners, and clear Sales Representative, ext. 1280 Few of the attack’s survivors are still alive. Em- veals verifiable facts that tion, but the U.S. is virtual- and enforceable rules for [emailprotected] ery Arsenault, who we use to live longer, happi- ly invisible in the market. our competitors. It means Patricia Whalen lived for decades in er, more-affordable lives. It Unwisely retreating from less bluster and polemic Sales Representative, ext. 1310 also leads to products and FCEVs unnecessarily limits Lynn and saw Jap- outrage, and more product [emailprotected] services that we can sell in the U.S. from competing in demonstrations and value anese attack planes BUSINESS OFFICE foreign markets. The only advanced energy manufac- creation. race over his radar “alternative fact” that mat- turing and transportation. Susan J. Conti station on the way ters is that China is eager There are three decisions Greg Douquet is a for- Controller, ext. 1288 to their targets, died to assume any mantle we we can make that would put mer Marine Corps colonel, [emailprotected] in February. abandon or neglect. the U.S. on proper footing. co-founder and managing Ted Grant Arsenault was There’s no better exam- First, we need to agree partner of Red Duke Strate- Publisher, ext. 1234 quick to share his ple of where misbegotten that voluntarily relinquish- gies LLC, and co-director of [emailprotected] memories of that technology policy has hurt ing technological leadership the Atlantic Council Global Marian Kinney bright Sunday us than the energy sector. is going to severely hurt our Energy Center’s Veterans ext. 1212 Advanced Energy Project. [emailprotected] morning, including The U.S. should be leading economy and our global po- Peter L. Levin (pll@coment- how he grabbed a in every topic from reducing litical influence. Pushing a Will Kraft greenhouse gas emissions to coal-based agenda or rip- is a co-founder and rifle in anticipation Chief Financial Officer, ext. 1296 clean electricity generation. ping up environmental reg- CEO of Amida Technology [emailprotected] of the Japanese fol- China today has almost ulations is not going to make Solutions, and a senior ad- lowing up their air SHUTTERSTOCK IMAGE three times our renewable us cleaner, healthier, more junct fellow at the Center for Paula Villacreses attack with an inva- A/R Specialist, ext. 1205 The USS Arizona me- generative capacity; in 2019 productive or more employ- a New American Security. [emailprotected] sion. morial sits beneath a Mike Shanahan With his death and waving US flag and a STANLEY POPOVICH the passing of other Chief Executive Officer, ext. 1956 clear blue sky. [emailprotected] Pearl Harbor sur- vivors, the details The importance of mental health help Carolina Trujillo Community Relations Director, ext. 1226 of the day and its significance in American and [emailprotected] world history are consigned to the history books. Getting professional help that will make you feel a from a counselor will save Jim Wilson It falls to all of us who live in freedom, thanks for dealing with your per- lot better. The only way you a lot of suffering in the sistent fears and anxiety is you will get access to these long run. You will get the Chief Operating Officer, ext. 1200 to Arsenault and his comrades, to read that his- [emailprotected] the single-most important treatments is if you talk to a tory and understand its significance. Pearl Har- answers you are looking step in your recovery. Many counselor. Ask your primary for which will help manage CIRCULATION bor, like the 9/11 attacks, drove home the jar- people are reluctant to get care physician if he or she ring realization that a continent flanked by two your fears and anxieties. Lisa Mahmoud the help they need for vari- knows anyone that can help Manager, ext. 1239 oceans could not keep Americans safe from the You will get better a lot fast- ous reasons. you. er by talking to a mental [emailprotected] world’s evil-doers. Making excuses for not Three. You can’t manage health professional. In 1941, the luxury of neutrality and false getting treatment for your your anxieties all by your- CUSTOMER SERVICE Six. You will not be alone: sense of security made Hitler’s armies seem far anxiety issues will not solve self: Your anxieties and fears You will have people in your La’ Mosha Ball away to most Americans. But the Japanese mili- anything. With this in mind, can be extremely difficult to Customer Service, ext. 1276 corner who will be able to tary -- mightier in 1941 than its U.S. counterpart here are a few reasons why manage and more than like- [emailprotected] help you overcome your -- brought the threat of global domination by ty- getting help for your ly you will need some help. GRAPHICS mental health problems is Do not be embarrassed that mental health issues. You rants to America. won’t feel as alone when at- Trevor Andreozzi The America that built a colonial empire in the so important. you are getting help. We all One. You will get tips learn new things from oth- tempting to get rid of your Designer Pacific was suddenly on the ropes and forced to [emailprotected] on handling your mental ers on a daily basis and get- fears. It is best to have make a choice of isolating itself on the defensive health issues: A profession- ting help will get your life people who are helping you Mark Sutherland or going on the offensive first in the Pacific, then al counselor can give you back on track. health problems by yourself. Creative Director, ext. 1330 [emailprotected] in North Africa and Europe. many ideas on how you Four. You will improve: Stan Popovich is the au- Roosevelt chose the latter path and his deci- can manage your fears and As you work with a profes- NEWSROOM sion meant millions of Americans like Arsenault anxieties. Once you get the sional, you will improve on thor of the popular manag- ing fear book, “A Layman’s Mike Alongi fought to vanquish the Japanese and the Nazis much needed advice, the your skill sets in managing Sports Editor, ext. 1228 and many died in the fighting. next\ step is to apply what your mental health. You will Guide To Managing Fear”. [emailprotected] For more information about Evil will always seek to lock its grip on human- you have learned to your become better able to man- his book and to get some Elyse Carmosino ity and it will be up to Americans, present and own life. age your anxieties over time Reporter, ext. 1264 free mental health advice, future, to decide to stand idly by while it stran- Two. A counselor will which will benefit you later [emailprotected] know how to get rid of your on in your life. please visit Stan’s website at gles freedom or make sacrifices to banish it. http://www.managingfear. Gayla Cawley fears: A counselor can rec- Five. You will get better Reporter, ext. 1236 ommend certain treatments a lot faster: Getting help com [emailprotected] Cheryl Charles News Editor, ext. 1278 [emailprotected] Olivia Falcigno Photographer, ext.1224 [emailprotected] Spenser Hasak Photographer, ext. 1332 [emailprotected] Thor Jourgensen Editorial Page Editor, ext. 1267 [emailprotected] Daniel Kane Sports Reporter, ext. 1228 [emailprotected] Steve Krause News Director, ext. 1229 [emailprotected] Guthrie Scrimgeour Reporter, ext. 1222 [emailprotected] Anne Marie Tobin Assignment Editor, ext. 1307 [emailprotected] TECHNOLOGY Tim Noyes Director ext. 1247 TO SUBMIT YOUR LETTERS, PLEASE MAIL TO THE DAILY ITEM, P.O. BOX 5, LYNN, MA 01903 OR EMAIL TO [emailprotected] [emailprotected] MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 THE DAILY ITEM A5 Community Calendar Monday, Dec. 7 - Sunday, Dec. 13

The Community Calen- virtual meeting - see town appropriate for ages 8-12 School Committee quali- peabodyma.myrec for SWAMPSCOTT dar runs every Monday website for log-on infor- in videos viewable at www. ty and standards subcom- more information, Ross and covers the week from mation, 6:30 p.m. mittee, Higgins Middle Park, Johnson Street, Monday, Dec. 7 Monday through the fol- Board of Selectmen vir- brary with videos posted School library, 85 Perkins starting at 10 a.m. (rain lowing Sunday. Items for tual meeting - see town at 11 a.m. St., 6 p.m. date Dec. 13) Municipal the Community Calendar website for log-on infor- Affordable Housing can be sent to calendar@ mation, 7 p.m. Municipal Please in- NAHANT Special Zoning Board SAUGUS Trust, Virtual, 5 p.m. of Appeals meeting on 15 Library trustees, virtual, clude the town, type of Tuesday, Dec. 8 event (education, enter- Wednesday, Dec. 9 King St. 133-unit project Monday, Dec. 7 7 p.m. tainment, municipal), Education permit - virtual meeting - Historic District Com- Municipal place and time of event. Wakefield-Lynnfield see city website calendar Education mission, TBD, 7:30 p.m. Compost area open. 9-3 Chamber of Commerce for log-on information, 7 Saugus School Commit- p.m. Spring Road. “creating sanity with ad- p.m. tee Finance Subcommit- Tuesday, Dec. 8 COVID-19 free testing. LYNN versity” webinar - see tee meeting. 5-7 p.m. Via 11-1 p.m. St. Aquinas Zoom. Municipal Chamber website for log- Church parking lot. Wednesday, Dec. 9 Tuesday, Dec. 8 on information, 9-10:15 Council on Aging, virtu- Municipal Municipal Municipal a.m. al, 8:30 a.m. Friday, Dec. 11 Cable Television Com- Board of Health meeting. Housing Authority, vir- City Council meeting via Municipal mission virtual meeting - 6:30-8:30 p.m. Via Zoom. Municipal tual, 5:30 p.m. LCTV/Facebook Live, 4:30 Town election to deter- see city website calendar Special Town Meeting. p.m. COVID-19 free testing. Open Space and Rec- mine if amounts required for log-on information, 7 7:30-9:30 p.m. Via Zoom. reation Plan Committee, Board of Health meeting to pay for a bond to cover 11-1 p.m. St. Aquinas p.m. via Zoom, 6:30 p.m. Church parking lot. viritual, 7 p.m. renovation and expan- Tuesday, Dec. 8 sion project costs for the Thursday, Dec. 10 Thursday, Dec. 10 Summer Street and Huck- Saturday, Dec. 12 Education Wednesday, Dec. 9 Education Municipal leberry Hill elementary Municipal School Committee meet- Municipal schools should be exclud- English conversation ing. 6-8 p.m. Via Zoom. Thurgood Marshall Compost area open. 9-3 Joint Select Board and ed from Proposition 2 ½ circle for non-native En- School Council meeting p.m. Spring Road. property tax limitations. glish speakers to practice - Municipal Board of Assessors meet- via Zoom, 4 p.m. Voting takes place at the contact Sharon Janus, 978 Board of Selectmen ing, virtual, 6 p.m. School Committee meet- meeting. 7-9 p.m. Via Renewable Energy Com- ing via Zoom, 6 p.m. high school, 275 Essex St. PEABODY 531 0100 Ext. 24 for log-on Polls open 7 a.m.-8 p.m. information, 7-8 p.m. Zoom. mittee, virtual, 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 7 LYNNFIELD Friday, Dec. 11 Saturday, Dec. 12 Wednesday, Dec. 9 Thursday, Dec. 10 Education ntertainment ntertainment Municipal Municipal Monday, Dec. 7 E Green Out day for men- E Librarian Lauren Fox tal health awareness - Peabody Recreation Saugus Housing Author- Harbor and Waterfront Municipal ([emailprotected]) shares wear green to show sup- sponsors “elf tryouts” for ity meeting. 3-5 p.m. Via Advisory Committee, vir- Historical Commission the first chapters of books port children ages 4-10 - see Zoom. tual, 7 p.m. Inauguration planners rethink how to party in age of virus

By Kevin Freking to what the convention was spreader of the virus. ASSOCIATED PRESS like than a typical inau- Biden’s play-it-safe ap- guration,” President-elect proach to the coronavirus WASHINGTON — Public Joe Biden said Friday, during his campaign of- health guidance to avoid referring to the all-virtu- fers clues about what to big parties in the age of al event that marked his expect in terms of inaugu- coronavirus is about to col- nomination last summer. ral modifications. lide with what is typically “First and foremost, in my He said Friday that a one of America’s biggest cel- objective, is to keep Ameri- “gigantic inaugural parade ebrations of all: the swear- ca safe but still allow peo- down Pennsylvania Ave- ing-in of a new president. ple to celebrate — to cele- nue” was unlikely, although While lots of details are brate and see one another a big reviewing stand is be- still to be worked out, this celebrate.” ing constructed in front of Jan. 20 is sure to be more For their convention, the White House. subdued than prior inau- Democrats pulled together No decisions have been guration days. a made-for-TV mashup of made on whether the offi- A giant parade down homemade videos, speech- cial inaugural balls should Pennsylvania Avenue? es from classrooms and go forward. Some advoca- Not likely. living rooms, and music cy groups already are go- Fancy balls? They may played from afar, narrated ing virtual with their ga- morph into virtual events. by celebrity hosts. FILE PHOTO | ASSOCIATED PRESS las, including the Human The traditional luncheon Biden’s swearing-in it- Rights Campaign, a gay where lawmakers offer self will not be virtual. But Preparations for 2016’s inauguration continue on the West Front of Cap- rights organization. best wishes to the new guests should be prepared itol Hill in Washington. “Our goal is to democra- president? It might not in- to socially distance and tize the inauguration par- clude food this year. wear a mask. Lawmakers The VIP platform can “My guess is there will That was an apparent ty experience by holding a What about the swear- are also considering re- hold 1,600 people. Law- still be a platform cere- reference to President Don- virtual event integrating ing-in itself? The inaugural quiring a COVID-19 test makers also generally mony,” Biden said. “But I ald Trump’s Rose Garden our 3 million-plus members platform on the Capitol’s for anyone on the platform distribute tickets for po- don’t know exactly how it’s introduction of Supreme and supporters into the West Front is going up just near the president-elect, sitions nearby. While no all going to work out. The Court nominee Amy Coney day’s events and breaking like always, but it probably said Paige Waltz, a spokes- hard decisions have been key is keeping people safe. Barrett, where hundreds the traditional bubble of a won’t be as crowded. person for the joint congres- made, the committee is I can’t do a super version of of people crammed togeth- Washington insider experi- “I think you’re going to sional committee charged looking at cutting the the president’s announce- er, many without masks. It ence,” said Lucas Acosta, a see something that’s closer with overseeing the event. numbers on both accounts. ment in the Rose Garden.” turned out to be a super- spokesperson for the group. Trump tactics to overturn election could have staying power

People wait in By Christina line to be tested A. Cassidy for COVID-19 ASSOCIATED PRESS at a testing site ATLANTA — Even after in the North he exits the White House, Hollywood section President Donald Trump’s of Los Angeles on efforts to challenge the Saturday. legitimacy of the election and seeking to overturn PHOTO | ASSOCIATED PRESS the will of voters could have staying power. Trump’s tactics are al- Health officials warn Americans ready inspiring other can- didates and have been not to let their guard down embraced by a wide array FILE PHOTO | ASSOCIATED PRESS of Republicans. Support- Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bon- By Stephen Groves plies will be rationed, and over 280,000 deaths and ers include congressional di displays a court order granting President ASSOCIATED PRESS shots are not expected to more than 14.6 million candidates, state lawmak- Donald Trump’s campaign more access to vote become widely available confirmed infections in ers, party chairs, conser- counting operations at the Pennsylvania Con- With a COVID-19 vac- until the spring. the U.S. New cases per vative legal groups and vention Center in Philadelphia. cine perhaps just days With the U.S. facing what day have rocketed to an appointees to previously lit- away in the U.S., most of tle-known state vote-certifi- could be a catastrophic win- all-time high of more than coming away from this This is despite the fact California headed into an- cation boards. The breadth ter, top government officials 190,000 on average. thinking this is the norm,” that the federal govern- other lockdown Sunday of support for Trump’s ef- warned Americans anew to Deaths per day have said Whitman, who served ment’s own cybersecurity because of the surging fort could be a troubling wear masks, practice social surged to an average of in President George W. arm declared the presi- outbreak and top health sign for future elections. distancing and follow other more than 2,160, a lev- Bush’s administration. dential election “the most officials warned Ameri- “What this president is basic measures — precau- el last seen during the Trump and his allies secure in American histo- cans that this is no time to doing is poisoning democ- have pushed conspiracies tions that President Donald dark days in April, when ry,” and Attorney Gener- let their guard down. racy,” former Michigan involving voting machines al William Barr said the Trump and other members the outbreak was cen- “The vaccine’s critical,” of the administration have Gov. Jennifer Granholm manipulated by dead for- Department of Justice un- tered around New York. Dr. Deborah Birx, the often disdained. said. “And, yes, he is set- eign leaders and tens of covered no evidence that The number of Americans White House coronavirus “I hear community mem- ting a precedent, suggest- thousands of fraudulent would change the outcome. now in the hospital with response coordinator, said bers parroting back those ing that it is OK to violate mail ballots that somehow Even so, Trump has on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” situations — parroting the coronavirus topped these norms that have escaped layers of security found friendly lawmakers “But it’s not going to save back that masks don’t 100,000 for the first time made our country great.” and scrutiny by election and party officials willing us from this current surge. work, parroting back that over the past few days. Granholm, a Democrat, workers across the coun- to bolster his claims and Only we can save us from we should work towards Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a for- joined with former New try. They have filed law- adopt his tactics. On Fri- this current surge.” herd immunity, parroting mer FDA commissioner, Jersey Gov. Christine Todd suits without evidence, day, a group of 64 GOP law- A Food and Drug Admin- back that gatherings don’t warned on CBS’ “Face Whitman, a Republican, tried to pressure state makers in Pennsylvania istration advisory panel result in super-spreading the Nation” that the U.S. to raise concerns about lawmakers into seating signed a statement urging is scheduled to take up a events,” Birx said. “And I death toll could be ap- Trump’s refusal to concede their own presidential Congress not to accept the request Thursday to au- think our job is to constant- proaching 400,000 by the and efforts to undermine electors and sought to in- state’s slate of electors for thorize emergency use of ly say those are myths, they end of January. the integrity of elections. fluence low-level party Democrat Joe Biden. They Pfizer’s vaccine. Vaccina- are wrong and you can see “As bad as things are “This is not who we members who sit on the cited a litany of complaints tions could begin just days the evidence base.” right now,” he said, “they’re are as Americans, and state and local boards that over how the election was later, though initial sup- The virus is blamed for going to get a lot worse.” we don’t want the public certify election results. conducted. A6 THE DAILY ITEM MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 POLICE/FIRE

All address information, particu- p.m. Friday; at 4 Congress St. Freak accident sparks Lynn fire larly arrests, reflect police records. at 4:50 p.m. Friday; at Joyce In the event of a perceived inac- Street at 8:38 a.m. Saturday; By Guthrie been knocked down by lights went off. We started since they had moved Scrimgeour 6:06 p.m. hearing popping noises into the house about two curacy, it is the sole responsibility at Turner Trucking and Salvage on 235 Commercial St. at ITEM STAFF No injuries were report- from the lights in the liv- years ago. They live in of the concerned party to contact ed. ing room.” the second floor unit, but 9:15 a.m. Saturday; at 112 LYNN — Tenants, neigh- the relevant police department and Exchange St. at 11:02 a.m. The fire began due a “We waited a little bit,” also rent to tenants down- bors and a group of insur- have the department issue a no- Saturday; at Aborn Place and freak accident with the he continued. “And then stairs. ance adjusters gathered tice of correction to the Daily Item. Summer Street at 4:44 p.m. lights in the living room the lights fell down. They This fire felt like deja vu outside of the two-family Corrections or clarifications will not Saturday; at Aborn Place and on the second floor of the fell on the table and then for the owners, long-time house 54 Addison Ave. at be made without express notice of Summer Street at 5:43 p.m. home, where the owners the whole thing broke Lynn residents, who expe- Saturday; at Market Basket 6:15 p.m. Sunday follow- live. out.” rienced a similar fire on a change from the arresting police ing a fire on the second “We were in the kitch- “And then you see the December night 14 years department. on 40 Federal St. at 7:31 p.m. Saturday; at 347 Chestnut floor. en,” said one of the own- flames and the sparks,” ago in the house they lived St. at 8:42 p.m. Saturday; at Lynn Fire Department ers, who preferred not said another owner. in at the time. LYNN 250 Maple St. at 11:31 p.m. was on the scene shortly to be named. “We had a They reported that they At the time it remained Saturday; at South Street and before 6:00 p.m. and an- space heater going—then hadn’t experienced any unclear whether or not the Arrests Summer Street at 9:48 a.m. nounced that the fire had the heat went off, and the similar electrical issues unit was still livable. Odilon Alves, 51, of 11 Sunday Elliott St. Swampscott, was A report of a hit and run ac- arrested at 12:08 a.m. Sat- cident on 41 Sanderson St. at In Georgia, Ossoff attacks urday on charges of operat- 6:22 p.m. at Aborn Place and ing under the influence and Summer Street at 4:44 p.m. operating a vehicle without a Saturday. license. Perdue as senator skips debate Mario Macario, 31, of 114 Drugs By Jeff Amy Robinson St. Lynn, was ar- A report of an overdose at rested at 11:47 a.m. Friday and Bill Barrow 255 Western Ave. at 3:19 ASSOCIATED PRESS on charges of unlicensed op- p.m. Friday and at 3:27 p.m. eration of a motor vehicle. Friday; at 300 Washington St. ATLANTA (AP) — Dem- Jan Reyes-Vargas, 26, of at 6:58 a.m. Saturday; at 80 ocratic Senate challeng- 38 Curwin Circle Lynn, was Sagamore St. at 8:08 p.m. er Jon Ossoff debated arrested at 1:20 a.m. Sunday Saturday. an empty podium Sun- on charges of assault and day, hammering Georgia battery. Sen. David Perdue as a Ann Yarnell, 72, of 33 MARBLEHEAD Buchanan Circle Lynn, was “coward” for skipping the arrested on over 20 charges, Breaking and Entering pair’s lone scheduled de- including several counts of bate ahead of twin Jan. destruction of property, as- A report of breaking and 5 runoffs that will deter- sault and battery on a preg- entering at a home on Stony- mine which party controls nant victim, stalking, assault brook Road at 8:17 a.m. Fri- the Senate at the start with a dangerous weapon, day. of Democrat Joe Biden’s larceny and vandalism. presidency. Hazards Ossoff suggested Perdue, Violence the first-term Republican A report of the odor of gas whose prolific stock trading A report of assault and in a home on Harbor Avenue has drawn attention during battery at Lincoln Street and at 10:29 a.m. Friday. Nation- the COVID-19 pandem- Union Street at 1:19 a.m. al Grid arrived on the scene ic, left his podium vacant Saturday; at 1 Kinglsey Ter. at and discovered that the smell because he didn’t want to PHOTO | ASSOCIATED PRESS was the result of a faulty ap- 1:24 a.m. Saturday “incriminate himself” over Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff speaks during a debate for U.S. Sen- pliance. his personal financial ac- ate on Sunday, in Atlanta. Theft A report of a Carbon Mon- tivities that the challenger oxide alarm in a home on Val- summed up as “cartoonish ther are socialists but the Ossoff brushed aside a A report of shoplifting at the ley Road at 10:45 a.m. Friday. The runoffs have put abuse of power.” GOP wants to stoke its moderator’s reminder that Family Dollar on 50 Central National Grid discovered that Georgia squarely in the “It shows an astonishing national political spotlight, base for a second round Senate ethics officials and Ave. at 3:51 p.m. Friday; at the problem came from a gas arrogance and sense of en- of voting with the fear of 780 Lynnway at 12:18 p.m. saw in the basem*nt. drawing tens of millions of the Department of Justice titlement for Georgia’s se- dollars and a flood of field Democrats controlling have not found any legal Saturday; A caller reported that a nior U.S. senator to believe workers and volunteers both ends of Pennsylva- wrongdoing on Perdue’s A report of larceny at Enjoy tree had fallen on a car on he shouldn’t have to debate from around the country. nia Avenue. Democrats part. Liquor and Food Market on Longview Drive at 2:14 p.m. at a moment like this in our President Donald Trump already have protected “His blatant abuse of 53 Union St. at 5:40 p.m. Fri- Saturday. history,” Ossoff said, criti- came to the state Satur- their House majority, and his power and privilege to day; at Express Checkout on cizing Perdue for avoiding day to campaign with both the Republican argument enrich himself is disgrace- 340 Washington St. at 2:56 Complaints the debate as the corona- concedes Trump’s loss to ful,” Ossoff said. “He can’t p.m. Saturday. virus pandemic rages and Republican senators in Biden, even if the presi- defend the indefensible. ... A report of motor vehicle A caller reported a group of Congress continues to be Valdosta. Vice President 25 kids on bikes causing a Mike Pence appeared the dent himself has refused The standard for our elect- theft at 198 Locust St. at 6 at loggerheads over a new to acknowledge his defeat. problem in the area of Hum- day before in Savannah, as ed officials must be higher p.m. Friday. round of economic relief. Beyond the national phrey Street and Broughton former President Barack than merely evading pros- Ossoff’s one-man show stakes, Ossoff has zeroed Road at 3:15 p.m. Friday. Obama headlined a vir- ecution.” Perdue’s cam- Vandalism is the undercard for the in on Perdue’s financial tual rally for Democrats. paign manager responded A report of vandalism at 2 evening. Republican Sen. activities. The Associat- Fraud Kelly Loeffler and Demo- Biden, the first Democrat- ed Press and other media with an email statement Victory Road at 11:17 p.m. ic presidential candidate that said Ossoff “lost a de- A report of unemployment cratic challenger Raphael have reported details of Friday; at 55 Howard St. at to win Georgia since 1992, bate against himself.” The 3:54 p.m. Saturday. fraud at 5:16 p.m. Friday. Warnock are set to share key trades Perdue made the stage later Sunday has promised to visit be- after members of Congress statement did not address any details of Ossoff’s at- Accidents Accidents evening. Republicans fore the runoff, acknowl- began receiving classified need to retain one of the edging that the outcome briefings about COVID-19 tacks on the senator. An- A report of a motor vehicle A report of a two car crash seats to keep their Sen- will shape the legislative but while Perdue and oth- other Perdue aide followed accident on Lynnway and on Lafayette Street, in which ate majority and stymie reach of his presidency. er officials were downplay- up with a statement em- Shepard Street at 1:14 p.m. one person was entrapped. the Biden administration. Republicans have em- ing its dangers in public. phasizing that “the bipar- Friday; on 16 Union St. at The person was extracted and Democrats must sweep braced the national con- Perdue’s trades also in- tisan Senate Ethics Com- 1:32 p.m. Friday; at 480 Lyn- transported to the hospital. to position Vice Presi- sequences, framing Ossoff volved companies whose mittee, DOJ and the SEC nfield St. at 2:23 p.m. Friday; One car was towed from the dent-elect Kamala Harris and Warnock as harbin- business activities fall un- ... independently cleared at Brimblecom Street at 4:37 scene. as the Senate’s tiebreak- gers of a socialist take- der jurisdiction of some of Sen. Perdue of any and all ing vote. over of Washington. Nei- the senator’s committees. wrongdoing.”

A unique recipe for healing: Mac’s Public House co- owner Danny Bill Murray and a biblical text Presti is taken away By Elana Schor in handcuffs and Andrew after being Welsh-Huggins arrested by ASSOCIATED PRESS New York Against the backdrop of City sheriff’s a pandemic’s blight and deputies in the wounds from an acrimoni- Staten Island ous election, a group of ac- borough of claimed actors on Sunday New York. staged an online reading PHOTO | of a religious text with re- ASSOCIATED PRESS markable relevance to the current moment: the Book of Job. Sheriff: Defiant NYC bar owner Audience members may have been drawn to the production by the casting FILE PHOTO | ASSOCIATED PRESS struck deputy with his car of Bill Murray as Job, the Actor Bill Murray takes part in a virtual pro- By Karen Matthews Presti, 34, was eventually drew Cuomo as an orange righteous man tested by duction of “Poetry for the Pandemic.” the loss of his health, home ASSOCIATED PRESS stopped and apprehend- zone because of spiking and children, but the real ed, the sheriff said. Presti COVID-19 rates and was The structure of a dra- tors such as Frankie Faison NEW YORK — The was arraigned Sunday af- not supposed to be serving star was the format. Staged matic reading followed by and David Strathairn. The co-owner of a New York ternoon in Staten Island’s customers indoors. But the on Zoom, it was aimed at open-ended dialogue is a cast also included Matthew City bar that authorities 122nd Precinct on 10 owners had declared the Republican-leaning Knox fixture of Theater of War Starr, mayor of the Knox said has been defying charges including third-de- bar an “autonomous zone,” County, Ohio, with partic- Productions, the company County town of Mount Ver- coronavirus restrictions gree assault, reckless driv- a nod to protesters who ipation from locals includ- behind the event. Artistic non, who will play Job’s ac- was taken into custody ing, menacing and resisting claimed control over a Se- ing people of faith, and de- director Bryan Doerries cuser. He said the timing is early Sunday after run- signed to spark meaningful is an alumnus of Kenyon perfect for the moment the ning over a deputy with a arrest. A phone message attle neighborhood in June. conversations across spiri- College in Knox Coun- country is going through, car, authorities said. was left for Mark Fonte, an A spokesperson for May- tual and political divides. ty and chose the area to between the pandemic, the Danny Presti tried to attorney for Presti. or Bill de Blasio said Pres- After the performance, focus on bridging rifts heated election and racial drive away from his bar, The injured deputy was ti’s actions showed a dis- several people from the area opened by the election and justice protests. Mac’s Public House, as taken to a hospital for regard for human life. “In were asked to share their sharing the pain of a pan- His hope is that the deputies were arresting treatment of injuries. The both of these instances, perspective on the ancient demic that’s tied to more event and the dialogue af- him for serving patrons in deputy’s condition wasn’t whether it’s flouting public story in a virtual discussion. than 275,000 U.S. deaths. terward lead to less shout- violation of city and state immediately available. health laws or ramming a It was then thrown open to By using Job’s story “as ing and more listening. closure orders, Sheriff Jo- The Staten Island bar car into a uniformed dep- some of the scores of others a vocabulary for a conver- And a good story like that seph Fucito said. was the site of protests uty, this individual has signed in, no matter their sation, the hope is that we of Job can do so more effec- Deputies attempted to last week after the sher- endangered the lives of location. One young woman can actually engender con- tively than a new law or a arrest Presti as he left iff’s office arrested Presti others,” said the spokes- studying social work shared nection, healing,” Doerries new directive, by changing the bar early Sunday, but on charges of violating re- person, Bill Neidhardt. that Job’s judgment at the said. “People can hear each people’s hearts, said Starr, Presti got into his car, strictions aimed at halting Authorities said the hands of others during his other’s truths even if they a Republican and support- struck a deputy and kept the spread of the corona- bar was still serving pa- suffering inspired her to don’t agree with them.” er of President Donald driving for about 100 virus and obstructing gov- trons Saturday night even reflect on “how I am prac- The performance was Trump who founded an in- yards as the deputy was ernmental administration. though it was ordered ticing empathy” during the headlined by Murray and dependent film company left hanging onto the hood, The tavern is in an area closed entirely after Pres- coronavirus. featured other noted ac- before going into politics. Fucito said. designated by Gov. An- ti’s earlier arrest. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 THE DAILY ITEM A7

NEW ENGLAND BRIEFS Westover getting play in maintaining a vi- Saugus achieves second new $43M hangar to brant U.S.-U.K. relation- ship,” Karen Pierce, the service giant planes British ambassador to the United States said in a CHICOPEE, Mass. (AP) consecutive high bond rating statement announcing the — Westover Air Reserve recipients. Base in Massachusetts can then be reallocated for — Strong liquidity, with “As a taxpayer, I am The program, created in By Elyse Carmosino is getting a new hangar ITEM STAFF other town services and total government avail- grateful, and as a finance 1953 and principally fund- where the massive C-5M operating budgetary ne- able cash at 13.4 percent committee member, I am ed by the British govern- Super Galaxy planes at SAUGUS — Officials cessities. of total governmental proud to be a part of these ment, began as a gesture the base can be serviced are celebrating Saugus’ In 2014, national rating fund expenditures and accomplishments.” of gratitude to the U.S. entirely indoors. second consecutive AA+/ agency Moody’s Investors 2.2x governmental debt for assistance the U.K. re- Crabtree said Saugus Westover officials are in Stable bond rating from ceived after World War II Service upgraded Saugus’ service, and access to ex- has already benefited the process of seeking bids ratings and analytics com- under the Marshall Plan, bond rating from A2 to ternal liquidity that S&P from more than $7 million from contractors to con- pany S&P Global. the program that aided A1. During this upgrade, considers strong. savings in bonds borrow- struct the new $43 million Town Manager Scott in Europe’s economic re- Moody’s also removed a — Strong budgetary ing for its Middle-High hangar and officials hope Crabtree said the rank- covery between 1948 and “negative outlook” status flexibility, wth the avail- School due to the town’s to break ground on the ing — the highest in the 1951. attached to the town. able fund balance in fiscal solid financial standing, project in the spring, an town’s history — signifies Of the 35 U.S. institu- Two years later, in 2016, 2019 at 14.2 percent of op- and said taxpayers can aide for U.S. Rep. Richard Saugus’ credit worthiness tions represented in the S&P Global Ratings fur- erating expenditures. anticipate additional bor- Neal tells and capacity to meet its fi- class, nearly half are from ther increased Saugus’ — Adequate budgetary rowing savings with other In 2006, the base in Chi- nancial requirements. state or public universi- rating three grades to an performance, with operat- large capital improvement copee was selected as one “I’m proud that (S&P) ties. AA+/Stable rating, which ing surpluses in the gen- investments, such as the of three bases that would has reaffirmed the AA+/ Stable bond rating for the the town has since main- eral fund in fiscal 2019 five-year Capital Improve- conduct regular examina- tained. and expected surplus, on ment Plan, as well as re- tions and maintenance on 1 of 2 US marshals town of Saugus,” Crabtree said. “This is excellent According to the compa- a budgetary basis, in fiscal financing of existing debt. the entire C-5 fleet. But wounded in NYC ny’s website, an AA rat- 2020. He added the town will the base never had a han- news for the taxpayers released from hospital in our community, as it ing indicates an obligor’s — Strong institutional continue to research and gar that could fit the en- strong capacity to meet framework score. assess additional oppor- tire plane. NEW YORK (AP) — demonstrates that our appointed and elected of- its financial commitments — Very strong economy, tunities to refinance and The military cargo jet One of the two deputy U.S. and reflect’s S&P’s opinion with access to a broad and save additional tax dollars is nearly as tall as a sev- marshals wounded in a ficials and town staff are managing the residents’ of the town’s: diverse MSA. with the reaffirmed AA+ en-story building and its gunfight with a fugitive in — Strong management “The finance committee bond rating. wingspan measures al- New York City has been tax dollars responsibly, ef- ficiently, and effectively.” and good financial poli- is extremely proud that “This bond rating is most 223 feet (68 meters) released from the hospi- cies and practices under the town of Saugus has re- more important than ever tal, a spokesperson for He explained the rating feet. At 247 feet (75 me- financial managementceived a reaffirmed AA+/ to maintain in this finan- ters) long, the tail of the the U.S. Marshals Service helps the town by making assessment methodology, Stable bond rating,” said cial environment,” Crab- jet always stuck out the said Sunday. it a more desirable candi- with strengths includ- finance committee chair tree said. “It is amazing back, and even though The officer was released date for borrowing money ing management’s strong Kenneth L. DePatto. “It is to see what we can accom- Westover eventually add- from the hospital on Sat- and achieving better bor- revenue and expenditure an amazing feat to jump plish when we all work ed a hangar door that clos- urday, the day after the rowing rates, adding that assumptions when bud- three grades in the rating together respectfully and es around the tail, it was confrontation with fugi- the reaffirmed bond rating geting, strong intra year scale within a short period professionally as we speak never considered ideal. tive Andre Sterling, the and lower interest rates budgetary monitoring and of time and to now have it Construction is expected spokesperson, Dave Oney, will increase taxpayer in one voice for our com- to take about 18 months. said. The second officer borrowing savings, which long-term financial plan. reaffirmed again. munity.” When it is finished, the wounded in the shootout new hangar will offer is in good condition but state-of-the-art systems will remain hospitalized Test shortage in Maine; that will make it easier for for a few more days, Oney the maintenance crews to said. do their jobs. Sterling, 35, was killed Massachusetts field hospital opens With about 5,500 mili- in the gunfight Friday tary and civilian workers, morning in the Bronx. WORCESTER (AP) — A ular tests in Maine usual- get their non-Covid care,” ness caused by the corona- Westover is the city’s larg- Sterling was wanted for look at coronavirus devel- ly take 24 to 48 hours or said DCU Field Hospi- virus, as cases have been est employer. the Nov. 20 shooting of a opments around New En- longer to come back. tal Medical director John climbing in Vermont and trooper during a traffic gland: A coronavirus relief bill Broach. stop in Hyannis, Massa- around the country. Environmental agency plans being considered by con- The field hospital will chusetts. Trooper John MAINE Some communities like hydrofluorocarbon workshop gress would include mon- ensure hospitals have the Lennon, 28, was hospital- Williston are looking into Maine health officials ey for testing. capacity to take care of ized for several days after having contracts with lo- PROVIDENCE, R.I. say supplies of rapid This fall Maine received sicker COVID-19 patients (AP) — The Rhode Island a round went through his cal businesses that could COVID-19 tests that re- 400,000 of the rapid tests, and people with heart at- do some plowing. Department of Environ- right hand and appeared cently became available produced by Abbott Labo- tacks, strokes, and other mental Management has to have struck his ballistic “Even if you have all at 65 pharmacies across ratories, with 300,000 of ailments that require hos- these contacts in place, scheduled a virtual pub- vest. the state are likely to end them designated for phar- pitalization, he said. and you have mutual aid lic workshop this week to Massachusetts U.S. At- without additional fund- macies where people could Broach said officials are agreements, it’s likely review the state’s draft torney Andrew Lelling ing by the federal govern- get a test for free without predicting increased hos- there may not be enough “Prohibition of Hydro- said deputies were execut- ment. a doctor’s note. pitalizations over the next people to go around in fluorocarbons in Specific ing a fugitive warrant for The Portland Press Her- several weeks. MASSACHUSETTS general, because roads End-Uses” regulation. Sterling when they were ald reports the rapid tests ‘We see the caseload ris- have to be plowed in oth- Hydrofluorocarbons, confronted with gunfire. are seen as a key tool to The DCU Field Hospi- ing right now, and I think er towns, too,” Joe Dami- or HFCs, are man-made Police said Sterling had fight the pandemic. tal is set to open its doors we’ll see the hospitaliza- greenhouse gases primar- two additional warrants Maine’s Health and Hu- Sunday in Worcester as a tions rise a week to two ata, director of risk man- ily used for cooling and in Massachusetts on man Services Commis- location where stable non- weeks from now,” Broach agement services at the refrigeration that can be charges including identity sioner Jeanne Lambrew COVID-19 patients who said. Vermont League of Cities hundreds to thousands of fraud and assault and bat- said the federal govern- would be transferred from and Towns, told the Times times more potent than tery on a police officer, and ment has been providing other hospitals. VERMONT Argus. carbon dioxide in contrib- he was wanted on narcot- the rapid tests, but that WHDH reports the field As winter approaches, Sara Tully, the town ad- uting to climate change, ics charges in Wyoming. will stop at the end of the hospital does not service road crews around Ver- ministrator in Mendon, the agency said in a state- month. walk-ins or emergency mont are planning for said the town is making ment. 143K Maine customers Results of the rapid tests cases. what they will do if plow plans to backup its back- In the absence of nation- without power; recovery can be available in 15 min- “It’s really important to truck drivers get infected up drivers at the state’s al policies and federal ac- utes or within hours. Reg- us that people continue to with COVID-19, the ill- suggestion. tion, the agency has been could take days working in collaboration PORTLAND, Maine with the United States (AP) — About 143,000 Schools confront ‘off the rails’ Climate Alliance and oth- Maine electric custom- er states to adopt legisla- ers are still without pow- tion to lead the transition er Sunday after the first to refrigerants with lower major winter storm of the numbers of failing grades global warming poten- season brought heavy, wet In Charleston, South tials and which pose low- snow and high winds to By Carolyn the Salem-Keizer Public Her daughter is thrilled to Carolina, administrators er overall risk to human the region. Thompson School district, hundreds work independently in her ASSOCIATED PRESS health and the environ- Central Maine Power, of students initially had and teachers are raising room. Her son is a “tactile ment. not just Fs, but grade the possibility of adjust- learner,” she said. which accounts for about The first report cards of The workshop is sched- 127,000 of the outages in scores of 0.0 percent, in- ing grading the way they “You don’t have that uled for Friday at 10 a.m. the school year are arriv- dicating they simply were did in spring, where in- drive to do it if you’re not Maine, said officials were ing with many more Fs Preregistration is re- not participating in school structors were told to give there,” she said. trying to determine how than usual in a dismal quired. at all. In New Mexico, more 50s instead of 0s to make The failing grades long it will take to restore sign of the struggles stu- The purpose of the work- than 40 percent of middle it less punitive for disen- during the pandemic have power to all its customers. dents are experiencing shop is to present an over- and high school students gaged students, eighth- also revealed how equity But based on historical with distance learning. view of the draft rule and were failing at least one grade English teacher gaps in the education sys- comparisons to similar School districts from provide an opportunity for class as of late October. Jody Stallings said. “I’m tem are growing. storms it could be three to coast to coast have report- stakeholder feedback. In Houston, 42 percent of an English teacher, not An analysis by the Fair- five days before electricity ed the number of students students received at least a math teacher, but I’ve service is fully restored. failing classes has risen by fax County school system one F in the first grading learned zeros are very, 46 US students chosen “This storm caused sig- as many as two or three found that English lan- for Marshall Scholarships nificant tree and limb times — with English lan- period of the year. Nearly very devastating to an av- guage learners and stu- 40 percent of grades for erage,” he said. dents with disabilities to the UK damage as a result of guage learners and dis- heavy, wet snow and abled and disadvantaged high school students in Most of the failing were among those with BOSTON (AP) — For- strong winds,” said CMP students suffering the St. Paul, Minnesota, were grades he gives out come the largest increases in ty-six students from Executive Chairman Da- most. Fs, double the amount in a from missing assign- failing grades. In contrast, across the United States vid Flanagan. “Crews “It was completely off the typical year. ments, not assignments students who performed have been chosen to re- worked hard overnight rails from what is normal In response schools have that were turned in with a well previously were per- ceive Marshall Scholar- to ensure conditions for us, and that was obvi- been ramping up outreach lot of wrong answers. forming slightly better ships that will enable were made safe, and ously very alarming,” said efforts, prioritizing the “You talk to them later than expected. them to study in the Unit- those efforts will contin- Erik Jespersen, principal return of struggling stu- and they say, `You know In Hatch, New Mexi- ed Kingdom, the British ue throughout the day of Oregon’s McNary High dents for in-person learn- I just didn’t do it. I didn’t co, high school registrar government announced today. Facing more wind School, where 38 percent of ing and in some cases know the answer so I just Blanca Ramirez said her Sunday. today, our crews will work grades in late October were changing grading policies didn’t do it,’” said Stall- job has evolved during For the first time in the as quickly as possible to failing, compared with 8 and giving students more ings, who teaches most of the pandemic to serve as program’s 66-year history, restore power to our cus- percent in normal times. time to complete assign- his students in person and translator, ombudsman 52 percent of the class are tomers.” Educators see a number ments. the rest online simultane- and life coach to students members of minority com- In addition to the out- of factors at play: Students Jespersen said his ously at Moultrie Middle and parents who speak munities, including a re- ages in Maine, more than learning from home skip school began to see grades School. “When you have a only Spanish. In conver- cord number of Black and 31,000 customers are with- assignments — or school improve after bringing kid in person, he’s going to sations, she asks students Latinx scholars. A majori- out power in New Hamp- altogether. Internet access groups of 300 students take the test ... Even if he how they can have such ty are female and six are shire and more than 6,100 is limited or inconsistent, into the building in small doesn’t know anything, he low grades. first-generation collegecustomers are in the dark making it difficult to com- cohorts to receive support has a chance.” “The first response is ‘it’s students. in Massachusetts. Power plete and upload assign- from teachers, although Jillian Baxter’s son, a so hard — Miss — no lo The 2021 class will take has been restored to all but ments. And teachers who that recently stopped be- high school sophom*ore entiendo’” — I don’t get it, up their studies next Sep- a handful of customers in don’t see their students in cause of the region’s rising in Fairfax County, Vir- Ramirez said. tember at 14 institutions Vermont, Connecticut and person have fewer ways to coronavirus cases. Adviso- ginia, normally gets good “Come to find out a lot across the U.K. Rhode Island. pick up on who is falling be- ry teams increased contact grades but was failing all of the time for kids are “This class, one of the The storm that hit the hind, especially with many with students, and teach- his classes at one point, not even doing their first most diverse and inclusive region Saturday causing keeping their cameras off ers were asked to tempo- including physical edu- attempt because I think in the program’s history, numerous traffic acci- during Zoom sessions. rarily stop assigning grad- cation. Her daughter, a they’re afraid. And so just is a wonderful mirror of dents and dumped heavy The increase in failing ed homework. Parents of senior, was getting all A’s. making that phone call modern American society wet snow onto the region grades has been seen in Hispanic students were Both students are learn- opens up that encourage- and demonstrates the vi- before moving into the districts of all sizes around invited for a session to ing remotely fulltime. ment and they start mak- tal role that the Marshall Canadian Maritime prov- the country. learn how to access their She attributes the differ- ing a little bit more effort,” Scholarship continues to inces. At Jespersen’s school in children’s grades online. ence to how her kids learn. says Ramirez. A8 MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 LOOK! National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day


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SUN, MOON, TIDES National weather TODAY’S FORECAST MARINE FORECAST Forecast for Monday, December 7, 2020 Intervals of clouds and sun- W winds 10 to 15 kt with MASS. EVENING: MASS. MID-DAY: Sunrise today 6:58 a.m. Bands separate high temperature zones for the day. H shine. High 38F. Winds WNW gusts up to 25 kt. Waves Sunday ...... 3444 Sunday ...... 2789 Sunset today 4:12 p.m. at 10 to 15 mph. around 2 ft. Saturday ...... 2018 Saturday ...... 0165 Sunrise tomorrow 6:59 a.m. Tonight: Partly cloudy skies Tonight: W winds 5 to 10 Friday ...... 7014 Friday ...... 0747 H during the evening will give kt. Gusts up to 20 kt in the Yesterday’s payoff: Yesterday’s payoff: High tide today 4:00 p.m. way to cloudy skies overnight. morning. Waves around 2 ft. Low tide today 10:28 p.m. Low 27F. Winds N at 10 to 15 EXACT ORDER EXACT ORDER H mph. H L All 4 ...... $4,967 All 4 ...... $5,114 High tide tomorrow 4:59 p.m. First or last 3 ...... $695 First or last 3 ...... $716 Any 2 ...... $60 Any 2 ...... $61 H Any 1 ...... $6 Any 1 ...... $6


Cold Warm Stationary All 4 ...... $1,242 All 4 ...... $213 Pressure H L First 3 ...... $232 First 3 ...... $119 High Low Showers Rain T-storms Flurries Snow Ice DEC, 8 DEC. 14 TODAY TOMORROW WEDNESDAY Last 3 ...... $695 Last 3 ...... $119 <-10 -0s0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ P’Cloudy | High 38, Low 27 P’Cloudy | High 36, Low 24 P’Cloudy | High 40, Low 33 NATIONAL SUMMARY: A storm pushing along the Southeast Atlantic coast today will allow for snow in the southern Appalachians and rain from the Carolinas through the Florida Peninsula. Dry weather is forecast from the Northeast to the Midwest and the Plains. Gusty winds are expected to elevate the wildfire threat in Southern California.

©2020 AccuWeather, Inc. SPORTS B MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 St. Mary’s Zach Barden becomes area’s latest four-sport athlete

By Mike Alongi time to pick up a new let- about it, he decided to take ITEM SPORTS EDITOR ter (or two) for the varsity advantage of his newfound jacket, becoming a four- time and jump back into a When his senior season sport athlete in the pro- sport that he hadn’t played of football was postponed cess. in years — soccer. until the “Fall Sports II” “I just thought it would “The last time I played season before the school be a really cool opportuni- organized soccer was in year started, St. Mary’s se- ty to get out there and fourth grade, and I picked nior Zach Barden faced a experience some other up football after that,” decision. Should he take sports at the high school said Barden. “It was a lit- what would’ve been a level,” said Barden, who tle strange the rst week nearly six-month break transferred to St. Mary’s or so, but I had some great and not play until football from Austin Prep follow- teammates who helped started up again, or should ing his freshman year. “I along the way and things he pick up a new sport in love being in that team got easier. It was a really the meantime? sport atmosphere and I fun opportunity, and play- It wasn’t that hard of a didn’t want to take any ing in the fall is what real- decision, and Barden seasons off, so everything ly made me want to go out chose the latter. And after just came together from for the basketball team in completing the fall season there.” the winter.” with the soccer team, he In a normal year for Once the soccer season decided even a three- Barden, he plays football came to a close in late No- month break was too much in the fall and then works vember, Barden was once — so he went out and to gear up for lacrosse in again facing a months- made the Spartans’ boys the spring. But last spring long break in play while ITEM FILE PHOTO | SPENSER HASAK basketball team. he missed his junior sea- waiting for football season Barden is just the latest son of lacrosse, and he had After playing his rst season of organized soccer since fourth grade this — which is set to begin in in a series of student-ath- no senior football season fall and then making the basketball team this winter, St. Mary’s senior late February. letes who have decided to look forward to this fall. Zach Barden has become the latest North Shore student-athlete to take that 2020 was the perfect Instead of getting upset BARDEN, B2 up four sports. Revolution fall short in MLS Cup semi nal ASSOCIATED PRESS before eliminating the top-seeded Philadelphia COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Union and No. 4 Orlando — Artur scored in the 59th City. minute and the Columbus “On the day, Columbus Crew advanced to the MLS was the better team, I Cup title game with a 1-0 think,” Revs coach Bruce victory over the New En- Arena said. “I think they gland Revolution on Sun- deserved to win the game. day in the Eastern Confer- Give them credit for the ence nal. goal they created, just bet- The third-seeded Crew ter at anticipating plays will face the winner of the than we were.” Western Conference nal Columbus had several Monday night between the good chances at the start, defending champion Seat- including Darlington Nag- tle Sounders and Minneso- be’s attempt in the fth COURTESY PHOTO | NICK GRACE ta United. minute that was saved by The Crew will host the ti- goalkeeper Matt Turner. Saugus native and Endicott College senior Olivia Valente has been a leader on and off the court tle game, set for Saturday. Turner went on to have ve during her time with the Gulls. Columbus beat upstart saves in the rst half alone, Nashville with two goals and six for the game. during extra time last The Crew nally broke Sunday to advance to the through with Artur’s deftly Sel ess nature makes Endicott’s conference nals while the placed goal just inside the team struggled with posi- post. It was the Brazilian tive coronavirus cases. mid elder’s third goal of Olivia Valente the perfect leader “We’re one step away,” the season. Crew coach Caleb Porter Gustavo Bou had a By Kevin Morency to call it quits on her ath- years as a player here,” who is always lifting peo- said. That’s what I keep chance for the Revolution FOR THE ITEM letic career. During the said Hutchinson. “She’s ple up and being there for going back to. The job’s in stoppage time but his fall of her freshman year, an incredible practice kid, each and every one of us. not done. We started this A four-year member of attempt was saved by Crew Valente showed up to bas- she’s sel ess, and now Her dedication and work tournament, we wanted the Endicott College goalkeeper Andrew Tarbell. ketball tryouts deter- she’s taking on more of a ethic set a great example to make four steps. We’ve women’s basketball team, The Crew was still cele- mined to earn herself a leadership role as a se- for the rest of the team on made three of the four. Saugus native Olivia brating its conference tro- spot on the limited roster. nior.” what it looks like to show I know the guys in that Valente has worked hard phy when Porter said the The ensuing effort and The sentiment of self- up every day and give it locker room, they’re real for everything she’s attention shifts to celebrat- your all for your team- happy to put the Eastern earned while at Endicott intensity she put forth on lessness and leadership ing the MLS Cup. mates. She is a great Conference championship College -- including her the court during the eval- was echoed by Shannon “We’re thinking about friend to everyone on the trophy in the trophy case, spot on the roster. The uation period was enough Gilbert, a teammate and that next game. We want to team. She is concerned and that’s what it’s about, now-senior guard didn’t to convince head coach fellow senior, when asked win the nal and be cham- about what is happening but there’s a much bigger end up with the Gulls be- Brittany Hutchinson that to list some of the most pions,” Porter said. “But I’m in our lives off the court trophy.” cause she was recruited the young walk-on de- important things that real proud of our group. It as well as on which makes A limited number of fans to dribble, shoot, and re- served a chance. Valente brings to their was a tough game. Turner her such a strong leader. were on hand at MAPFRE bound. It was the school’s It was a decision that basketball team. was the man of the match, Her ability to connect Stadium. internship and education Hutchinson would never “Olivia always brings he stood on his head. Great with everyone makes her The eighth-seeded Revo- programs that ultimately regret. positive energy into the goal that we scored. We a leader that the team lution were the surprise of brought her to Endicott. “Olivia has showcased gym which in uences the should have scored more.” looks up to.” the playoffs, getting past However, the lifelong tremendous perseverance rest of the team,” said Montreal in a play-in game REVS, B2 athlete wasn’t quite ready and growth over her four Gilbert. “She is a player VALENTE, B2 Patriots dominate on special teams in shutout victory By Joe Reedy The Patriots (6-6) have ASSOCIATED PRESS won two straight and four of ve to get back into INGLEWOOD, Calif. playoff contention in the (AP) — Cam Newton ran AFC. for two touchdowns and Los Angeles (3-9) suf- the New England Patriots fered the worst loss in scored two TDs on special franchise history, eclipsing teams in a 45-0 rout of the a 49-6 defeat to Kansas Los Angeles Chargers on City in 1964. It was the Sunday. rst time since 2014 the Newton has four games Chargers were shut out. this season with multi- LA will nish with a losing ple rushing touchdowns, record for the second con- breaking the league record secutive season. for a quarterback. He had Gunner Olszewski took three such games in 2011, Ty Long’s punt 70 yards an achievement he shared up the right sideline early with ve others, and has in the second quarter, put- 10 in his career, three ting New England ahead more than any other QB. 14-0. The Patriots’ second Newton’s 1-yard dive on special teams score came the game’s opening drive on the last play of the and a 2-yard keeper up rst half, when Devin Mc- the middle in the second Courty returned a blocked quarter gave him 11 rush- eld-goal attempt 44 yards ing scores on the year. His to the end zone. New En- PHOTO | ASSOCIATED PRESS most in a season is 14 as gland led 28-0 at halftime. a rookie with the Carolina Patriots defensive back Cody Davis (right) blocks a eld goal attempt from Los Angeles Chargers Panthers in 2011. PATRIOTS, B2 kicker Mike Badgley (left) during a 45-0 win Sunday evening. B2 SPORTS THE DAILY ITEM MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020

SPORTS BRIEFS Learn to play for basic rules and fundamen- tals of hockey. The program free with Saugus/ will serve as a precursor to the 10-week paid program, Lynnfield youth which costs $200 and will begin on Jan. 4. hockey program Participants must already know how to skate, The Saugus/Lynnfield and full hockey equipment youth hockey league is will be required. The pro- offering a free limited two- gram is open to any kids week program to help from the towns of Saugus teach kids how to play or Lynnfield. hockey. Designed for begin- Those interested in sign- ner-level hockey players ing up for the program can ages four and up, the pro- register at www.lynn- gram will introduce the

TV/RADIO TV NFL 5 p.m...... Washington at Pittsburgh...... Fox 8:15 p.m...... Buffalo at San Francisco...... ESPN Women’s College Basketball 8 p.m...... Fla. Atlantic at Florida...... SEC Network Men’s Soccer 3 p.m...... Premier League: Southampton at Brighton.....NBCSN 9:30 p.m...... MLS: Minnesota at Seattle...... FS1

NFL AMERICAN CONFERENCE NATIONAL CONFERENCE East East W L T Pct PF PA W L T Pct PF PA Buffalo 8 3 0 .727 299 282 N.Y. Giants 5 7 0 .417 231 265 Miami 8 4 0 .667 303 212 Washington 4 7 0 .364 241 243 New England 6 6 0 .500 274 255 Philadelphia 3 8 1 .292 253 307 ITEM FILE PHOTO | SPENSER HASAK ITEM FILE PHOTO | OWEN O’ROURKE N.Y. Jets 0 12 0 .000 180 353 Dallas 3 8 0 .273 251 359 South South In addition to hopefully playing his senior seasons of lacrosse and football later this year, St. Mary’s W L T Pct PF PA W L T Pct PF PA Indianapolis 8 4 0 .667 328 273 New Orleans 10 2 0 .833 347 241 senior Zach Barden has picked up soccer and basketball to become a four-sport student-athlete. Tennessee 8 4 0 .667 359 326 Tampa Bay 7 5 0 .583 344 280 Houston 4 8 0 .333 288 323 Atlanta 4 8 0 .333 311 302 Jacksonville 1 11 0 .083 251 352 Carolina 4 8 0 .333 280 300 North North W L T Pct PF PA W L T Pct PF PA St. Mary’s senior Zach Barden becomes Pittsburgh 11 0 0 1.000 317 188 Green Bay 9 3 0 .750 379 299 Cleveland 9 3 0 .750 306 321 Minnesota 6 6 0 .500 319 329 Baltimore 6 5 0 .545 282 214 Chicago 5 7 0 .417 246 284 Cincinnati 2 9 1 .208 237 308 Detroit 5 7 0 .417 286 358 West West North Shore’s latest four-sport athlete W L T Pct PF PA W L T Pct PF PA Kansas City 10 1 0 .909 348 238 L.A. Rams 8 4 0 .667 301 243 Las Vegas 7 5 0 .583 323 347 Seattle 8 4 0 .667 353 321 BARDEN vide,” said Barden, who said Barden. “It’s going to “It was tough missing Denver 4 7 0 .364 209 298 Arizona 6 6 0 .500 332 296 From B1 stands six feet tall and be a little strange that last year, so we’re all really L.A. Chargers 3 9 0 .250 277 345 San Francisco 5 6 0 .455 261 254 weighs in around 210 we’ll be playing in the mid- hoping that things go as Sunday’s Games N.Y. Giants 17, Seattle 12 Cleveland 41, Tennessee 35 Green Bay 30, Philadelphia 16 Again, he decided to do pounds. “We have a great dle of winter, but every- planned and we can get Detroit 34, Chicago 30 New England 45, L.A. Chargers 0 something about it by go- team with a lot of talented thing’s changed this year out there for my last year Indianapolis 26, Houston 20 Denver at Kansas City, 8:20 p.m. Las Vegas 31, N.Y. Jets 28 Monday’s Game ing out for the basketball players, so whatever I can so you just have to go with of high school lacrosse,” Miami 19, Cincinnati 7 Washington at Pittsburgh, 5 p.m. team, a team that made it do to help the team is fine it. We’ll have a great team said Barden, who plans to Minnesota 27, Jacksonville 24, OT Buffalo at San Francisco, 8:15 p.m. New Orleans 21, Atlanta 16 Tuesday’s Game all the way to the Division with me.” this year and I’m excited study accounting at As- L.A. Rams 38, Arizona 28 Dallas at Baltimore, 8:05 p.m. 3 state semifinal last year. Barden hopes that his to get back out there.” sumption. Unlike soccer, basketball time with the basketball And all of that just leads In a year that has taken was a sport that Barden team this winter will help up to Barden’s sport of so much away from so TODAY IN SPORTS played in high school — as keep him in top shape for choice for the future — la- many student-athletes, Dec. 7 MLS Cup, then drives home the de- a freshman at Austin Prep. the football season, which crosse. Having committed Barden has found a way to 1973 — Jerry West of Los Angeles ciding penalty kick to give Sporting “Coach (Dave) Brown is he’s been looking forward to Assumption University have as full a schedule as sets an NBA record with 10 steals Kansas City a dramatic victory over always preaching about to for months. for lacrosse, Barden can’t anyone. And if things go as in the Lakers’ 115-111 loss to the Real Salt Lake and its first league title since 2000. With the score 1-1 rebounding and defense, “I think football is one of wait to get back out on the planned, that schedule Seattle Supersonics. and I feel like that’s some- the best team sports you field after missing his ju- will be booked up through 1985 — Auburn tailback Bo Jack- through regulation and 30 minutes son beats Iowa quarterback Chuck of overtime, the teams engage in thing that I can really pro- can play, hands down,” nior season last spring. June. Long by 45 points in the balloting the longest penalty-kick shootout for the Heisman Trophy, the closest in championship history — one vote in the 51-year history of the that both sides had chances to win trophy. before Collin’s shot and Jimmy Niel- Saugus’ Valente remains a hidden gem 1991 — AJ Kitt becomes the first sen’s save left Sporting KC with the American in seven years to win a 7-6 victory. men’s World Cup race, taking the 2014 — The first College Football for Endicott College women’s basketball first downhill of the season In Val Playoff expands the national cham- D’Isere, France. pionship race and produces a final 2002 — St. John’s (Minn.) coach four with major star power. Nick VALENTE life of a child struggling day school program. NLG’s may also be well-prepared John Gagliardi wins his 400th Saban’s No. 1 Alabama Crimson From B1 with autism. It’s some- day school program pro- and performing at their game with a 21-14 victory over Tide vs. Urban Meyer’s No. 4 Ohio thing she expressed when vides “outstanding, com- best. The environment Linfield in the Division III quarterfi- State Buckeyes at the Sugar Bowl. Academically, Valente asked about the most re- prehensive, individualized might be different, but nals. Gagliardi is the second coach Marcus Mariota and second-seed- leads from the front. She warding aspect of her in- education, training and Valente’s drive to elevate to reach the 400 mark, eight victo- ed Oregon vs. Jameis Winston, last was named to the Com- ternship. intervention,” and runs and impact those around season’s Heisman Trophy winner, ries behind Eddie Robinson. monwealth Coast Confer- “The most rewarding as- year round. Furthermore, her never disappears. 2003 — The computer rankings and defending national champion ence (CCC) Academic pect for me is how little this program is grounded Across her four years as have Oklahoma as the country’s Florida State at the Rose Bowl. All-Conference team after things make such a differ- within the principles of 2014 — Robbie Keane scores on a student-athlete at Endi- top team while the human poll vot- her sophom*ore and junior ence in these childrens’ Applied Behavior Analy- ers pick USC. Despite getting wal- a breakaway in the 111th minute, cott College, Valente loped by Kansas State 35-7, No. 3 and Landon Donovan wins his re- seasons, surpassing the lives,” said Valente. “I sis, allowing Valente to ap- hasn’t scored the most Oklahoma takes its 12-1 record to cord sixth MLS title in the LA Gal- required 3.3 GPA each could do something so lit- ply the skills she has points or logged the most year to earn the nomina- the Sugar Bowl against No. 2 LSU, axy’s 2-1 victory over the New En- tle and it could mean so learned at Endicott while playing time for Hutchin- which won the Southeastern Con- gland Revolution in the MLS Cup. tions. Inside of the actual much to them or affect working towards her ABA son’s basketball squad. ference championship by beating 2016 — Napheesa Collier scores classroom, Valente is pur- them so greatly. This in- minor. Yet, her impact has been Georgia 34-13. 20 points, Gabby Williams has 19 suing an educational stud- ternship allows me to When listening to felt across the Endicott 2006 — Willie Parker breaks Pitts- points, 12 rebounds and six assists ies major with a minor in make a subtle impact in Valente discuss her role at burgh’s single-game rushing record and No. 1 Connecticut beats No. applied behavioral analy- young childrens’ lives and NLG, it’s obvious her ten- campus and the surround- 2 Notre Dame 72-61 for its 83rd with 223 yards as the Steelers sis (ABA). it is rewarding to see the dency to self-sacrifice for ing community. It feels ap- rough up the Cleveland Browns straight victory. UConn’s last loss propriate to point back to 27-7. Parker, the first player in was 88-86 in overtime to Stanford And it’s been that educa- growth within the chil- the success of others stays tional track that has tak- dren I work with,” she con- with her far beyond Endi- her reasoning for complet- Steelers history to have two 200- on Nov. 17, 2014. ing her internship with yard games in a season, betters 2017 — Larry Nassar, a former en Valente outside of the tinued. “I like working in cott’s MacDonald Gymna- John “Frenchy” Fuqua’s record of elite sports doctor whose sexual classroom and into the an environment for those sium. At practice, Valente NLG. 218 yards against Philadelphia in assault cases that rocked Michi- real lives of children diag- who are most vulnerable.” works hard to ensure that “I want to help people,” 1970. gan State University and the group nosed with autism. While NLG has a suc- each of her teammates are she said. 2008 — The Arizona Cardinals that trains U.S. Olympic gymnasts, Through her internship cessful adult program that well-prepared and per- There’s no better way to clinch their first division title in 33 is sentenced to 60 years in federal with Nashoba Life Group services people with au- forming at their best. At summarize Valente’s char- years by beating the woeful St. prison for possessing thousands (NLG), Valente is witness- tism who are 22 and older, her internship, she works acter makeup. She’s one of Louis Rams 34-10. The Cardinals, of images of child p*rnography. ing firsthand the impact Endicott’s hidden gems, long the league’s doormat fran- Nassar, 54, will also be sentenced Valente has focused her hard to uplift and assist chise with just one winning season for 10 state counts of first-degree that she can have on the interning efforts on the her students so that they through and through. in the past 24 years, earn their first criminal sexual conduct in Janu- playoff berth since 1998 and first ary. In November, he pled guilty to divisional title since they won the using his hands to molest girls at Patriots shut down Chargers in blowout win NFC East in 1975. his campus office, his home and 2013 — Aurelien Collin scores the at a gymnastics club near Lansing, equalizer in the second half of the Michigan. PATRIOTS From B1 The Chargers reas- Revolution come up short signed special teams coach George Stewart on Nov. 25, but LA’s struggles in MLS Cup semifinal in that phase continued. Newton completed 12 coach with five titles, twice REVS of 19 passes for 69 yards, with D.C. United in the From B1 including a 5-yard pass to league’s first two seasons, N’Keal Henry during the Columbus had anoth- and three times with the er player test positive for third quarter that extend- L.S. Galaxy. He wrapped ed New England’s lead to COVID-19 on Wednesday. up his second season with A total of eight players 35-0. New England. Jarrett Stidham re- had tested positive since The post-season play Nov. 22 and were isolated. placed Newton early in gives the Revolution the fourth quarter threw A handful of players were something to build on in unavailable Sunday. a 38-yard touchdown pass a strange season with One of the league’s origi- to Olszewski. an abbreviated schedule, nal teams, Columbus won Rookie Justin Herbert the title in 2008, then Arena said. was 26 of 53 for 209 yards hosted the MLS Cup in “In my own mind, I al- for the Chargers. He was 2015, but lost to the Port- most discount the regular intercepted twice. land Timbers — then led season because I think it INJURIES was such a difficult regu- Patriots: CB Jonathan by current Crew coach PHOTO | ASSOCIATED PRESS Porter. lar season for everyone. Jones and TE Larry Izzo New England, also an I really do,” Arena said. suffered neck injuries and Patriots wide receiver Gunner Olszewski (center) celebrates after return- original team, has been “Just look at teams that did not return. ing a punt for a touchdown in Sunday’s win over the Chargers. to the MLS Cup final six ended up first in their re- Chargers: RB Joshua times, but has never won spective conferences, that Kelly suffered an ankle the game because his wife UP NEXT on Thursday night. the title. Arena is the win- didn’t make it to the MLS injury and did not return. gave birth to the couple’s Patriots: Remain in Los Chargers: Host the At- ningest MLS Cup head Cup final.” LT Sam Tevi was missed child. Angeles to face the Rams lanta Falcons next Sunday. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 THE DAILY ITEM B3 NATION

Vice Adm. Sam Paparo speaks to sailors about the amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima off Mayport, Florida.


FILE PHOTO | ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. Navy official says ‘uneasy Motorists wait in long lines to take a coronavirus test in a parking lot at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. deterrence’ reached with Iran By Jon Gambrell necessary miscalculation on Iran. Tehran denied be- ASSOCIATED PRESS or escalation at sea.” ing involved, though Revo- Will we ever have a national While Iran has not di- lutionary Guard members DUBAI, United Arab rectly seized or targeted were filmed taking an un- Emirates — The top U.S. a tanker in recent months exploded mine away from COVID-19 testing strategy? Navy official in the Mid- as it did last year, a mine one tanker. east said Sunday that struck an oil tanker off By contrast, the several America has reached an By Mike Stobbe and of such a system is one rea- Marcella Nunez-Smith, co- Saudi Arabia and a car- months that Paparo’s been “uneasy deterrence” with go ship near Yemen came in charge have not seen Matthew Perrone son for the current national chair of Biden’s coronavirus Iran after months of re- under assault in recent any major crises. ASSOCIATED PRESS explosion in cases, hospital- advisory board, told The gional attacks and seizures days. Suspicion immedi- The U.S. Navy routine- izations and deaths. Associated Press this week. NEW YORK — As the at sea, even as tensions re- ately fell on Yemen’s Ira- ly has tense encounters “If we’d had a more ro- His transition team so coronavirus epidemic wors- main high between Wash- nian-backed Houthi reb- with the Revolutionary bust approach and testing far has not gone into fur- ens, U.S. health experts ington and Tehran over the els for being behind both Guard, whose speed boats was scaled up as one of the ther detail. hope Joe Biden’s admin- Islamic Republic’s nuclear attacks. The Houthis have race alongside American tools, I think much of this Testing was one of the istration will put in place program. not commented on either. warships in the Persian third surge would would first — and most enduring something Donald Trump’s Vice Adm. Sam Paparo, Paparo, a former Navy Gulf and sometimes con- have been avoidable,” said — stumbles in the federal who oversees the Navy’s has not — a comprehensive Dr. Grant Colfax, director fighter pilot who most re- duct live-fire drills with national testing strategy. government’s response to 5th Fleet based in Bahrain, cently served as director machine guns and missile of the San Francisco De- the coronavirus epidemic struck an academic tone in Such a strategy, they say, partment of Public Health. of operations at the U.S. launches in their presence. that hit the nation early comments to the annual could systematically check There are differing opin- military’s Central Com- The Guard typically pa- this year. Manama Dialogue hosted more people for infections ions on what such a strat- mand, offered a different trols the shallower waters In February, the CDC by the International In- and spot surges before egy should look like, but stance than his immedi- of the Persian Gulf and its distributed test kits to stitute for Strategic Stud- they take off. The health many experts say rapid ate predecessor, Vice Adm. narrow mouth, the Strait public health laboratories ies. He described having a experts say it would be an and at-home tests should James Malloy. In one of of Hormuz. Iran’s regular that initially were faulty. “healthy respect” for both improvement from the cur- be used so Americans can his last comments to jour- navy largely operates in Iran’s regular navy and the rent practice, which has check themselves and stay U.S. officials worked with nalists in August, Malloy the Gulf of Oman and the professional athletes and away from others if they companies to expand test- naval forces of its paramil- referred to Iran as “reck- Arabian Sea. While pre- students at elite universi- test positive. ing, but shortages of chem- itary Revolutionary Guard. less and provocative” and vious commanders have ties getting routine tests The president-elect has icals, materials and pro- “We have achieved an always trying in dramatic made a point to differ- while many other Ameri- endorsed that strategy, tective equipment meant uneasy deterrence. That naval drills to “lower the entiate between the pro- cans stand in line for hours called for making testing fewer tests were available uneasy deterrence is ex- denominator until they’re fessionalism of the two, — if they get tested at all. free for all Americans, and than what experts said acerbated by world events sure that they can look like Paparo dismissed it as an “We have had no strate- said government experts was necessary. and by events along the they’ve won something.” “old idea” that included a gy for this virus. Our strat- at the Centers for Disease Worse, some experts say, way,” the vice admiral said. Malloy’s tenure saw oil lingering belief that the egy has been no strategy,” Control and Prevention states and cities competed “But I have found Iranian tankers seized by Iran service was still loyal to said Dr. Michael Mina, a and other agencies should against each other to buy activity at sea to be cau- and a series of limpet mine Iran’s former shah, who Harvard University re- be empowered to coordi- limited testing services and tious and circ*mspect and explosions targeting tank- was toppled in the 1979 searcher focused on use of nate the entire effort. materials, and with little respectful, to not risk un- ers that the Navy blamed Islamic Revolution. testing to track disease. “The reality is we’re not guidance or training on Some experts say the lack testing enough today,” Dr. how to best use the tests. GOP White House hopefuls wait to see what Trump does next

By Jill Colvin ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — When a party loses the White House, a new crop of pres- idential hopefuls typically begin moving quickly to lay the groundwork for a run in the next campaign. Not this year. President Donald Trump’s increasingly overt flirtations with running again in 2024 are freezing FILE PHOTO | ASSOCIATED PRESS the potentially vast field Cuban and foreign scientists and health professionals meet in Havana, of Republican candidates. Cuba, to evaluate the possibility that pesticides were responsible for GOP White House hopefuls symptoms, such as hearing loss and headaches, suffered by U.S. and Ca- are essentially left to watch nadian diplomats two years ago. what Trump does next instead of courting fund- raisers, building networks and visiting early-voting Report finds microwave energy states — the usual cam- FILE PHOTO | ASSOCIATED PRESS paign planning steps — for Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., speaks during a cam- likely made U.S. diplomats ill fear of angering Trump and paign rally for Georgia Republican candidate risking turning off his large for Senate Sen. Kelly Loeffler in Marietta, Ga. WASHINGTON (AP) — attack, though it did note possibility of future cases and loyal base. A new report by a Nation- that previous research on with a concerted, coordi- And that’s just the way challenging Trump.” long list of other Repub- al Academy of Sciences this type of injury was nated, and comprehensive the president likes it, en- Grover Cleveland was the licans who would need to committee has found that done in the former Soviet approach.” suring he stays in the spot- last — and so far only — win over large swaths of “directed” microwave radi- Union. The health effects were light and generating the president to win the White Trump’s base to capture ation is the likely cause of In its report, the experienced by about two cash and media coverage he House after being defeated the GOP nomination. That illnesses among American 19-member committee dozen Americans affiliat- craves. But strategists say for reelection, and that was includes Sens. Ted Cruz of diplomats in Cuba and noted that it faced signif- ed with the U.S. Embassy Trump is essentially leav- more than a century ago. Texas, Tom Cotton of Ar- China. icant challenges in trying in Cuba as well as Canadi- ing the party in a holding Trump has been increas- kansas and Rick Scott of The study commissioned to get to the bottom of the an diplomats and person- pattern, with could-be-can- ingly vocal about his desire Florida. Sen. Josh Hawley by the State Department medical mystery. Among nel at the U.S. consulate didates unable to prepare to follow that path. of Missouri, who is also and released Saturday is them, not everyone report- in Guanghzhou, China, in as they try to avoid cross- “I don’t want to wait till seen as a potential candi- the latest attempt to find ed the same symptoms early 2017. ing a notoriously unforgiv- 2024. I want to go back date, has already said he a cause for the mysteri- and the National Academy Some of the Ameri- ing president who has an three weeks,” he said at will support Trump if he ous illnesses that started of Sciences research did cans have been critical enormous Twitter bullhorn a rally Saturday evening runs again. to emerge in late 2016 not have access to all the of the U.S. government’s and little tolerance for per- in Georgia. That followed “The reality is they all among U.S. personnel in previous studies on the ill- response to their health ceived disloyalty. comments during a White need to go along with it be- Havana. nesses, some of which are complaints and at least “Trump is delaying the House Christmas party cause they know if it’s in two The study found that classified. one has filed suit against start of the 2024 campaign this past week when Trump years or six years, whenever “directed, pulsed radio “The committee found the State Department. in a significant way,” said said, “We’re trying to do an- they look at running again, frequency energy appears these cases quite concern- Between late 2016 and Alex Conant, a Republi- other four years. Otherwise, the absolute worst thing to be the most plausible” ing, in part because of the May 2018, several U.S. can operative who served I’ll see you in four years.” you can be among prima- explanation for symptoms plausible role of directed, and Canadian diplomats as communications direc- Such overtures are partic- ry voters is against Don- that included intense pulsed radiofrequency en- in Havana complained of tor to Florida Sen. Marco ularly problematic for the ald Trump,” said Brendan head pressure, dizziness ergy as a mechanism, but health problems from an Rubio’s 2016 presidential current and former admin- Buck, a Republican strate- and cognitive difficulties. also because of the signifi- unknown cause. One U.S. campaign. In a normal istration officials considered gist who worked for the last It found this explanation cant suffering and debility government count put the campaign cycle, Conant among the likely contend- two Republican speakers of was more likely than oth- that has occurred in some number of American per- said, “you would see po- ers, including Vice Presi- the House. er previously considered of these individuals,” said sonnel affected at 26. tential presidential can- dent Mike Pence, Secretary “It’s in all of their inter- causes such as tropical committee chairman Da- Some reported hearing didates in Iowa and New of State Mike Pompeo and ests to point out Trump is disease or psychological vid Relman, a professor of high-pitched sounds sim- Hampshire this month.” Trump’s former ambassa- a loser,” he said, and yet, issues. The study did not medicine at Stanford Uni- ilar to crickets while at This year, “That’s not go- dor to the United Nations, “most of them are tripping name a source for the en- versity. “We as a nation home or staying in hotels, ing to happen because no- Nikki Haley. over themselves,” trying to ergy and did not say it need to address these spe- leading to an early theory body wants to be seen as But they also affect the deny that. came as the result of an cific cases as well as the of a sonic attack. B4 THE DAILY ITEM MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 COMICS







CROSSWORD DEAR ABBY Chill in the air is the source of heated household debate DEAR ABBY: I am a why she shouldn’t be 46-year-old woman, Dear Abby is written by Abigail thrilled for you and her about to be married for dad. the second time. My fian- Van Buren, also known as Jeanne ce lives with me and my Phillips, and was founded by her DEAR ABBY: I have a two children from my mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact job I love. My co-workers previous marriage. are nice, but once I punch Other than cooking Dear Abby at or P.O. out at the end of the day, breakfast and some quick Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. I want to forget them. I snacks, he does not con- believe that’s how it tribute to the household. should be, but some of My issue is, I pay all the vest in a portable heater, Out of respect, I would them try to arrange bills, and he complains which may solve his prob- like to ask her if she’s OK meet-ups after work to about the temperature lem. with my asking her fa- hang out. Or they insist inside my home. My chil- P.S. Are you ABSO- ther. I’m pretty sure she on becoming my friend on dren and I need it to be LUTELY sure you want won’t mind, but I feel social media. I don’t con- cooler. If it’s too hot, we to be married to this asking her is the right sider them social friends, sweat and become con- prize? Nowhere in your thing to do. I’m unsure and I don’t think they gested, which we hate, letter did you say you love how to go about it. Any need to know the details and it makes us irritable. this person. Not once did suggestions would be of my private life. Is there I tell him to put on more you mention his endear- greatly appreciated. a nice way to tell these clothes if he is cold, but ing qualities. Frankly, people to back off a little he complains to the point from your description, he MARRYING IN because we only work to- that I turn off the fans seems like a third child. MAINE gether? and air. My question is, don’t I DEAR MARRYING: NINE TO FIVE IN DEAR ABBY: My dad have a right to be com- Congratulations on your NEW YORK passed away 25 years ago fortable in the home I pay forthcoming nuptials. when I was barely a teen. for? He doesn’t pay, so he What you are considering DEAR NINE TO FIVE: My boyfriend proposed in should adjust to our cli- is not unusual and, When you are invited to March, and we are plan- mate. Right? frankly, it’s a great com- hang out after work, ex- ning our nuptials next pliment to your uncle. I plain that you have HOT & fall. think your idea of run- things you need to do or FRUSTRATED IN As a girl, I dreamed my ning it by your cousin is previous commitments. VIRGINIA dad would walk me down sensitive as well as pru- And as for sharing your the aisle. I would now dent. The discussion personal information DEAR HOT & FRUS- like my uncle to step in would be more loving and with them online, all you TRATED: The answers and fill that role. He has productive if you conduct have to say is that you to your questions are yes a daughter who is older it in person or by phone prefer to keep your busi- and yes. And your fiance than I am. She has been rather than a text or ness and personal lives — not you — should in- married for many years. email. I can see no reason separate. BRIDGE

When the winds blow up suddenly Sir Winston Churchill, who was and, often, a singleton heart. North’s born in breathtaking Blenheim Pal- three-heart rebid was also strange, ace, said, “Never, never, never be- since it promised a six-card suit. Why lieve any war will be smooth and not continue with three spades? easy, or that anyone who embarks Note that three no-trump makes on the strange voyage can measure because the club suit blocks. the tides and hurricanes he will en- Looking at all 52 cards, South counter.” can take 13 tricks via three spades Bridge players should bear that in (finessing dummy’s 10 on the sec- mind. South felt like he had been ond round), two hearts and eight blown over by a hurricane after to- diamonds. But the declarer, thinking day’s deal. What do you think of the auction, and how should declarer that it wasn’t necessary to assume have played in five diamonds after West had the spade jack, won with West led the spade queen? the spade king, cashed the heart South might have opened two ace, played a diamond to the jack clubs, but given the one-diamond and discarded a spade (not the club start, three diamonds was a major king!) on the heart king. underbid. He should have jumped to A Category 5 hurricane came out three no-trump, showing at least six of nowhere. West ruffed and led a strong diamonds, 18 or 19 high-card spade, trumped by East. Then East points, in theory black-suit stoppers cashed the club ace for down one. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 THE DAILY ITEM B5 TV BEST BETS CELEBRITY INTERVIEWS

A Suitable Boy Acorn TV New Series! Bryan Cranston is on both sides of This six-part British period drama is the first tele- vision series directed by acclaimed filmmaker Mira Nair (Monsoon Wedding). Emmy-winning screenwrit- the law in Showtime’s “Your Honor” er Andrew Davies (Les Misérables) adapted Vikram By Kate Hahn Seth’s global bestseller — one of the longest novels Award-winning actor Bry- in the English language. This intimate yet epic tale of an Cranston is an expert at life and love set in 1950s India tells the story of spir- playing men whose despera- ited university student Lata Mehra (Tanya Manikta- tion leads them to fall from la), who comes of age in North India as her country grace. In the new 10-part is carving out its own identity as an independent na- Showtime legal thriller Your tion. Lata seems to have her life already mapped out Honor (Sunday), he is an- thanks to old traditions and an overbearing mother other father on the edge: a respected, ethical New Orle- (Mahira Kakkar) who wants to find her a suitable ans judge, Michael Desiato, husband. Torn between romance and responsibility, whose teen son Adam (Hunt- and inspired by rebellious writers and daring new er Doohan) is involved in a ideas, Lata is determined to decide her own future. deadly hit-and-run that kills The first two episodes launch today; subsequent ep- another youth, a mafia scion. isodes will be available Mondays. Michael believes the venge- Star of the Month: Laurel and Hardy ful crime family will murder TCM, beginning at 12:30 p.m. both him and Adam if they Catch a Classic! learn who was responsible, so he orchestrates a coverup. Most Mondays this month (except for the week lead- Things go south fast. We talk- ing up to Christmas), you can check out plenty of the ed to the actor about why he’s fine messes that legendary comedy duo Stan Laurel drawn to playing flawed hu- and Oliver Hardy got themselves into in their hilari- mans; where this suspense- ous movies. Today’s roughly 16-hour lineup includes ful, danger-tinged story is two dozen classic Laurel and Hardy films from the headed; and how he and his late 1920s and early ‘30s, ranging from their silent loved ones are coping in our shorts like Do Detectives Think?(1927) to their early challenging times. Why did you want to play “talkies” like Night Owls(1930) to their appearances Michael Desiato? in feature-length films like Sons of the Desert(1933) Bryan Cranston: What all and Babes in Toyland(1934), and many more. the characters I’ve been at- General Hospital tracted to have in common is ABC, 2 p.m. a struggle: They’re attempt- Finn (Michael Easton) spends the afternoon with ing to do the right thing, but Gregory (Gregory Harrison). Michael (Chad Duell) is they have ambitions of their relieved. Maxie (Kirsten Storms) is anxious to start own. Walter White, Dalton her life with Peter (Wes Ramsey). Valentin (James Trumbo [from the 2015 film Trumbo; a blacklisted screen- Patrick Stuart) looks to Anna (Finola Hughes) for writer during the 1950s Red help. Franco (Roger Howarth) seeks Kevin’s (Jon Scare], Lyndon Johnson your child’s life?” Without for [the people who come We’re going to say a lot of Lindstrom) advice. [Cranston played the 36th hesitation they say, “Abso- through your courtroom], prayers. Millions of people The Neighborhood: “Welcome to the Rooster” U.S. president on Broadway lutely.” When I ask, “Would but devoting emotion toward are unemployed, homeless, CBS, 8 p.m. in All the Way and later in you take another person’s that, case after case after hungry. Let’s forgo the pres- In the new episode “Welcome to the Rooster,” a new the HBO movie adaptation]: life?” there’s a line. Where case, will bring you down. ent-giving and give back neighbor (guest star Milan Carter) and his pet roost- They’re flawed humans with your moral line is — that’s The pandemic interrupted to our society. We’ll have a Christmas tree, because the er disrupt the community, leading Dave (Max Green- strengths and weaknesses, what makes this story so at- shooting and you also had secrets and pain — and some tractive. COVID yourself. Have you smell of pine evokes warmth field) and Calvin (Cedric the Entertainer) on a covert joy mixed in. Michael grap- What research did you do to been reflecting on that? and hearth and home, but mission to restore order. ples with his oath of office play a judge? I had COVID in March. I exchanging presents feels NFL Football: Buffalo at San Francisco and the private oath he took I spent a lot of time in got it from my wife Robin; she wrong. Robin and I will make ESPN, 8 p.m. Live when he became a parent, to New Orleans, in and around was surprised she had it. We donations to food banks, and Monday Night Football’s Week 13 matchup takes protect his child. the courthouse where we’re managed. When we talk to things of that nature. place at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California, as You have a child. Did you shooting. I would sit in on a other people, ours was com- You are directing the sea- Josh Allen and the Buffalo Bills face the San Fran- feel any personal agony over trial, an arraignment, jury paratively very mild. I have son finale of Your Honor. cisco 49ers. this story? selection. Judge Franz Zi- several people who are 20 or What can you hint about it? Any parent would relate. bilich mentored me. He was 30 years younger than me It will shock you. Michael L.A.’s Finest: “Thief” Once you have kids, there’s instrumental in helping me who had it far worse. Desiato attempts to become FOX, 8 p.m. something outside of your- shape the approach [to the Social distancing is going to someone that he’s not, and A stunning discovery leads Syd (Gabrielle Union) self much more important. character] from a legal and make the holiday season very any time someone compro- and McKenna (Jessica Alba) to consider whom they I’ve asked people, “Would you a human standpoint. You different this year. What are mises their soul, there is a can trust in the new episode “Thief.” become a criminal to protect can have legal compassion the Cranstons doing? price to be paid.

EVENING TV LISTINGS SUNDAY’SHOROSCOPE TV DECEMBER 6, 2020 EVENING TV LISTINGS MONDAY’S TV DECEMBER 7, 2020 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 BROADCAST STATIONS BROADCAST STATIONS WGBH (6:30) Masterpiece: 70s Soul Superstars (My Music) Motown, R&B,SAGITTARIUS soul Ledisi (Nov. Live: 23-Dec. A Tribute 21) to Nina NOVA “Mysteries of Sleep” The WGBH Greater John Sebastian Presents: Folk Rewind Ken Burns: The Civil War The Amanpour and Greater Steves’ Midsomer ^ PBS 50 Fabulous Years! and disco artists. Simone significance of sleep. ^ PBS Boston (My Music) Artists of the 1950s and ’60s. Civil War 25th anniversary. Company (N) Boston Europe Mur. WBZ NFL 60 Minutes (N) TakeA Holly the Dolly initiative. Christ- InvestNCIS: Los time Angeles and energyNCIS: Los into Angeles setting News up a routine Sports thatJoel helps youElevation WBZ Wheel of Jeopardy! Neighbor- Bob- All Rise “Bad Beat” Bull “Look Back in News Late Show-Colbert Late Late Show With $ CBS Football continuemas (N) to strive for“Cash positive Flow” (N) goals, “Raisingbetter relationshipsthe Dead” and aFinal brighter (N) Osteen future. With $ CBS Fortune (N) hood Abishola (N) Anger” James Corden WCVB America’s Funniest Supermarket Sweep Who Wants to Be a Card Sharks “212” News- SportsCen- Soledad Storm of Suspicion WCVB News- Chronicle NFL Football Buffalo Bills vs San Francisco 49ers. (N) NewsCenter 5 at Jimmy Kimmel Live! Nightline % ABC Home Videos (N) (N) Millionaire (N) CAPRICORN(N) (Dec. 22-Jan.Center 5 19)ter 5 O’Brien “Doomed By Dew” % ABC Center 5 11:00 (N) (N) WBTS Football Night in America (N) NFL Football Denver Broncos at Kansas City Chiefs. (N) News NBC 10 Access Hollywood WBTS Boston Ac. Hol- The Voice “Live Top 9 Performances” The Nurses “Incom- Boston Tonight Show-J. Late Night With * NBC A change to how you handle your finances, health orat 11legal Sportsmatters may not turn * NBC News lywood top 9 artists perform. (N) ing” (N) News Fallon Seth Meyers (N) WFXT Simpsons Bob’s SimpsonsoutBless as anticipated.the Bob’s FamilyDon’t believeBoston everything 25 News at someoneBoston tellsHot Top- you.Joel Be resourceful,Van Sus- andTMZ (N) WFXT NFL Football I Can See Your Cosmos: Possible Boston 25 News at Boston TMZ Live (N) National Boston 9 FOX Burgers leaveHarts nothing (N) Burgers to chance.Guy (N) 10PM (N) News ics Osteen teren 9 FOX Voice (N) Worlds 10PM (N) Tonight News Tonight WUTF (6:00) ››› “The Bank Job” ›› Four Brothers (2005, Drama de Crimen) Mark Película Mita y WUTF ¿Qué culpa tiene Guerreros 2020 (N) Noticiero Vas con todo Vecinos Nosotros = UMA (2008) Jason Statham. Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, André Benjamin.AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) mita = UMA Fatmagül? (N) Univisión los. WSBK Mike & Patriots Fifth Quar- Game NCIS “Toil and NCIS “Destiny’s Big Bang Big Bang Castle “After the Bloodline WSBK Big Bang Big Bang Law & Order: Spe- Law & Order: Spe- WBZ News 10p (N) Seinfeld Big Bang Seinfeld Imp. Jok- Mike & F MNT Molly ter (N) If Timeyou wantTrouble” to make a change,Child” update your resumeTheory toTheory suit theStorm” current job market.Dete F MNT Theory Theory cial Victims Unit cial Victims Unit Theory ers Molly WGBX Engelbert Hump- Magic Moments:Be bold, The and Best discuss of 50s Pop your ideasBrain Secretsand concerns. With Dr. Michael Don’t Merzenich take a risk Call with the Midwife your health. “Holiday Spe- WGBX The Great British Midsomer Murders Silent Witness Maigret The murder of a Jewish PBS NewsHour (N) Antiques Roadshow L PBS erdinck in Hawaii Musicians perform. Maintaining cognitive fitness. cial” Sister Mildred arrives. L PBS Baking Show “Dark Secrets” “Discovery: Part 2” diamond dealer. WWJE Nurses Who Kill Nurses Who Kill Nurses Who Kill HowPISCES (Not) ( Kill 20-March How (Not) 20) to Kill Bizarre Bizarre Bizarre WWJE Cold Case Files Cold Case Files The Last 24 “May- Cold Blood A wom- Inside The Mind of a FBI: Criminal Killer R JN “Jeannie Miata” “Roger Dean” “Donald Harvey” Your Husband Your Husband Murders Murders Murders R JN hem on His Mind” an’s body is found. Serial Killer Pursuit Kids WLVI Modern Modern PandoraBe “All carefulAlong Thewho Outpost you share “She Is your7 News ideas at 10PM or beliefson Wipeout with to avoid Monka situation that willPawn WLVI Gold- Gold- Whose Whose Penn & Teller: 7 News at 10PM on Schitt’s Schitt’s Modern Modern Family X CW Family Family the Watchtower”put you (N) in Nota vulnerable a God” (N) position.CW56 (N)Focus on how you can make a difference, notStars a X CW bergs bergs Line Line Fool Us CW56 (N) Creek Creek Family Family Guy WNUE ›‡ Babylon A.D. (2008, Cienciadisturbance. Ficción) ››› Unstoppable (2010, Acción) Denzel Noticias TYM Decisio- Decisiones Ex- WNUE El domo del dinero (N) Todo por mi hija (N) Falsa identidad “La Noticiero Tel- Titulares Historias de la ¨ TELE Vin Diesel, Michelle Yeoh. Washington, Chris Pine. Telem Zona nes tremas ¨ TELE sentencia” (N) emundo Nueva y más virgen morena (N) WABU Christmas Together (2020, Romance) Rent-an-Elf (2018, Drama)ARIES Yohance (March 21-AprilA Cinderella 19) Christmas (2016, Romance) Star WABU NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Law & ¥ ION Vivica A. Fox, Anna Marie Dobbins. Biagas-Bey, Kim Shaw. Emma Rigby, Peter Porte, Sarah Stouffer. ¥ ION “Under Siege” “Payback” “Old Tricks” “Queen Pin” “Getaway” “767” Order CABLE STATIONS Don’t let uncertainty get you down; initiate what you want to do wholeheartedly, CABLE STATIONS (5:00) ›››‡ “Juras- ››‡ Theand Lost don’tWorld: look Jurassic back. Park It’s (1997) time Jeff to Goldblum. take control An and››‡ Jurassicbring about Park III the (2001, changes Adventure) that willLost The First 48 “Point of The First 48 “Red The First 48 “Dan- The First 48 “Buried The First 48 Pres- The First 48 “Red The First A&E A&E sic Park” expeditionlead returns to toa monitorbetter dinosaurs’ future. progress. Sam Neill, William H. Macy. World No Return” Brick; Last Kiss” gerous Business” Secrets” ents Critical Brick; Last Kiss” 48 (6:45) Rudolph’s ››› Elf (2003, Children’s) Will Ferrell, ››› Elf (2003, Children’s) Will Ferrell, The Year Without a Rudolph “Planes, Trains and ››› Scrooged (1988) Bill Murray. TV- ›››‡ Gremlins (1984) Zach Galligan. A lovable little Planes, Trains and AMC AMC Shiny New Year James Caan, Bob Newhart. JamesTAURUS Caan, (April Bob Newhart. 20-May 20) Santa Claus Automobiles” network bigshot meets Christmas ghosts. creature spawns hundreds of evil beings. Automobiles (1987) The Real House- The Real House- The Real Housewives of Bravo’s Chat Room The Real House- The Real House- Below Deck “Do Not Below Deck “Never Below Deck (N) Watch Below Deck Below Deck Medi- Below Deck Medi- BRAVO wives of Atlanta wives ofEmotional Atlanta (N) Potomacspending (N) will turn out to be(N) costly. Size up wiveswhat’s of Atlantareasonable,wives and of lookPotomac BRAVO Disturb” Before Scene 805” What terranean terranean Alaska: The Last Alaska: The Last Frontier “Tsunami Gold Rush: White Gold Rush “Rick’s Alaska: The Last Frontier Street Outlaws: Full Street Outlaws: Fastest in America “NOLA vs. Iowa” (N) Street Outlaws: Full Street Outlaws: Fastest in DISC for practical ways to reach your goal. You can accomplish plenty if you take the DISC Frontier Exposed Evacuation”steps (N) necessary to ensure success.Water (N) Sixth Sense” (N) “Tsunami Evacuation” Throttle (N) Throttle (N) America “NOLA vs. Iowa” Disney-Epic Holiday Holidays- Good Luck Charlie, It’s Christ- Good Luck Jessie: Epic Holiday Show- Jessie Jessie Bunk’d Raven’s Raven’s Raven’s Raven’s Raven’s Jessie Jessie Jessie Sydney- Sydney- Jessie Jessie Bunk’d DISN DISN Showdown Music mas! (2011) Bridgit Mendler. NYCGEMINI Christmas (May 21-Junedown 20) Home Home Home Home Home Max Max SportsCenter (N) Who’s Boxing Don’t Ever Give Up E60 Who’s SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter With SportsCen- (6:00) Monday Night NFL Football Buffalo Bills vs San Francisco 49ers. (N) SportsCenter With Scott Van NFL Rewind ESPN ESPN In? Set(N) your sights on a reasonable goal.In? Take a look at what othersScott are Vandoing, Pelt and(N) askter Countdown Pelt (N) Women’s College Boxing Fromexperts Oct. forUFC advice Unleashed when in Worlddoubt. of MakeWorld decisionsof Formula based1 Racing on Sakhir facts, Grand not Prix. emotions SportsCenter (N) UFC Reloaded UFC 256 Countdown Don’t Ever Give Up E60 SportsCenter With ESPN2 Basketball 26, 2019. (N) From June 8, 2019. X Games X Games ESPN2 Scott Van Pelt (N) or peer pressure. (6:45) ››› “Home Alone” (1990, Chil- ››‡ Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992, Children’s) Macau- ›‡ The Santa Clause 3: The (6:20) ››› “The Santa ›› The Santa Clause 2 (2002, Children’s) Tim Allen. The 700 Club (N) ›› Christmas With the Kranks FREE dren’s) Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci. lay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern. Escape Clause (2006) FREE Clause” (1994) Tim Allen. Santa must get married in order to keep his job. (2004) Tim Allen. CANCER (June 21-July 22) “How the Grinch ››‡ Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch (2018) Voices ››‡ Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch (2018) Voices ›› How the Grinch Stole ›››‡ BlacKkKlansman (2018) John David Washington. Ron ›› Transformers: The Last Knight (2017, Action) Mark Wahlberg, Josh FX FX Stole Christmas” of BenedictFix Cumberbatch. up your surroundings toof accommodateBenedict Cumberbatch. your lifestyle. A uniqueChristmas joint (2000) venture Jim Carrey. Stallworth works under cover to infiltrate the KKK. Duhamel. The war between Transformers and humans threatens Earth. ››‡ The Photograph (2020, Romance) Euphoria Rue cel- Murder on Middle Beach Madi- Euphoria Rue cel- Murder on Middle (6:50) ››‡ “Snow White and the Hunts- His Dark Materials Industry “Learned Axios (N) His Dark Materials Industry “Learned HBO Issa Rae, Chanté Adams. ‘PG-13’will turn outebrates to be Christmas. lucrativeson as continueswell as hisgive quest. you (N) an emotionalebrates Christmas. boost. RomanceBeach is HBO man” (2012) Kristen Stewart. (N) Behaviour” (N) Behaviour” American Pickers Americanfavored. Pickers A American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers A American Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars “Mo’ Monet, Mo’ Problems” Pawn Stars “Notori- Pawn Stars Buffy the Vampire HIST “Aerosmith Van” super rare roadster. super rare roadster. Pickers HIST Buffy the Vampire Slayer figurines. (N) ous Pawn” Slayer figurines. “Once Upon a Main Christmas Ever After (2020, Romance) Ali The LEOChristmas (July 23-Aug.Listing (2020, 22) Romance- Christmas Ever After (2020) Ali “A Gift Wrapped The Santa Squad Aaron Ashmore, Re- Christmas a la Mode (2019, Drama) Katie The Santa Squad Aaron Ash- LIFE LIFE Street” Stroker, DanielKeep di your Tomasso. emotions in checkComedy) when Lexi dealing Giovagnoli, with Travis sensitive Burns. issues.Stroker, SayDaniel less, di Tomasso. and Christmas” (2015) becca Dalton, Jayne Eastwood. Leclerc, Ryan Cooper, Caroline Portu. more, Rebecca Dalton. (5:30) › “Grown Ups MTV Movie & TV Awards: MTV Movie & TV Awards: Ridicu- Ridicu- Ridicu- Ridicu- Ridicu- (5:30) ›› “We’re the The Challenge (N) Ridicu- Ridicu- Ridicu- Ridicu- Ridicu- Ridicu- Ridicu- Ridicu- Ridicu- MTV 2” (2013) Greatestlisten of All Timeto complaints (N) Greatest and criticism of All Time earnestly. Thelousness informationlousness youlousness receivelousness will helplousness MTV Millers” (2013) lousness lousness lousness lousness lousness lousness lousness lousness lousness Mecum Postgame Live (N) youPostgame make positiveAmerican Ninjachanges. American Ninja College Football Syracuse at Notre Dame. World Early Monday Early Edition Best of Felger & Boston Sports Boston Sports Boston Sports World NBCSB Top 10 Warrior Warrior Poker NBCSB Edition Patriot Mazz Radio Tonight (N) Tonight Tonight Poker Charlie Charlie Golf Dest. Golf Dest. Dining Dining NESNVIRGO (Aug.NESN 23-Sept.NESN 22) Dirty Bruins: On This Day From Explore Fishing Red Sox All-Time Bruins All-Time NESN After Hours NESN After Hours Bruins: On This Day From NESN Moore Moore Playbook Playbook Sports Sports Sports Water TV 1997. NESN Fantasy Draft Fantasy Draft (N) 2013. A change to your environment or surroundings will help you realize what you want. All-Star Nickmas Side Side Young Young Young Friends Friends Friends Friends Mom Loud Loud Danger Side Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends NICK Spectacular Hustle SumHustle up yourSheldon alternatives,Sheldon andSheldon take steps to improve your life. Don’t dismiss an NICK House House Force Hustle Shameless “Gal- The Reagansopportunity. “Part 4 Shameless “This Is Your Honor “Part Moon- Moon- Your Honor “Part Shame- (5:45) ››‡ “Heart- Your Honor “Part Shameless “This Is ›››‡ 1917 (2019, War) George MacKay, Your Honor “Part Shame- SHOW lavich!” - In the Stars” (N) Chicago” (N) One” (N) base 8 base 8 One” less SHOW break Ridge” One” Chicago” Dean-Charles Chapman. ‘R’ One” less (6:59) Power Book Power Book II: P-Valley “Perpe- P-ValleyLIBRA “Scars” (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Power Book II: Power Book II: P-Valley “Perpe- P-Valley “Scars” Tijuana Jackson: Purpose Power Book II: ›› Perfect Stranger (2007, Suspense) STARZ II: Ghost Ghost (N) tratin”’ Ghost Ghost STARZ tratin”’ Over Prison (2020) ‘NR’ Ghost Halle Berry, Bruce Willis. ‘R’ (6:26) ›› “The Twilight Saga:Living Breaking in the››‡ pastThe will Twilight be your Saga: demise. Breaking FocusDawn Part on 2moving Futurama forward. Futurama Discuss Futurama your plans Futurama (6:35) ››‡ “The Twilight Saga: Breaking ›‡ Vampire Academy (2014, Fantasy) Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama SYFY Dawn Part 1” (2011) Kristen Stewart.with someone(2012, close Romance) to you. Kristen A commonStewart, Robert goal Pattinson. will promote a better connection with SYFY Dawn Part 2” (2012, Romance) Zoey Deutch, Lucy Fry, Danila Kozlovsky. The The Elf ››› Wondersomeone (2017, Drama)you love. Julia Roberts. A boy who ›› Jingle All the Way (1996) Arnold ››› Paddington Family Family Family Family Family Family American American Conan Seinfeld Seinfeld Conan Brooklyn TBS Grinch on the has a facial deformity attends public school. Schwarzenegger, Sinbad, Phil Hartman. (2014, Children’s) TBS Guy Guy Guy Guy Guy Guy Dad Dad (N) Nine “Star Wars: The ›››‡ Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) Mark SCORPIOHamill. Luke (Oct. Sky- 24-Nov.›››‡ 22)Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015, Science “Legend ›››‡ Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher. Luke ›› The Meg (2018) Jason Statham, Li Bingbing. A TNT Force Awakens” walker comes to a crossroad when he meets young Rey. Fiction) Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill. TNT Tarzan” Skywalker comes to a crossroad when he meets young Rey. diver must confront a 75-foot-long prehistoric shark. Law & Order: Spe- Law & Order:Look Spe- for alternativeLaw & Order: routes Spe- Lawthat & will Order: help Spe- youLaw channel & Order: your Spe- skillsModern and Modernenergy intoModern Chicago P.D. WWE Monday Night RAW (N) Miz & Mrs Modern Modern Modern Modern USA USA cial Victims Unit cial Victimssomething Unit cial more Victims suitable. Unit Usecial yourVictims imagination. Unit cial VictimsRomance Unit is featured.Family Family Family (N) Family Family Family Family (5:20) ›› “Four MTV Movie & TV Awards: ››‡ The Karate Kid (2010, Children’s) Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan. A Chinese ››› Martin Martin ››‡ The Family That Preys (2008, Drama) Kathy ››› Love & Basketball (2000) Sanaa Lathan, Omar Epps. A VH1 Brothers” (2005) Greatest of All Time (N) master schools an American boy in the martial arts. Drumline VH1 Bates, Alfre Woodard, Tyler Perry. passion for the game leads to love for two best friends. B6 THE DAILY ITEM MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 CLASSIFIED


NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING SAUGUS REHAB AND NURSING By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Timothy E. Katsos to Financial Freedom Senior Funding Corporation, a given by Marcio Peguero to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as On December 3, 2020, the Department of Public Health, Division of Health Care Subsidiary of Lehman Brothers Bank, FSB, dated July 23, 2003 and recorded in nominee for IndyMac Bank, F.S.B, dated December 15, 2006 and recorded in the Facility Licensure and Certification (the Department) received notification of a the Essex County (Southern District) Registry of Deeds in Book 21368, Page 404 Essex County (Southern District) Registry of Deeds in Book 26390, Page 197 of proposed change in ownership of Saugus Opco, LLC, d/b/a Saugus Rehab and of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, by assignment from: which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, by assignment from: Nursing, 266 Lincoln Ave., Saugus, MA 01906 (the Facility) from OC Saugus Center, LLC, d/b/a Saugus Center (Applicant). PC 266 Lincoln Holdco, LLC Financial Freedom Senior Funding Corporation a Subsidiary of Lehman Brothers Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. to OneWest Bank, F.S.B., recorded intends to purchase the Facility's property and lease the Facility to Applicant. Bank FSB to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for on August 6, 2009, in Book No. 28843, at Page 261 Applicant, if deemed suitable by the Department, will be the licensee of the Financial Freedom Acquisition LLC, recorded on January 26, 2010, in Book No. Facility. There will be no changes in the bed capacity or services provided by the 29238, at Page 85 CIT Bank, N.A. f/k/a OneWest Bank N.A. f/k/a OneWest Bank, F.S.B. to MTGLQ Facility. A public hearing may be requested upon petition by any group of ten Investors, L.P., recorded on December 18, 2019, in Book No. 38124, at Page 106 adults. Such petition shall include the name, address and signature of each adult Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Financial Freedom and designate one member as the representative of the group. Written comments Acquisition LLC to OneWest Bank N.A., recorded on July 20, 2015, in Book No. MTGLQ Investors, L.P. to Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB d/b/a Christiana concerning the applicant's ability to provide quality long-term care services and 34228, at Page 523 Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust, petitions for a public hearing may be addressed to the offices of the Department of recorded on December 18, 2019, in Book No. 38124, at Page 107 Public Health, Division of Health Care Facility Licensure and Certification, 67 Forest CIT Bank, N.A. f/k/a OneWest Bank N.A. to Bank of New York Mellon Trust St, Marlborough MA 01752 or sent via e-mail to HFLLicenseAction Company, N.A. as Trustee for Mortgage Assets Management Series I Trust, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, @MassMail.State.MA.US for a period of 14 days following the date of this recorded on January 15, 2019, in Book No. 37274, at Page 222 the same will be sold at Public Auction at 3:00 PM on December 21, 2020, on the publication. All written or oral comments submitted to the Department may be mortgaged premises located at 21 Barrett Court, Lynn, Essex County, posted on the Department's website and released in response to a request for for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, public records. the same will be sold at Public Auction at 1:00 PM on December 21, 2020, on the mortgaged premises located at 507 Lynnfield Street, Lynn, Essex County, TO WIT: Item: December 7, 2020 Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, The land with buildings thereon situated in Lynn, known as 21 Barrett Court and being shown as Lot A on plan entitled Lynn, Mass. Subdivision of land owned by TO WIT: M.H, Fame Realty Trust, O.W. McIntosh, C.E., dated March 1946, which plan is MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE The land in said Lynn, with the buildings thereon and bounded: recorded in Essex South Registry of Deeds Book 3457, Page 455. By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage SOUTHWESTERLY: by Lynnfield Street, 74.81 feet; given by Joel Gonzalez and Somaly Yet to Mortgage Electronic Registration NORTHWESTERLY: by land now or formerly of Cann, 198.23 feet; For mortgagor's(s') title see deed recorded with Essex County (Southern District) Systems, Inc., as nominee for Metro Credit Union, its successors and assigns, NORTHEASTERLY: by land now or formerly of Hacker, 72.32 feet; and Registry of Deeds in Book 26390, Page 195. dated December 5, 2014 and registered with the Essex County (Southern District) SOUTHEASTERLY: by land now or formerly of Stanley, 182.76 feet. Registry District of the Land Court as Document Number 557643 noted on Be all of said measurements more or less or however otherwise bounded and These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all Certificate of Title Number 88044 as affected by a Amendatory Mortgage described. Being the same premises conveyed to the herein named mortgagor (s) rights, rights of way, restrictions, easem*nts, covenants, liens or claims in the registered on April 15, 2015 in Said Registry District of the Land Court as by deed recorded with Essex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 17421, Page nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax Document Number 560818 noted on Certificate of Title Number 88044, 31. titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or subsequently assigned to M&T Bank by Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, Inc. (MERS), as nominee for Metro Credit Union its Successors and Assigns by For mortgagor's(s') title see deed recorded with Essex County (Southern District) having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, assignment registered with Essex County (Southern District) Registry District of the Registry of Deeds in Book 17421, Page 31. easem*nts, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. Land Court as Document Number 566821 noted on Certificate of Title Number 88044 for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all TERMS OF SALE: foreclosing same will be sold at Public Auction at 11:00 AM on December 28, rights, rights of way, restrictions, easem*nts, covenants, liens or claims in the 2020 at 48 Sheridan Street, Lynn, MA, all and singular the premises described in nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars by certified or bank check will said Mortgage, to wit: titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 With Quitclaim Covenants, all the land and buildings thereon situated in Lynn in having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, California St., Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, the County of Essex, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, bounded and described as easem*nts, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the follows: NORTHEASTERLY: by Sheridan Street fifty-two and 45/100 (52.45) feet; date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full SOUTHEASTERLY: by the northwesterly line of a way sixty-nine and 77/100 TERMS OF SALE: of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage (69.77) feet; SOUTHEASTERLY: again by land now or formerly of Francis X. shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Boulay, et. al. eighty-seven and 43/100 (87.43) feet; SOUTHWESTERLY: by the A deposit of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars by certified or bank check will northeasterly line of Mount Pleasant Street eighty-three and 20/100 (83.20) feet; be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. and NORTHWESTERLY: by lands now or formerly of A.A. Mallett, of Mary M. is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 Glazebrook and of Agnes T. Carroll et. al., one hundred ninety-eight and 28/100 California St., Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, D/B/A CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT (198.28) feet. All of said boundaries are determined by the Court to be located as Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the INDIVIDUALLY BUT AS TRUSTEE FOR PRETIUM MORTGAGE ACQUISITION TRUST shown upon plan numbered 13500-A, filed with original Certificate of Title #8383 date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full Present holder of said mortgage in said Registry, the same being compiled from a plan drawn by Shay and Shay, of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage Civil Engineers, dated March 9, 1929, and additional data on file in the Land shall control in the event of an error in this publication. By its Attorneys, Registration Office, all as modified and approved by the Court. There is HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. appurtenant to the above described land in common with the Daly land as shown Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. 150 California St. on said plan, a right to use said way as a passageway. See deed of Grantor filed Newton, MA 02458 herewith at said Registry of Deeds/Land Court. BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR MORTGAGE (617)558-0500 ASSETS MANAGEMENT SERIES I TRUST 2017020457 The premises are to be sold subject to and with the benefit of all easem*nts, Present holder of said mortgage restrictions, encroachments, building and zoning laws, liens, unpaid taxes, tax By its Attorneys, Item: November 23, 30 and December 7, 2020 titles, water bills, municipal liens and assessments, rights of tenants and parties in possession, and attorney's fees and costs. HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California St. (SEAL) TERMS OF SALE: Newton, MA 02458 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LAND COURT A deposit of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00) in the form (617)558-0500 DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT of a certified check, bank treasurer's check or money order will be required to be 14819 2020 SM 001873 delivered at or before the time the bid is offered. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Foreclosure Sale Agreement immediately after the close of Item: November 23, 30 and December 7, 2020 ORDER OF NOTICE the bidding. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the sale date in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer's check or other TOWN OF NAHANT TO: Susan McDonald check satisfactory to Mortgagee's attorney. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid BOARD OF APPEALS at the sale, to reject any and all bids, to continue the sale and to amend the terms NOTICE OF HEARINGS and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 of the sale by written or oral announcement made before or during the foreclosure U.S.C. c. 50 §3901 (et seq) sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be A public hearing will be held by the ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS on Monday, entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further December 21st, 2020 via remote technology pursuant to Governor Baker's March Partners for Payment Relief DE IV, LLC recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. The 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event 30A, Section 18, and the Governor's March 15, 2020 order imposing strict claiming to have an interest in a Mortgage covering real property in Lynn, of an error in this publication. TIME WILL BE OF THE ESSENCE. limitations on the number of persons that may gather in one place, this meeting of numbered 57 N. Federal St., given by Susan McDonald to GMAC Mortgage the Nahant Zoning Board of Appeals will be conducted via remote participation to Corporation, dated November 15, 2005, and recorded in Essex County (South Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. the greatest extent possible. To Join the Zoom Meeting use the following link: District) Registry of Deeds in 2006012000505, and now held by Plaintiff by M&T Bank assignment, has filed with this court a complaint for determination of Defendants' mwzenUvQT09 Servicemembers status. Present Holder of said Mortgage, By Its Attorneys, Meeting ID: 864 1995 8802 If you now are, or recently have been, in the active military service of the United ORLANS PC Passcode: 246714 States of America, then you may be entitled to the benefits of the Service PO Box 540540 One tap mobile members Civil Relief Act. If you object to a foreclosure of the above-mentioned Waltham, MA 02454 +13017158592,,86419958802#,,,,,,0#,,246714# US (Germantown) property on that basis, then you or your attorney must file a written appearance Phone: (781) 790-7800 +13126266799,,86419958802#,,,,,,0#,,246714# US (Chicago) and answer in this court at Three Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108 on or 19-005292 Dial by your location before 01/18/2021 or you may lose the opportunity to challenge the foreclosure +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) on the ground of noncompliance with the Act. Item: December 7, 14 and 21, 2020 +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Witness, Gordon H. Piper, Chief Justice of this Court on 12/2/2020 +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) CARE AND PROTECTION, TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS, SUMMONS BY +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Attest: PUBLICATION, DOCKET NUMBER: 19CP0114SA, Trial Court of Massachusetts, +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) Juvenile Court Department, COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, Essex County Meeting ID: 864 1995 8802 Deborah J. Patterson Juvenile Court, 56 Federal Street, Room 2001, Salem, MA 01970 TO: Fernando Passcode: 246714 Recorder Guzman: A petition has been presented to this court by Salem DCF, seeking, as to Find your local number: the following child, Kevin Gomez, that said child be found in need of care and Item: December 7, 14 and 21, 2020 protection and committed to the Department of Children and Families. The court 5:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING on the petition filed by Paul G. Smith, Esq. and Judith may dispense the rights of the person named herein to receive notice of or to Flaherty, for the property located at 96 Willow Road, Nahant, for an Appeal of TOWN OF SAUGUS / DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS consent to any legal proceeding affecting the adoption, custody, or guardianship Determination of Inspector of Buildings for the following: Appeal of Building CONTRACTORS INTERESTED IN SANDING AND PLOWING FOR THE TOWN OF or any other disposition of the child named herein, if it finds that the child is in Inspector allowing building permit R-18-00243 to be "amended" and the issuance SAUGUS need of care and protection and that the best interests of the child would be & validity of the "amended" permit. served by said disposition. The Town of Saugus is looking for Contractors interested in plowing snow for the You are hereby ORDERED to appear in this court, at the court address set forth BOARD OF APPEALS, Jocelyn Campbell, Chairperson Town. You must have a 4 wheel drive vehicle with at least a rated 3/4 ton capacity above, on the following date and time: 01/14/2021 at 09:00 AM Hearing on to work for the Town of Saugus. Information needed for billing purposes will be Merits (CR/CV) You may bring an attorney with you. If you have a right to an ITEM: December 7 and 14, 2020 collected by Route Supervisors at the conclusion of each event and input attorney and if the court determines that you are indigent, the court will appoint an immediately after the event for processing by Town Hall. attorney to represent you. If you fail to appear, the court may proceed on that date Bills Auto Clinic Inc Auction and any date thereafter with a trial on the merits of the petition and an Interested contractors will be required to provide information such as a copy of adjudication of this matter. (Sale of Motor Vehicle under M.G.L. c. 255, Section 39A.) current driver's license, vehicle registration, and vehicle insurance policy For further information call the Office of the Clerk-Magistrate at 978-745-9660. Notice is hereby given by: Bill's Auto Clinic, 2 Commercial St., Salem, MA. ($100,000 - $300,000 minimum liability), and a copy of W-9 Form for tax WITNESS: Hon. Kerry A. Ahern, FIRST JUSTICE, Judith M.Brennan, Clerk Magistrate pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L. c. 255, Section 39A, that on December 26, purposes. DATE ISSUED 11/19/2020 2020 at: 9 a.m., 2 Commercial St. Salem, MA. Private Sale on the following Motor Vehicles will be sold to satisfy the garage keeper's lien thereon for storage, towing A complete package of information is available by calling the DPW at Item December 4, 7 and 14, 2020 charges, care and expenses of notices and sale of said vehicle. 781-231-4143 or emailing at [emailprotected]. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the DPW at (781) 231- 4143. Thank you for your 1997 Honda Accord Vin # 1HGCD7253VA019535 consideration. 2004 GMC Savana van Vin # 1GDFG15T641234427 2003 Buick Century Vin # 2G4WS52J031102085 Item: December 7 and 8, 2020 2005 Honda Accord Vin # 1HGCM66525A049095 1998 Honda Civic Vin # 2HGEJ6672WH580433 1995 Pontiac Gran Prix Vin # 1G2W512M2SF320471 2009 VW Passat Vin # WVWHL93C19E566284 call 781-593-7700 ext. 2 Item: December 7, 14 and 21, 2020 to start your daily subscription.

Local, On demand Only $9.99/month MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 THE DAILY ITEM CLASSIFIED B7 INTERNATIONAL UK vaccination China preps to be watched for rollout too TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — certification process for Provincial governments the United States, Europe, by the world across China are placing Japan and other devel- orders for experimental, oped countries might be domestically made coro- too complex for them to be LONDON (AP) — The Monday in readiness.” navirus vaccines, though used there. However, Chi- coronavirus vaccine devel- Last week the U.K. be- health officials have yet na said it will ensure the oped by American drug- came the first country to to say how well they work products are affordable maker Pfizer and Germa- authorize the Pfizer-BioN- or how they may reach the for developing countries. ny’s BioNTech was being tech vaccine for emergency country’s 1.4 billion people. One developer, China sent to hospitals across use. In trials, the vaccine Developers are speeding National Pharmaceutical the U.K. in super-cold con- was shown to have around up final testing, the Chi- tainers on Sunday, two 95 percent efficacy. Vacci- Group, known as Sino- nese foreign minister said pharm, said in November it days ahead of the kickoff nations will be adminis- PHOTO | ASSOCIATED PRESS of Britain's biggest-ever tered starting Tuesday at during a U.N. meeting last applied for final market ap- immunization program, around 50 hospital hubs in Nurses at the Royal Free Hospital, London, week, as Britain approved proval for use of its vaccine one being closely watched England. Scotland, Wales simulate the administration of the Pfizer vac- emergency use of Pfizer in China. Others have been around the world. and Northern Ireland will cine to support staff training ahead of the roll- Inc.’s vaccine candidate approved for emergency Around 800,000 doses of also begin their vaccina- out, in London. and providers scrambled use on people deemed at the vaccine are expected tion rollouts the same day. to set up distribution. high risk of infection. to be in place for the start Governments and health centers in Moscow with patients and those being Even without final ap- “We must be prepared of the rollout on Tuesday, agencies around the world its Russian-made Sputnik discharged after a stay in proval, more than 1 mil- for large-scale production,” a day that British Health will be monitoring the V vaccine, which was ap- the hospital will be among lion health care workers said Vice Premier Sun Secretary Matt Hanco*ck British vaccination pro- proved over the summer the first to receive the jab and others in China who Chunlan, who has over- has reportedly dubbed as gram to note its successes after being tested in only in Britain. Hospitals will are deemed at high risk of seen much of the country’s “V-Day,” a nod to triumphs and failures and adjust a few dozen people. also start inviting over 80s infection have received ex- response, during a visit in World War II. their own plans accord- The excitement in Brit- in for a vaccine shot and perimental vaccines under Wednesday to developers, “Despite the huge com- ingly. The United States ain, which has Europe's will work with nursing emergency use permission. according to the official There has been no word on Xinhua News Agency. plexities, hospitals will hopes to start vaccinations highest virus-related homes to book staff into death toll at more than possible side effects. Sun visited one of Sin- kickstart the first phase later this month. British vaccination clinics. Any of the largest scale vacci- regulatory authorities are 61,000, was palpable. China’s fledgling phar- opharm’s Beijing subsid- appointments not taken nation campaign in our also examining data on “This coming week will maceutical industry has iary companies; another country’s history from vaccines made by Moder- be an historic moment up will be offered to those at least five vaccines from producer, Sinovac, and a Tuesday,” said Professor na and AstraZeneca-Ox- as we begin vaccination health workers deemed four producers being test- research lab under the Stephen Powis, NHS En- ford University. against COVID-19,” said to be at the highest risk ed in more than a dozen National Medical Prod- gland’s national medical Russia on Saturday Hanco*ck. of serious illness from countries including Rus- ucts Administration, a director. “The first tranche began vaccinating thou- Patients aged 80 and COVID-19. Everyone who sia, Egypt and Mexico. regulatory agency that ap- of vaccine deliveries will sands of doctors, teachers above who are already at- is vaccinated will need a Health experts say even proves medical products be landing at hospitals by and others at dozens of tending hospitals as out- booster jab 21 days later. if they are successful, the for public use. Saudi prince strongly criticizes Israel at Bahrain summit

DUBAI, United Arab Prince Turki al-Faisal at Palestinians. The Pales- ern colonizing” power. Israel’s undeclared arse- Israel full ties with all Arab Emirates (AP) — A promi- the Manama Dialogue tinians view those pacts Israel has “incarcerated nal of nuclear weapons states in return for Palestin- nent Saudi prince harshly appeared to catch Israel’s as a stab in the back from (Palestinians) in concen- and Israeli governments ian statehood on territory criticized Israel on Sun- foreign minister off guard, their fellow Arabs and a tration camps under the “unleashing their political Israel captured in 1967. day at a Bahrain security particularly as Israelis re- betrayal of their cause. flimsiest of security accu- minions and their media He added: “You cannot summit that was remotely ceive warm welcomes from Prince Turki opened his sations — young and old, outlets from other coun- treat an open wound with attended by Israel’s for- officials in Bahrain and remarks by contrasting women and men, who are tries to denigrate and de- palliatives and pain killers” eign minister, showing the United Arab Emirates what he described as Is- rotting there without re- monize Saudi Arabia.” Israeli Foreign Minis- the challenges any further following agreements to rael’s perception of being course to justice,” Prince The prince reiterated the ter Gabi Ashkenazi, who deals between Arab states normalize ties. “peace-loving upholders of Turki said. “They are de- kingdom’s official position spoke immediately af- and Israel face in the ab- Left unresolved by high moral principles” ver- molishing homes as they that the solution lies in im- ter Prince Turki, said: “I sence of an independent those deals, however, is sus what he described as a wish and they assassinate plementing the Arab Peace would like to express my Palestinian state. the decades-long conflict far-darker Palestinian real- whomever they want.” Initiative, a 2002 Sau- regret on the comments of The fiery remarks by between Israel and the ity of living under a “West- The prince also criticized di-sponsored deal that offers the Saudi representative.” CLASSIFIED


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781-593-5308 / 781-598-0646 CALL 781-593-7700, EXT. 2 B8 THE DAILY ITEM MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2020 HEALTH Gene-editing shows promise for sickle cell

By Marion Renault ten sent her to the hospi- blood cells that don’t car- ASSOCIATED PRESS tal. ry oxygen well. They can “I had aching pains, stick together and clog Scientists are seeing sharp pains, burning small vessels, causing promising early results pains, you name it. That’s pain, organ damage and from the first studies all I’ve known my entire strokes. testing gene editing for life,” said Gray, 35, who Those with beta thalas- painful, inherited blood lives in Forest, Mississip- semia don’t have enough disorders that plague mil- pi. “I was hurting every- normal hemoglobin, and lions worldwide, especially where my blood flowed.” suffer anemia, fatigue, Black people. Since her treatment a shortness of breath and Doctors hope the one- year ago, Gray has weaned other symptoms. Severe time treatment, which herself from pain medica- cases require transfusions involves permanently al- tions she depended on to every two to five weeks. tering DNA in blood cells manage her symptoms. The treatment studied with a tool called CRISPR, “It’s something I prayed attacks the problem at its may treat and possibly for my whole life,” she genetic roots. cure sickle cell disease and said. “I pray everyone has In the womb, fetuses make beta thalassemia. the same results I did.” a special type of hemoglo- Partial results were Sickle cell affects mil- bin. After birth, when babies presented Saturday at an lions, mostly Black people. breathe on their own, a gene American Society of He- Beta thalassemia strikes is activated that instructs matology conference and about one in 100,000 peo- cells to switch and make an PHOTO | ASSOCIATED PRESS some were published by ple. The only cure now is adult form of hemoglobin in- Victoria Gray is in the middle of her infusion day during a gene editing the New England Journal a bone marrow transplant stead. The adult hemoglobin trial for sickle cell disease at the Sarah Cannon Research Institute and of Medicine. from a closely matched is what’s defective in people The Children’s Hospital At TriStar Centennial in Nashville. Doctors described 10 donor without the disease with one of these diseases. patients who are at least like a sibling, which most The CRISPR editing aims to Institute in Nashville. Then they are given back will enroll 45 patients several months removed people don’t have. cut out the switching gene. The treatment involves their own lab-altered stem from their treatment. All Both diseases involve “What we are doing is each. removing stem cells from cells. no longer need regular mutations in a gene for turning that switch back Tests so far suggest the Saturday’s results were blood transfusions and are hemoglobin, the substance off and making the cells the patient’s blood, then gene editing is working as using CRISPR in a lab to on the first 10 patients, free from pain crises that in red blood cells that car- think they are back in ute- desired with no unintend- knock out the switching seven with beta thalas- plagued their lives before. ries oxygen throughout ro, basically,” so they make ed effects, Frangoul said. Victoria Gray, the first the body. fetal hemoglobin again, gene. Patients are giv- semia and three with sick- patient in the sickle cell In sickle cell, defective said one study leader, Dr. en strong medicines to le cell. The two studies in “The preliminary results study, had long suffered hemoglobin leads to de- Haydar Frangoul of the kill off their other, flawed Europe and the United are extremely encourag- severe pain bouts that of- formed, crescent-shaped Sarah Cannon Research blood-producing cells. States are ongoing and ing,” he said. Surgery safety in the age of COVID

MAYO CLINIC NEWS you’ll be safe during the “There are many reasons NETWORK procedure. your surgeon may recom- The COVID-19 pandemic mend waiting until the COVID-19 has changed has affected health care in pandemic ends,” says Ken- many daily routines, from many ways. In some hospi- dra Kamlitz, M.D., a gener- socializing, work, school, tals, this has led to delays of al surgeon at Mayo Clinic eating at a restaurant and non-urgent surgeries. Some Health System in Fairmont. filling your gas tank. Even a elective or nonemergency “It could be to protect your trip to your health care pro- surgeries may be postponed health or limit the spread of vider’s office is different due without a scheduled date, COVID-19 infection in your to COVID-19. which may make you feel community. The decision If you’re facing a major worried. Your surgeon will also could be made to save surgery, you might wonder carefully consider the risks personal protective equip- what preparation and recov- of waiting against having ment (PPE), hospital space ery will look like. You might the surgery during the pan- or the use of ventilators for be anxious about whether demic. patients with COVID-19.” Help make a child’s Christmas wish come true!

Please donate SHUTTERSTOCK IMAGE Even the stress from COVID-19 can affect your health. to help make the holidays happy for 54 When protecting against years of making children in need. holiday wishes come true COVID, don’t neglect stress The Item Salvation Army Santa Fund th MAYO CLINIC NEWS NETWORK be helpful, as well,” says Dr. Sawchuk. is in its 54 year of providing “If we find that we’re withdrawing more, gifts and coats to children The COVID-19 pandemic has great- then it’s good, and it’s important for us ly disrupted everyone’s lives, creating to pay attention to that and to set goals in need at Christmas time. a lot of stress. You might not realize it, of reaching out to healthy others in our but that stress can affect your health. lives as well, too.” Frequent headaches, trouble sleeping, Your generosity is Recognizing how stress is affecting oth- fatigue, muscle pains and an upset stom- ers and reaching out to them is import- ach are just a few of the symptoms that very much appreciated ant, too. stress can cause in your life. “So at least inviting in a conversation Everyone has a “stressometer,” accord- about that, making them aware of it, ing to Dr. Craig Sawchuk, a Mayo Clinic Donate online at and not turning it into a fight or conflict. psychologist. It’s an indication from your body that stress is affecting your overall Just like: ‘Hey, you know what, I’ve no- health. ticed that you’ve been acting this way. “So one way that we think people ex- Have you been noticing that, too?’” says perience stress is physically. So we may Dr. Sawchuk. “For many people, just even Yes! I want to help experience it in our stomach. Our sleep being aware of maybe acting in a particu- gets disrupted. We feel a lot more tense,” lar kind of way or responding in a kind of make a child’s says Dr. Sawchuk. “We can also see it way can actually help them start to make Christmas wish come true! emotionally, sometimes more of that ir- some adjustments and some changes on Item Santa ritability or sometimes even flattening of their own.” Name(s) emotions. Sometimes we see it in terms For the safety of its patients, staff and of how we think, whether it be it’s dif- visitors, Mayo Clinic has strict masking ficult to concentrate, we’re worrying or policies in place. Anyone shown without Street ruminating more, or sometimes how we a mask was recorded prior to COVID-19 behave. Sometimes we tend to withdraw, or recorded in an area not designated for City State Zip or maybe our eating or drinking starts to patient care, where social distancing and pick up. So it’s really important that we other safety protocols were followed. Enclosed is: $ pay attention to our own stressometer.” Information in this post was accurate If you’re experiencing physical signs at the time of its posting. Due to the fluid Make check payable to: Item Santa of stress, Dr. Sawchuk says relaxation nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, sci- techniques, such as meditation, focused entific understanding, along with guide- Please acknowledge our gift as: breathing or massage, can help. Main- lines and recommendations, may have Name(s) above Anonymous taining a good sleep routine and eating a changed since the original publication healthy, balanced diet is important. Reg- date. Other ular exercise also can be a stress reliev- For more information and all your er. And avoid tobacco use, excess caffeine COVID-19 coverage, go to the Mayo Clin- and alcohol. ic News Network and Clip and mail to: “If we’re struggling with difficulties (Mayo Clinic News Network is your The Item Salvation Army Santa with our thinking, sometimes being able source for health news, advances in re- P.O. Box 5, Lynn, MA 01903 to journal the worries — writing them search and wellness tips.) Thank you! down in ways to challenge them to try to Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, look at things more flexibly — can also LLC

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.